Crypto Reacts: Iyo Ethereum Yakabatanidza Kubudirira Kana Mess?

By Bitcoinist - 1 gore rapfuura - Nguva yekuverenga: 5 maminitsi

Crypto Reacts: Iyo Ethereum Yakabatanidza Kubudirira Kana Mess?

For better or worse, we live in a post-Merge world. Ethereum is finally a Proof-Of-Stake blockchain. The switch is among the most important and divisive news of the year. The Ethereum side sees it as a technological wonder and the bitcoin side as a great mistake. For the first time since we started the Crypto Reacts feature, both camps are at totally opposite ends of the spectrum. 

Tora mapopcorn. Izvi zvichave zvinonakidza.

Izvo zvese zvinotanga neiyo Vitalik inoshamisa tsananguro yehuzivi yezvinoreva kusanganisa.

"Proof of Work is based on the laws of physics, so you have to work with the world as it is… Whereas because Proof of Stake is virtualized in this way, it's basically letting us create a simulated universe that has its own laws of physics."#Bitcoin

— Walkernaut (@WalkerAmerica) September 15, 2022

Murume uyu arikutamba here?

“Umboo hweBasa hunobva pamitemo yefizikisi, saka unofanira kushanda nenyika sezvazviri… Nepo nekuti Humbowo hweKubata hunoitwa nenzira iyi, zviri kutiita kuti tigadzire denga rakafananidzirwa rine mitemo yaro yefizikisi. .”

Vitalik ndeyechokwadi here? Murume uyu anorevei kana achidaro? Mune mamwe mamiriro akajeka, murume ari kumashure kweEthereum tweeted:

“Farai musanganise mose. Iyi inguva huru yeEthereum ecosystem. Wese munhu akabatsira kuita kuti kusanganisa kuitike anofanira kunzwa kudada nhasi. "

Uye takapedzisa!

Kufara kubatanidza zvese. Iyi inguva huru yeEthereum ecosystem. Wese munhu akabatsira kuti kusanganisa kuitike anofanira kunzwa kudada nhasi.

- muhimuik.eth (@VitalikButerin) September 15, 2022

Mubvunzo uri pano ndewekuti, vamwe vese vakati chii?

The Ethereum Community Went To Bat For The Merge Our friends at Coindesk wrote about the live viewing party: “When the Merge officially kicked in at 6:43 a.m. UTC, more than 41,000 people were tuned in on YouTube to an “Ethereum Mainnet Merge Viewing Party.” They watched with bated breath as key metrics trickled in suggesting that Ethereum’s core systems had remained intact. After about 15 long minutes the Merge officially finalized, meaning it could be declared a success.” Messari founder Ryan Selkis doubled down on his Ethereum bet, “The positive impact of the Merge is tremendous, and there’s a good chance institutions and the woke mob bid ETH to the moon now that it’s “clean.” Still like me BTC, but the game just changed!”

I've 4x'd my ETH holdings.

I figured this would be the "sell the news" event, but the positive impact of the Merge is tremendous, and there's a good chance institutions and the woke mob bid ETH to the moon now that it's "clean."

Ndichiri seni BTC, asi mutambo wakangochinja!

— Ryan Selkis (@twobitidiot) September 15, 2022

Nouns NFT's Steve Fink akarumbidza timu yebudiriro, "kusanganisa kusaita kunoreva kuti mainjiniya akanyanya f *** ing elite."

kusanganisa kuve kusingaite zvinoreva kuti mainjiniya anonyatso fucking elite

-Steve ⌐◨-◨ (@stevefink) September 15, 2022

Shape Shift's Erik Voorhees akaenda zvishoma achibata pfungwa imwechete, "kukunda kwakachena kweuchenjeri hwevanhu kwakaratidzwa neEthereum merge kunokurudzira zvikuru. Zvakaitika pasina kubatanidzwa kwesangano, pasina kumanikidzwa kwehurumende, pasina patents, vezvematongerwo enyika, kana miganhu. "

Kukunda kwakachena kweuchenjeri hwevanhu kwakaratidzwa ne #Eherehereum kusangana kunokurudzira zvakanyanya.

It occurred without the centralization of a corporation, without the coercions of government, without patents, politicians, or borders.

Runyararo, kurongeka kwekukurumidza pamwero wepamusoro.

- Erik Voorhees (@ErikVoorhees) September 15, 2022

Ethereum maximalist Eric.eth akakudza zita rake, "Chinhu chinoshamisa chose kushandura blockchain inoshandiswa pasi rose kuenda kuPoS pasina vazhinji vashandisi vekupedzisira kana kucherechedza kana kuita chero chinhu."

Can't say enough about all of the builders, researchers, coordinators and more that made this all happen.

It's an absolutely incredible feat to transition a globally used blockchain to PoS without most end users even noticing or having to do anything.

Chokwadi incredible. Mufaro.

- eric.eth (@econoar) September 15, 2022

Ndiro divi rakanaka. Iwe haugone kutaura kuti isu hatina kuratidza divi rakanaka rekubatanidza, nekuti takadaro.

ETH mutengo chati ye 09/16/2022 paEightcap | Kwakabva: ETH/USD pa Bitcoiners Don’t Believe In The Post-Merge Ethereum

Ndizvo bitcoin maximalists too grumpy and anti-innovation? Or are they on to something that changes everything? The answers depend on who you ask. One thing’s for sure, though. The bitcoin maxis came out in full force to make fun and paint the Ethereum merge as a serious tactical mistake.

Synonym’s John Carvalho described the situation and attacked where it hurts: the price. “Bitcoin’s largest and most divisive competitor, Ethereum, gave up competing for hashpower and fully transitioned to a corporate security today in what media is calling “The Merge.” ETH prices fell 12% on the news.”

BREAKING: Bitcoin's largest and most divisive competitor, Ethereum, gave up competing for hashpower and fully transitioned to a corporate security today in what media is calling "The Merge." ETH prices fell 12% on the news.

— John Carvalho (@BitcoinErrorLog) September 15, 2022

Ane mukurumbira Adam Back akatsanangura Proof-of-Stake se, "neo-feudal serfs uye kune dijitari fiefdoms inotongwa nemadzishe ekutanga. zera rerima redhijitari rinokwidziridzwa nemari inodzorwa nemakambani pre-migodhi. "

vs PoS - neo-feudal serfs uye kune dijitari fiefdoms inotongwa nemadzishe epamberi. mazera erima edhijitari anokwidziridzwa nemari inodzorwa nemakambani pre-migodhi.

- Adam Back (@ adam3us) September 15, 2022

The Space Force's Jason Lowery akafanotaura mamiriro anogona kuitika. "PoS haisi kuzokundikana. PoS haisi kuzotyoka.PoS ichaita chaizvo magadzirirwo akaitwa PoS, kungofanana nemafambiro ese anoenderana neruvimbo, anotenderwa, uye asina hanya nemaitiro ekutonga zviwanikwa mumakore 7,500 apfuura.

PoS isn't going to fail. PoS isn't going to break.

PoS ichaita chaizvo magadzirirwo akaitwa PoS, sekunge ese akavimbika-akavakirwa, mvumo-yakavakirwa, uye inegalitarian zviwanikwa manejimendi masisitimu akaita mumakore 7,500 apfuura.

- Jason Lowery (@JasonPlowery) September 15, 2022

Adamant Research's Tuur Demeester akatsanangura mamiriro eEthereum network post-merge. "44% yeETH yakabatwa nemasangano maviri chete, Lido & Coinbase. Wedzera Kraken, uye inosvetukira ku2% yeETH yakazara yakabatwa ne52 masangano. "

44% yeETH inobatwa ne2 chete masangano, Lido & Coinbase. Wedzera Kraken, uye inosvetukira ku52% yeETH yakazara yakatemerwa ne3 masangano.

- Tuur Demeester (@TuurDemeester) September 15, 2022

Panyaya dzecentralization, finbold inopa mamwe data. “Mushure mekuvandudzwa, kero yekutanga yakabata mabhuroki angangosvika 188 ayo anotora chikamu che28.97%, chechipiri pakukura chine 16.18% kana 105. Kazhinji, zvikwama zviviri izvi zvinotonga kugadzirisa kweEthereum, kuchengetedza data, uye kuwedzera blockchain blocks nyowani.

Uye ndiyo yanhasi Crypto Reacts.

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Original source: Bitcoinndiko