Crypto Bull Market Kusvika 'Isingagoneki' Matanho eHype muna 2022, Inofanotaura Coin Bureau.

By The Daily Hodl - 2 makore apfuura - Nguva yekuverenga: 3 maminetsi

Crypto Bull Market Kusvika 'Isingagoneki' Matanho eHype muna 2022, Inofanotaura Coin Bureau.

Iyo yakakurumbira crypto chiteshi Coin Bureau ari kuisa fungidziro yake nezvekuti iyo crypto bull run inogona kusvika kumagumo muna 2022.

Muvhidhiyo nyowani, muongorori anozivikanwa saGuy inotsanangura his 1.83 million YouTube subscribers that a bear market will begin but only if one or a combination of several key factors comes to pass.

“The first condition is a catalyst of some kind that would create insane amounts of hype and drive crypto prices to unsustainable highs, such as the approval of a spot-Bitcoin ETF [exchange-traded fund].

I say this because the BTC top in the previous bull market happened on the same day that Bitcoin futures began trading on the CME [Chicago Mercantile Exchange] in 2017.

The likelihood that this will happen again with a spot-Bitcoin ETF is quite high, and my evidence for this is the record amounts of inflow we saw with the first Bitcoin Futures ETF when it was listed in the United States [in October of 2021].

Hazvishamise kuti mapindiro uye huwandu hwekutengesa hwadzikira zvakanyanya kubva ipapo. "

Iyo Coin Bureau host inoshushikanawo nezvekuti mutemo ungakanganisa sei ramangwana re cryptocurrencies munzira dzinopfuura hafu yegumi nemaviri.

"Chimiro chechina uye chekupedzisira chinoda kusangana kuti musika wenzombe upere ndeye crypto-chaiyo chinhu chinokanganisa musika wekrispto. Hapana kushayikwa kweblack swans pano.

Kupwanya paTether [USDT], kuparara kwe stablecoins kazhinji.

Kuparara kwevagadziri ve crypto nekuda kwezvisina kutaurwa zvakanaka mubhadharo ichangopfuura yezvivakwa, kukanganisa kwevashandisi ve crypto uye vagadzirisi nekuda kwechikonzero chimwe chete.

Kupwanya kwecrypto wallet muzita rekurwisa mari. Kupwanya paDeFi [decentralized finance] nechikonzero chimwe chete.

Kuparara kwekuchera crypto nekuda kwekunetseka kwezvakatipoteredza [uye] kushomeka kwesimba. "

Looking at the metaverse, Guy follows up on a previous hurukuro about the nascent crypto sector. He thinks recent corporate interest in the space is a sign of increasing expansion and momentum.

"Nhoroondo yemetaverse icharamba ichienderera mberi nekukura kweNFTs [non-fungible tokens], blockchain mitambo uye mamwe ma crypto niches anowira pasi peamburera imwe chete ...

Ivo zvakare vanotyaira kutorwa kwecryptocurrency padanho remasangano. Takatoona makambani makuru gumi nemaviri achipinda muNFTs, ichangoburwa ichiva Adidas, iyo muunganidzwa weNFT wakakwanisa kuita muchidimbu kuve mukuru nekutengesa huwandu.


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  Tarisa Dzidziso Dzepamhepo Misoro

  Disiki: Pfungwa dzakaburitswa kuThe Daily Hodl haazi mazano ekudyara. Vashandi vanofanira kuita kushingaira kwavo vasati vaita mari yakawanda-ine ngozi Bitcoin, cryptocurrency kana zvinhu zvemadhijitari. Ndokumbirawo kuti muzive kuti kuwedzeredza uye kutengeserana kuri panjodzi yako wega, uye chero kurasikirwa kwaungawana ibasa rako. Iyo Daily Hodl haikurudzire kutenga kana kutengeswa kwechero mari yemadhora kana zvinhu zvemadhijitari, uye iyo The Daily Hodl chipangamazano wezvekudyara. Ndokumbira utarise kuti The Daily Hodl inotora chikamu mukubatana kwekushambadzira.

Mufananidzo Uripo: Shutterstock/lassedesignen/Salamahin

The post Crypto Bull Market Kusvika 'Isingagoneki' Matanho eHype muna 2022, Inofanotaura Coin Bureau. yakatanga kutanga Zuva Nezuva.

Original source: Zuva Nezuva