Crypto Companies Are Telling Employees To Pack Up, But Binance Is Hiring – Here’s Why

By Bitcoinist - 1 gore rapfuura - Nguva yekuverenga: 2 maminitsi

Crypto Companies Are Telling Employees To Pack Up, But Binance Is Hiring – Here’s Why

As some crypto exchanges are cracking under pressure and sending employees packing, Binance’s CEO said the company is on a hiring spree. Binance if offering 2,000 positions to qualified talents, according to co-founder Yi He.

Mumavhiki mashoma apfuura, musika wekriptoakti wakadonha sezvo vanoisa mari vakabvisa mari yavo kubva kudhijitari tokens uye vakananga kumidziyo inopa yakachengeteka kana yakakwirira goho.

Mangwanani eChipiri, kukosha kwemusika wemari yedhijitari kwakawira pasi pemadhora 1 trillion. Nekuda kwekusada kwevanoisa mari kuwana nekutengesa midziyo yedhijitari, mihoro yemapuratifomu ekutengesa crypto yakadzikira.

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Crypto Winter Doesn’t Worry Binance

Changpeng Zhao akataurwa pamusangano wesvondo rapfuura weConsensus 2022 muAustin, Texas achiti, "Kana tiri muchando chechando, tichazvisimudzira, tichazvishandisa zvakanyanya."

In the past 24 hours, the cryptocurrency market has lost 12% of its overall value. The decline that began in April continued throughout the weekend. Since Friday, the leading tokens Bitcoin and Ether have declined by 14 percent and 25 percent, respectively, with BTC prices falling below $25,000 for the first time in 18 months.

Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao said the company has a "very healthy war chest." Source: Business Insider.

The CEO of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, Binance, said the company has a “very healthy war chest” and would be ramping up their hiring despite the ongoing bloodbath in the bear market.

Inodiwa: Mainjiniya & Vashambadziri

In an interview with Fortune, Yi said Binance is currently offering 2,000 job posts for “engineers, marketing, product to business development,” adding that the digital asset industry “is still in its early stages,” and that it was “a great time to bring on top talent.”

Bitcoin was selling for $22,521 at the time of writing, a 66 percent decline from its all-time high of $69,045 in November of last year. And, according to market pundits, Bitcoin and other related assets have a considerable distance to fall before reaching rock bottom.

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Dzimwe shanduko uye mabhizinesi ane mukurumbira mumunda wemidziyo yedhijitari ari kumisa vashandi sezvo mutengo wechero mari yekrispto wakatora zvakanyanya mumavhiki mashoma apfuura.

Gemini vachangobva kuratidza kuti vachagumisa zvibvumirano zvevashandi maererano nemamiriro asina kugadzikana emusika. Coinbase akati musi waChikumi 2 kuti yakanga ichimisa kuhaya uye kudzoreredza mabasa anopihwa, nepo neMuvhuro, Mutungamiriri weCrypto startup BlockFi akazivisa kuderedzwa kwe20 muzana mumusoro.

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Original source: Bitcoinndiko