Kunyangwe Zvichangobva Kutyisidzirwa Kubva kuCanada Vakuru, 'Chaiyo Crypto' kana Decentralized Assets haigone Kuomeswa.

By Bitcoin.com - 2 years ago - Nguva yekuverenga: 4 maminitsi

Kunyangwe Zvichangobva Kutyisidzirwa Kubva kuCanada Vakuru, 'Chaiyo Crypto' kana Decentralized Assets haigone Kuomeswa.

Over the last week, there’s been a lot of discussion about Canada ‘freezing’ digital currency accounts that are associated with the Canadian trucker’s Freedom Convoy. Amid the topical conversation, it should be stressed that decentralized cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum, cannot be frozen directly within the network. However, the Canadian government can flag specific digital currency addresses and take it even further, by asking centralized entities like crypto exchanges and payment processors to freeze the funds.

Canadian Officials Can Flag Crypto Addresses and Threaten Exchanges, but They Can’t ‘Freeze Bitcoin'

Last week, the Canadian government and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau kukumbirwa the country’s Emergencies Act and enacted Canada’s terrorist financing policy in order to blanket cryptocurrencies donations. Trudeau and the government did this to quell the protesters occupying the streets of Ottawa.

The Canadian government managed to get Gofundme to vhara the Freedom Convoy’s fundraiser and it flagged 34 crypto addresses allegedly associated with crypto fundraisers. Reports had indicated that Canada’s police sent letters to banks and crypto-asset exchanges and insisted that companies “cease facilitating any transactions” with the aforementioned flagged addresses.

maererano to a number of financial institutions and crypto companies, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) did in fact send the letters. Furthermore, another ripoti details that an Ontario Superior Court judge has ordered financial institutions to freeze any assets tied to the Freedom Convoy including digital assets.

The order reportedly derived from a “secret hearing” initiated by Ottawa residents and attorney Paul Champ. “I can confirm that this is the first successful Mareva order in Canada targeting bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchanges,” Champ explained to the press.

Zvichakadaro, pasinei nemisoro yenyaya inotaura pamusoro pekugadzirisa zvakananga crypto assets, zvinofanira kuonekwa kuti izvi zvinogona kuitika chete nekutyisidzira kushandiswa uye kutarisa crypto-to-fiat off-ramps.

Nezuro, Dare Repamusoro reJustice reOntario rakatitumira Mareva Injunction, richitiraira kuti tisunungure uye tiburitse ruzivo nezvezvinhu zvakabatanidzwa #FreedomConvoy2022 kufamba.

Heino mhinduro yedu yepamutemo. pic.twitter.com/iuxliXhN5y

— nunchuk_io (@nunchuk_io) February 19, 2022

It is impossible to freeze a bitcoin (BTC) or ethereum (ETH) address and render it useless to the owner. The only way to do that is by using force or threats of imprisonment or death and ultimately obtaining a crypto owner’s private keys. This is why fundraisers, like the BTC fund that raised 21 bitcoin, shandisa ma-multi-signature controls.

According to the software developers behind the non-custodial bitcoin wallet nunchucks, the team was sent a Mareva injunction letter. Nunchuk akanyora achipindura kuOntario Superior Court of Justice uye akaudza dare kuti yaisakwanisa kutevedzera mirairo.

“Dear Ontario High Court Judge, Nunchuk is a self-defense, collaborative, multi-sig bitcoin wallet,” the Nunchuk team’s letter says. “We are a software provider, not a security finance intermediary. Our software is free to use. While protecting privacy, it helps people to eliminate single points of failure and save bitcoin as safely as possible.” Nunchuk’s letter adds:

Isu hatiunganidze chero ruzivo rwekuzivikanwa kwemushandisi kupfuura kero yeemail. Hatina makiyi. Saka: 'Vashandisi vedu' zvinhu hazvigone kudzimwa.' '[Hati]kwanisi "kuvharisa kutengeserana.' Isu hatizive 'kuvapo, hunhu, kukosha uye nzvimbo' yezvinhu zvevashandisi vedu. Ona kuti kuzvidzivirira uye makiyi emunhu anoshanda sei. Kana dhora rekuCanada risipo, isu tichave pano nekuda kwako.

Mukuru weKraken Jesse Powell: 'Hatigone Kukudzivirira - Rambira kune Chaiyo Crypto'.

Mukuru weKraken, Jesse Powell, akatsanangura paTwitter kuti kana vanhu vachinetsekana nezve kuwana mari yavo yekrispto chando saka havafanirwe kuchengeta crypto pamapuratifomu epakati. Kupindura mumwe munhu kupindura nezve crypto exchanges nechando mari, Powell akati iyi yaive "100%" nyaya.

"100% hongu ine / ichaitika uye 100% hongu, isu tichamanikidzwa kutevedzera," akadaro Powell. "Kana uchinetseka nazvo, usachengete mari yako kune chero wepakati / anodzorwa muchengeti. Hatikwanise kukudzivirira,” Powell Tweeted. Mune imwe nguva Tweet, Powell akakurukura kuti kuenda pa-cheni kumusoro kwekuchengetedza zviratidzo se stablecoins zvingave zvisina kuchengeteka zvakare.

“You’re not necessarily safe just going on-chain,” Powell said. “The top reserve tokens with centralized issuance and redemption, like USDT and USDC have centralized control of freeze functionality that can be commandeered as easily as a bank account. Stick to real crypto,” he added. Both USDC and USDT issuers have frozen specific stablecoin addresses in the past.

In July 2020, Circle’s Centre Consortium blacklisted $100,000 in USDC after getting a chikumbiro from law enforcement. Tether has blacklisted hundreds of USDT addresses and last month, the company froze Madhora zana nemakumi mashanu emadhora USDT. So while digital currency exchanges, crypto payment processors, financial institutions, and banks can “cease facilitating any transactions” with crypto addresses, decentralized assets or “real crypto” cannot be commandeered unless the accounts’ private keys are taken by threats or physical force.

Unofungei nezvezvakataurwa naJesse Powell nezvekutsinhana kusakwanisa kukudzivirira uye kuomerera kwake nechirevo che 'crypto' chaiyo? Tizivise zvaunofunga nezvenyaya iyi muchikamu chemashoko pazasi.

Original source: Bitcoin.com