Central Bank yeArgentina Inogadzirira Mitemo Mitsva yeDhijitari Wallet

By Bitcoin.com - 2 years ago - Nguva yekuverenga: 2 maminitsi

Central Bank yeArgentina Inogadzirira Mitemo Mitsva yeDhijitari Wallet

ICentral Bank yeArgentina inonzi iri kushanda paboka idzva remitemo iri kutsvaga kudzora huwandu hwema digital wallets munyika. Hurongwa hutsva hwemutemo uhwu hwakanangana nekumisa hutsotsi hunonzi hunofambiswa nemidziyo iyi. Maererano nekuburitswa kwenhau dzemuno, kuburitswa kwemutemo kwave pedyo.

Central Bank yeArgentina Targets Digital Wallets

The Central Bank of Argentina has its sights on the use of digital wallets. The directory of the bank is zvakataurwa producing a new set of regulations to better understand what’s happening with the funds in these wallets and improve their KYC measures. Regarding how this will be implemented, it stated:

Hazvisi zvekurambidza chero chinhu, asi nezvekushandisa mitemo imwechete iyo mabhanga anofanira kutevedzera nhasi maererano nekuziva vatengi vavo.

Bhanga iri rakazivisa kuti rave kushandisa mitemo mitsva iyi nekuti pane chitsotsi chakakura panyaya yekushandiswa kwemidziyo iyi, uye mamwe makambani haanyatso chenjerera paanenge achitenga vatengi. Haasi mawallet ese anoshanda nenzira imwechete, saka mitemo ichafanirwa kushandiswa pane imwe nyaya-ne-case hwaro, nhengo dzebhangi repakati dzakajekesa.

Chiyero ichi chinobvumira bhanga kuti ridzore kuyerera kwevashandisi vari kushandisa aya mawallet edhijitari seMercado Pago, inofungidzirwa nhamba iri pedyo ne30 miriyoni. Gore rapfuura, Central Bank yeArgentina yakasimbisa kuti makambani aya aifanira kuchengetedza zana remari yevatengi mumaakaundi avo ebhangi, zvichikanganisa mukana wemakambani kuwana purofiti kubva mukudyara kwakaitwa nechikamu chemari iyi.

Kutorwa Kuri Kutoitika

While the Central Bank is working out this new legal framework regarding digital wallets, the AFIP, which is the Argentinian Tax Authority, has already moved to kutora the funds in digital wallets of taxpayers with debts. Almost 10,000 taxpayers are expected to have their digital wallets confiscated in the coming months.

This plan may already be in execution, as local media is kubika that the first case of these seizures has already happened. The first confiscation was reportedly requested by the AFIP and a judge authorized the institution to take control of the funds in the digital account to pay debts accumulated by the user. The state tried to seize the bank accounts of the taxpayer first, but the outcome of this action was negative.

Iwe unofungei nezve iyo mitsva mirau yedhijitari wallet muArgentina? Tiudze muchikamu chemashoko pazasi.

Original source: Bitcoin.com