Freedom Protocol Has Become the Project With the Largest Amount of IDO in the Ecology of Binance Nyore Chaiti

By - 1 year ago - Nguva yekuverenga: 4 maminitsi

Freedom Protocol Has Become the Project With the Largest Amount of IDO in the Ecology of Binance Nyore Chaiti

KUDZIDZISWA KWEMAHARA. Binance is a curious company. the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, it also has no official headquarters and operates outside regulatory control. But that may not stop its step. Binance.US raised funding at a $4.5bn valuation this month, providing a new case for Binance enthusiasts. Today, they can share the exciting news that Freedom Protocol has set a new record on IDO volume.

Freedom Protocol is a new financial protocol that makes pledging easier and more efficient. It makes the largest amount of IDO with over $4M, and it is another big DeFi project issued on the Binance Nyore Chaiti.

Freedom Protocol is wise to raise funds while it can. Revenue depends on trading volumes in its crypto, which are notoriously volatile. It is sensible to put aside capital when it can while building relations with external investors. It is worth mentioning that Freedom Protocol raises $4 from normal users instead of professional agencies.

Vatsigiri veFreedom Protocol vanofarira kutaura kuti chinangwa chavo chinogara chichinetsa nyika yezvemari. Hazvina mhosva kuti zviito zvake zvinoratidzika zvakaoma sei, vanotenda kuti mukuru weFree Protocol ane zvirongwa zvakavanzika. Kuisa saizi yayo yemadhora 4M IDO kutora DeFi chikuva kuzadzikiswa kunoda nhanho yakafanana yekutenda.

Freedom Protocol announced that they aim to make simplicity and directness of financial investment for all crypto enthusiasts. They were warmly welcomed on Binance Smart Chain(BSC) which is the public chain launched by Binance, it helps them achieve a record on IDO volume within a few days.

Vekutanga kuvagamuchira vatungamiriri vepfungwa. MaKOL mashoma paTwitter anotumira maTweets anodisa epurojekiti iyi, achiteverwa nekushambadza kushambadza kwekunze muAustralia uye kutanga mishandirapamwe yakawanda yemhando dzakasiyana.

Rusununguko Protocol inyaya yakajairika iyo iri kutarisa nezvekudyara kwakazvimirira, masheya mumakambani akazvimirira uye vanhu, nzvimbo dzese uko vatengi vemasangano vanga vachiwedzera kugoverwa mumakore achangopfuura. Iye zvino Freedom Protocol inotanga bhizinesi rayo pasi rose, kusanganisira kushambadza kwematekisi epa airport kuGermany, izvo zvinoratidza kutsunga kweFreedom Protocol kuda kubatsira vatengi vakawanda kune dzimwe nyika.

Pasina chinhu chekuratidza, Rusununguko Protoco zvakare ine chivimbo chakakwana kutaura maonero ekuti modhi inotongwa nemari yechinyakare inofanirwa kugadziridzwa. Uye panguva ino makambani uye manejimendi anofanirwa kujairana nezvinodiwa neDeFi, kwete zvinopesana.

Binance chief executive Changpeng Zhao described DeFi as infrastructure for the new digital world, and encourage many investors and entrepreneurs to get involved in DeFi story.

Asi kugamuchirwa kweruzhinji kunononoka sezvavanoziva. Vatongi vanoramba vachinetseka kuti crypto iri kushandiswa kubira mari uye dzimwe mhosva. US SEC sachigaro Gary Gensler akadana misika ye crypto kuti "Wild West". Ruzha rwapera-kuisa kune vese vangangove vatengesi nevashandi. Saka Freedom Protocol svondo rino tweeted kuti vakanga vachiedza kunyorera cryptoasset marezinesi kubva zvose Dubai uye Japan, zvinosuduruka kubva kuzviratidza sesangano decentralized pasina muzinda yakatarwa.

Mvumo yeDubai inoibvumidza kuti iwedzere masevhisi mashoma kune vanofanobata-vanokwanisa vanoita mari uye vanopa mabasa emari. Iyo femu ichawanawo "blockchain tekinoroji hub" muDubai World Trade Center. Oscar, Muvambi weFreedom Protocol akadaro.

Kubudirira kweFreedom Protocol chiratidzo chidiki chechokwadi chakakura chinokatyamadza: iyo crypto yakakura yevateereri yasara pahurongwa hwemari uye hunyanzvi hweinternet. Uye sezvo saizi yebasa rezvemari inokanganisa zvakananga hupenyu hwezuva nezuva hwemunhu wese anoshanda pasirese, zvine basa.

The global crypto market is estimated to have a market worth more than $2tn. Binance’s own digital token is up more than 1,000 percent since the start of 2021. Freedom Protocol becomes a unique perspective on why Binance is so successful in recent years.

Zvichida Rusununguko Protocol ine chirongwa chekushandura chimiro chemari zvachose. Zvichida rimwe zuva richava kambani yekubhadhara crypto. Kana iyo NFT yekutengesa chikuva. Kana kuti pamwe vese vashandisi vepuratifomu vanongoda kuve neyayo.


Kubata: Oscar

Email: [email inodzivirirwa]


Ichi chinyorwa chekuburitsa. Vaverengi vanofanirwa kuita yavo pachavo kushingairira vasati vatora chero zviito zvine chekuita nekambani yakasimudzirwa kana chero yehukama hwayo kana masevhisi. haina mhosva, zvakananga kana zvisina kunangana, kune chero kukuvara kana kurasikirwa kunokonzerwa kana kunzi kunokonzerwa kana nekubatana nekushandisa kana kuvimba pane chero zvemukati, zvinhu kana masevhisi ataurwa mukuburitswa kwenhau.

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