Global Commodities Skyrocket, Ounce yeGoridhe Inosvika $2K, Musk Anoti 'Panodiwa Kuwedzera Oiri neGasi Kubuda'

By - 2 years ago - Nguva yekuverenga: 3 maminitsi

Global Commodities Skyrocket, Ounce yeGoridhe Inosvika $2K, Musk Anoti 'Panodiwa Kuwedzera Oiri neGasi Kubuda'

Nepo mitengo yecryptocurrency yakadzikira kupera kwesvondo, simbi dzinokosha, masheya emagetsi, uye zvinhu zvepasi rose zvakakwira mukukosha mukati mehondo irikuramba muUkraine. Mutengo weaunzi imwe yegoridhe rakanakisa wave kusvika pamadhora mazana maviri emadhora, mitengo yemarasha yebhenji yanga ichikwira, mitengo yealuminium yakatyora marekodhi uye nickel yakakwidza makore gumi nerimwe.

Misika Yesimbi neOiri Rip Pamusoro, Elon Musk Anosimbisa 'Nguva Dzakashamisa Dzinoda Matanho Anoshamisa'

NeChishanu, misika yemasheya yakadonha seNasdaq, NYSE, S&P 500, uye Dow Jones Industrial Avhareji yakavhara zuva mutsvuku. Kunetsana muUkraine kuri kuenderera mberi nekuzunza vatengesi vasingazive kubata nemusika wenguva yehondo.

Uyezve, pashure cryptocurrency misika did well last week, the end of this week turned out to be a different story, as the global market valuation of the entire crypto-economy slipped below the $2 trillion mark. At the time of writing on Saturday, March 5, the crypto economy is hovering just above $1.85 trillion in USD value.

Gold, on the other hand, is up 1.76% per ounce of .999 fine gold during the last 24 hours, and one ounce of .999 fine silver is up 2.37% today. The precious metal gold has done well amid the conflict in Ukraine, and during the last 30 days, an ounce of gold has jumped 7.25% in USD value. On March 4, the economist and gold bug Peter Schiff tweeted nezvekusvetuka kwegoridhe mukukosha pamwe chete nemitengo yemafuta.

"Nhasi zvese goridhe neoiri zviri pamutengo wakakwira mumaeuro," Schiff akati. "Kwemakore ECB yanga ichinyunyuta kuti inflation muEurozone yakaderera. Vakanga vakazvipira kugadzirisa dambudziko risipo riya. Zvakanaka, makorokoto ECB, ikozvino mune dambudziko rekugadzirisa, "akawedzera Schiff.

Gold is not the only commodity getting special treatment from global investors this week. For instance, reports show benchmark coal prices spiked by 46% in Asia, climbing to the highest value since 2008. Over the last few days, aluminum values broke records and nickel jumped as high as 5.6% this week.

Copper’s price smashed an nguva-yese yakakwira on Friday, and the price of zinc skyrocketed to a 15 makore kumusoro. In certain regions of the world, electric prices have akasimuka zvinoshamisa and electric vehicle (EV) stocks have started to rise. While EV stocks may see a bigger rise and Tesla could gather more gains, Tesla’s Elon Musk tweeted nezve kuwedzera mafuta uye gasi kubuda. Vanosvika hafu yemiriyoni vanhu vakafarira iyo tweet apo Musk akati:

"Ndinovenga kuzvitaura, asi isu tinofanirwa kuwedzera mafuta [uye] gasi kubuda nekukurumidza. Nguva dzinoshamisa dzinoda matanho anoshamisa. ” Musk mberi akawedzera:

Zviripachena, izvi zvingakanganisa Tesla, asi zvigadziriso zvesimba zvinogoneka hazvigone kuita ipapo ipapo kugadzira mafuta eRussia [uye] gasi rinotengeswa kunze kwenyika.

Kunze EV masheya, precious metals, and specific commodities, a great majority of everything else in equities shuddered in value toward the end of the week. Specific, well known brand name companies like McDonald raMwari uye Coca-Cola iri kushorwa on social media for still operating within Russia’s borders. Furthermore, many reports are noting that “recession signals are surfacing” and this weekend some investors are expecting another leg down musi weMuvhuro.

Unofungei nezvekukwira kwesimba remasheya, goridhe richikwira mudenga uye zvinhu zvepasi rose zvichityora zvinyorwa zvitsva? Tizivise zvaunofunga nezvenyaya iyi muchikamu chemashoko pazasi.

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