Crypto Strategist Who Predicted 2018 Bitcoin Bottom Issues Alert, Says BTC Primed for Fresh Bear Market Lows

By The Daily Hodl - 1 gore rapfuura - Nguva yekuverenga: maminitsi maviri

Crypto Strategist Who Predicted 2018 Bitcoin Bottom Issues Alert, Says BTC Primed for Fresh Bear Market Lows

A crypto analyst who correctly called Bitcoin's (BTC) 2018 pasi inoti mambo crypto arikumisikidza imwe nzira yekururamisa munzira yekuveza musika mutsva webere wakaderera.

The pseudonymous analyst Smart Contracter tells his 216,200 Twitter followers that Bitcoin’s recent rally from its current bear market low of $15,546 is likely coming to an end.

"Ndichiri wekutenda izvozvi kuti kukwira paBTC chikamu chekugadzirisa ABC wave mana tisati tagadzira imwe yakaderera- $ 15,000 muQ1 2023 kwatinowana nguva refu." 

Source: Smart Contracter / Twitter

Smart Contracter inoshandisa iyo Elliott Wave theory, nzira yekuongorora yehunyanzvi iyo inoedza kufanotaura chiitiko chemutengo weramangwana nekutevera psychology yevatori vechikamu pamusika inotaridza kuratidza mumafungu. Zvinoenderana nedzidziso, downtrend inoumbwa nemafungu mashanu, apo iyo asset inoona mapfupi mabhunu panguva yemafungu maviri neina.

According to Smart Contracter’s chart, Bitcoin appears to be on the last leg of its wave four bounce, gearing up for a final run toward $18,000. The analyst predicts that BTC will subsequently continue its downtrend to his target of around $14,500 to complete the five-wave cycle.

Panguva yekunyora, Bitcoin is changing hands for $16,979, suggesting a nearly 15% decrease should BTC reach Smart Contracter’s bottom target.

The crypto strategist ari kuchengetawo pedyo kurinda pamusoro US dhora indekisi (DXY), iyo anoti ari kupenya bullish zviratidzo.

"Big DXY kudzoserwa nhasi, kwete izvo zvaunoda kuona kana iwe uri bullish pa crypto. Kunyangwe yakanakisa mamiriro ezvinhu, ndinofunga ichiri kutenderera kusvika ku108-109 izvo zvingangotumira crypto pasi. 

Source: Smart Contracter / Twitter

Traders keep a close watch on the DXY as a strong index suggests that investors are selling risk assets like Bitcoin and stocks in favor of the US dollar.

Meanwhile, fellow Elliott Wave practitioner Credible believes that Bitcoin can surge above resistance at $18,000. The analyst tells his 336,200 Twitter followers that Bitcoin is in an uptrend on the one-hour chart and looks poised for a big bounce.

Source: Kuvimbika / Twitter

Zvichienderana neiyo Elliott Wave dzidziso, chinhu chiri muuptrend chinopindawo nemafungu mashanu, uko mafungu ekutanga, matatu neshanu ari misangano kuenda kumusoro. Achitarisa chati yemuongorori, anoona BTC ichipedza mafungu ayo maviri ekugadzirisa mafambiro pamadhora gumi nematanhatu nemazana mana asati atungidza masaisai matatu pamusoro pemadhora gumi nemasere.

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  Disiki: Pfungwa dzakaburitswa kuThe Daily Hodl haazi mazano ekudyara. Vashandi vanofanira kuita kushingaira kwavo vasati vaita mari yakawanda-ine ngozi Bitcoin, cryptocurrency kana zvinhu zvemadhijitari. Ndokumbirawo kuti muzive kuti kuwedzeredza uye kutengeserana kuri panjodzi yako wega, uye chero kurasikirwa kwaungawana ibasa rako. Iyo Daily Hodl haikurudzire kutenga kana kutengeswa kwechero mari yemadhora kana zvinhu zvemadhijitari, uye iyo The Daily Hodl chipangamazano wezvekudyara. Ndokumbira utarise kuti The Daily Hodl inotora chikamu mukubatana kwekushambadzira.

Mufananidzo Uripo: Shutterstock/Taves/David Sandron

The post Crypto Strategist Who Predicted 2018 Bitcoin Bottom Issues Alert, Says BTC Primed for Fresh Bear Market Lows yakatanga kutanga Zuva Nezuva.

Original source: Zuva Nezuva