Crypto Market Turning Point - Yakawanda Cryptocurrencies Pasi 57% kusvika Kupfuura 80% Kubva Mutengo Wakakwira

By - 1 year ago - Nguva yekuverenga: 3 maminitsi

Crypto Market Turning Point - Yakawanda Cryptocurrencies Pasi 57% kusvika Kupfuura 80% Kubva Mutengo Wakakwira

Roughly six months ago, bitcoin and a number of digital assets reached all-time highs and the crypto economy crested above $3 trillion in value. Today is a different story as a great majority of cryptocurrencies are down between 57% to over 80% against the U.S. dollar.

Ipo maCryptos Ari Pazasi Kubva kuATHs, 2020 Vabati Vachiri muGreen

On November 9, 2021, or 196 days ago, the crypto economy was valued at over $3 trillion, and today it’s worth roughly 56% less at $1.31 trillion. Six months ago, bitcoin (BTC) yakabata yakakwira-nguva (ATH) pamadhora makumi matanhatu neshanu payuniti uye nhasi, yadzikira kupfuura 69% muUSD kukosha.

Yechipiri inotungamira asset, ethereum (ETH), yakarasikirwa ne59.85% mushure mekusvika $4,847.57 per ether mwedzi mitanhatu yapfuura. Yechina-yakakura crypto asset BNB iri pasi 52.65% mushure mekutapa $689 per unit. XRP haina kana padyo neayo Ndira 07, 2018 ATH iyo dhijitari asset yakabatwa makore mana apfuura payakasvika $3.40 pamari. XRP nhasi yadzikira kupfuura 87% inopesana nedhora reUS kubva panguva iyoyo nenguva.

Cardano (ADA) yakarova ATH yayo mwedzi mipfumbamwe yapfuura pamadhora matatu ADA uye ikozvino, ADA yakaderera ne83.5% pamadhora ekuAmerica. Solana (SOL) yakabata ATH yayo mwedzi minomwe yapfuura uye iri pasi 81.5% muUSD kukosha.

The tenth-largest crypto asset today, dogecoin (DOGE) is down 88.8% from the meme coin’s ATH a year ago. While prices are down since 2021’s high, crypto investors that purchased digital assets in 2020 have seen it their cryptocurrencies rise. For instance, the price of bitcoin (BTC) kubvira 2020 iri kumusoro 303.28% uye ethereum (ETHyakakwira 465.70%.

The same can be said for many of the top coins today. Binance's BNB chiratidzo chasvetuka 173.53% mumakore maviri uye cardano (ADA) is up 443.83%. Gains are even bigger for those who purchased crypto assets in 2017 as bitcoin (BTC) yakakwira 1,294.85% kubvira gore iroro. Yechipiri inotungamira crypto asset ethereum (ETH) yakakwira 8,985.15% kubvira 2017 ichipikisana nedhora reUS.

XRP vabatiri vaona kuwana kwakawanda kubva 2017 se XRP yakawedzera kukosha ne31,346.47% mukati memakore mana apfuura. 2017 yaive nguva yekudyara kune vatengesi vekrispto se BTC yakarova mutengo wenguva dzose wakakwira gore iroro pamadhora makumi maviri pachikamu chimwe chete uye 20 yakanga yakafanana maererano nemitengo yemitengo.

Crypto's Strong Correlation neStocks, 289-Day Bear Inomhanya, uye Kuwedzera Capitulation

Market Strategists vanotenda misika zhinji yemabheya ine nguva isingasviki mwedzi 9.5. Uyezve, munguva pfupi yapfuura cryptocurrencies ave zvinoenderana nemisika yemasheya uye zvakanyanya kunyanya stock indexes senge Nasdaq 100 uye S&P 500. Izvi zvinogona kureva kuti crypto bheya musika haizoperi kusvikira stock market bere run yapera.

Bank of America strategists munguva pfupi yapfuura tsanangudzo kuti S&P 500 yakanyora huwandu hwegumi nemapfumbamwe musika wemabheya. Avhareji yenguva yekutenderera yega yega yaive mazuva mazana maviri nemakumi masere nepfumbamwe uye avhareji yepasi yeS&P 19 yaive 289% yakaderera pane ATH.

If cryptocurrencies are to follow the pattern, it could mean the bearish sentiment could last another three months longer, if history repeats and digital assets continue to follow the current correlation with equities. Unfortunately for crypto investors, S&P 500’s average drop of 37.3% is nothing like the lows the crypto economy has seen during extreme capitulation. Three bitcoin (BTC) mabheti ave anopfuura 80% yakaderera pane maATHs akanyorwa panguva yenzombe.

Nepo pamusoro gumi crypto assets vari pasi 57% kuti pamusoro 80% nechekare, mitengo aigona kuenda kuderera zvikuru. Iyo 80% yekudonha kubva BTC's $69K yakakwirira ingadai iri $13,800 per unit uye 80% kucheka muether's ATH kukosha kunoguma nemutengo we $970.

Parizvino, crypto assets senge BTC uye ETH are seemingly at a turning point that will take the value one of three ways. For example, the price of bitcoin could consolidate in this region for quite some time, the price could also rise again back into a bullish scenario, or the value drops even lower from here resulting in more capitulation.

Iwe unofungei nezve crypto assets iri pasi 57% kusvika pamusoro pe80% yakaderera pane yavo mitengo yakakwira? Tizivise zvaunofunga nezvenyaya iyi muchikamu chemashoko pazasi.

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