Is Bitcoin Bottom In? This On-Chain Condition Hasn’t Been Met Yet

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Is Bitcoin Bottom In? This On-Chain Condition Hasn’t Been Met Yet

A Bitcoin on-chain metric still hasn’t formed the same condition as in the previous bottom, suggesting that the current low may not be in yet.

Stablecoin Exchange Inflows (Pamusoro gumi) Haana Kuratidza Chero Spikes Munguva pfupi yapfuura

Sezvakataurwa nemuongorori mu CryptoQuant pambiru, yepamusoro gumi stablecoin exchange inflows yakaona kusimuka panguva yaChikunguru 10 pasi.

Iyo "stablecoin kuchinjanisa mari (pamusoro gumi)” chiratidzo chinoyera huwandu hwegumi makuru makuru ekutengeserana kwestablecoin ari kunanga mukutsinhana. Iyo metric inosanganisira data yemarudzi ese ema stablecoins.

Sezvo yepamusoro gumi kutamiswa kazhinji kubva whales, chiratidzo ichi chinogona kutiudza kana mawhale ari kushanda pakuchinjana kana kwete.

Kazhinji, vatengesi vanotamira kune zvigadziko pavanenge vachida kutiza kusagadzikana kwakabatana nemamwe akawanda makristpto. Kana varidzi ava vachinge vanzwa kuti mitengo yacho yakakodzera kupinda zvakare mumisika iyi, vanotenga mune dzimwe mari vachishandisa stablecoins yavo, nokudaro vachipa kudzvanywa kwekutenga kwavari.

When the value of the top 10 stablecoin exchange inflows is high, it means whales could be sending large amounts of stables to exchanges for buying other coins. Such a trend could therefore be bullish for the prices of cryptos like Bitcoin.

Ikozvino, heino chati inoratidza maitiro mune ino-chetani chiratidzo mumakore mashoma apfuura:

Zvinotaridza kunge kukosha kwemetric kwakadzimwa mumazuva achangopfuura | Kwakabva: CryptoQuant

Sezvauri kuona mugirafu riri pamusoro, iyo stablecoin inopinda (yepamusoro gumi) yekuona uye yakatorwa kuchinjana yakaratidzwa yakaparadzana, sezvo nzvimbo mapuratifomu ndiwo anoshandiswa nevashambadzi pakushandura mari yavo.

It seems like when the Bitcoin bottom formed back in July 2021 during the mini-bear period of the time, the spot exchange version of the metric sharply rose up.

Izvi zvinoreva kuti mawhale akatora chikamu mune kumwe kutenga kunorema panguva iyoyo nestablecoin reserves, zvichigadzira nzira yekudzokera shure muBTC.

Mumavhiki achangopfuura, gumi repamusoro stablecoin inopinda kuona kuchinjana haana kuratidza kana akakosha mafambiro, izvo zvinoreva kuti whales haasati achipa chero yakakosha kutenga kudzvanywa.

If the past trend is anything to go by, this could be an indication that the current Bitcoin bottom still hasn’t formed.

BTC Mutengo

Panguva yekunyora. BitcoinMutengo inoyangarara yakatenderedza $16.8k, ichidzika ne2% musvondo rapfuura. Mumwedzi wapfuura, iyo crypto yakarasikirwa ne18% mukukosha.

Iyo pazasi chati inoratidza yazvino maitiro muBTC:

Kukosha kweiyo crypto kunoratidzika kunge kwakadzikira mukati memazuva mashoma apfuura | Kwakabva: BTCUSD pane TradingView Mufananidzo unoratidzwa kubva kuKanchanara, machati kubva,

Original source: NhauBTC