Jimmy Rwiyo NaSamson Mow Vs. Vitalik Buterin, Hondo Royale kuLABITCONF

By Bitcoinist - 1 gore rapfuura - Nguva yekuverenga: 4 maminitsi

Jimmy Rwiyo NaSamson Mow Vs. Vitalik Buterin, Hondo Royale kuLABITCONF

The fact that Jimmy Song and Samson Mow were in the same bill as Vitalik Buterin was interesting enough, but the actual panel was the equivalent of an atomic bomb blowing the stage up. What started as a discussion about the FTX collapse and saga, turned into a heated debate about bitcoin Vs. Ethereum pretty quickly. It was a spectacle. And Song and Mow ensembled into some kind of bitcoin killing machine right before our eyes. 

Zvisinei, ngatitangei pakutanga. 

Besides the already mentioned characters, Ripio’s Juan Llanos and Kraken’s Alejandro Palantzas completed the panel. The moderators were Rodolfo Andragnes and Diego Gutiérrez Zaldívar, Co-founder of the Bitcoin Argentina NGO. At first, Llanos tried to explain the FTX saga in a polite way. It was a stressful situation and mistakes were made, he said. However, Samson Mow wasn’t having it. “The main problem is that they built their business on a sh*tcoin,” he said. Vitalik laughed. Everything was fine. 

"The main problem is that they built their business on a shitcoin", explains @Excellion pamusoro #FTX's collapse at the main stage of @labitconf

Vaudze, shefu! #LABITCONF @JAN3com @BFXLeosESP pic.twitter.com/WIcvVSL0gU

— Javier ₿astardo @ (@criptobastardo) November 11, 2022

Sekureva kwaMow, "izvi zvaive zvisina chekuita nevanodzora. FTX yanga yakanyura mumubhedha nevanodzora, "inova chinhu chinoshamisa. Sam Bankman-Fried aive chiso chekuyamwa kuhurumende kuita kuti indasitiri yese yekrispto iwedzere kudzora-hushamwari. Sangano iroro rakamira papi manje? Mushure meizvozvo, Jimmy Rwiyo akaenda zvakatokwira ndokuti hongu, zvese izvo zvakaitika, asi dambudziko chairo nderekushandiswa kwesevhisi masevhisi sevatariri. Sekutaura kunoita chirevo chekare: Kwete kiyi dzako, kwete mari yako. 

Kusvika ikozvino, zvakanaka. Asi panga patove nekunetsana mumhepo...

Jimmy Rwiyo NaSamson Mow Vs. Vitalik Buterin

Finally, it was Vitalik’s turn. He criticized Bankman-Fried’s megalomania and compared the FTX billboards and the stadium naming to the behavior of dictators from the last century. Vitalik explained how the FTT racket worked, and Samson Mow dropped the bomb. Mow said that a lot of what Vitalik was saying also applies to Ethereum and all hell broke loose.

Mutevedzeri, Diego Gutiérrez Zaldívar, akaedza kuti zvinhu zvirambe zvakanangana neFTX asi akatadza. Katsi yakanga yabuda mubhegi. Gutiérrez Zaldívar akabvunza Samson Mow tsanangudzo ye "sh * tcoin" uye yekare Blockstream ichangobva kutsanangura Ethereum nekushanda kwayo apo Vitalik akatarisa asingatendi. "Dambudziko ne sh * tcoins nderekuti vanonyepedzera kunge vari kudzvinyirirwa pavanenge vachimhanya paAmazon, kazhinji, uye hapana anogona kumhanya node."

'Shitcoin' definition, by @Excellion @ @labitconf #LABITCONF @JAN3com pic.twitter.com/CYIeSKTcCA

— Javier ₿astardo @ (@criptobastardo) November 11, 2022

Sekureva kwaJimmy Rwiyo, iyo FTX yekudonha chidzidzo chaicho chaive chekuti vanhu vanofanirwa kuzvichengeta uye nekuona kutengeserana kwavo, nguva. Rwiyo rwakashoropodza tsika yeAltcoin yekuvimba uye kusasimbisa. “Unofanirwa kudzidza kuonesa zvinhu zvako, uye ukasadzidza chidzidzo ichocho mese munenge muchiparara. Ingori nyaya yenguva.”

Since it was two against one, Gutiérrez Zaldívar took it upon himself to protect Vitalik and Ethereum. He didn’t do a very good job. He gave Alejandro Palantzas the word and Palantzas said there’s a reason companies like Kraken and Coinbase are still in business 10 years later. They have resisted the temptation to print their own token or “sh*tcoin,” and “they didn’t do it because it’s morally wrong.” According to Palantzas, all the scammers in the space don’t understand what bitcoin ndizvo chaizvo. Bitcoin “is freedom, it’s liberty.”

BTC mutengo wemari we11 / 16/2022 paBitstamp | Kwayaka: BTC / USD pa TradingView.com

Mow Inofananidza iyo Altcoin World neCasino

When Samson Mow defined “sh*tcoins,” he said that they advertised themself as decentralized when they had an obvious issuer. Vitalik challenged him asking if Satoshi was bitcoin’s issuer. Mow responded that what Satoshi did was set up a number of rules that a lot of people followed, which is not the same as being a central issuer. Neither Mow nor Song stated the obvious, that Satoshi is not among us while Vitalik and other altcoin CEOs are. And their influence over the protocols they preside over is immense. 

Vitalik akave nekurova kwake kukuru kwehusiku achitaura nezvekuzvichengeta zviri nyore kune vanhu venguva dzose. Akaenda nenzira inofadza mhomho ndokuti indasitiri yese inofanira kushanda pamwe chete kuti izvi zviitike, uye veruzhinji vakaputika. Mow akataura kuti, zvinopesana nechitendero chakakurumbira, kuzvichengeta kwaive nyore. Vanhu vanongofanirwa kutevedzera mirairo yechikwama chehardware. Jimmy Song akaenderera mberi achiti kana vanhu vasingade kuisa munhamburiko nekudzidza zvinhu zvishoma, havakodzeri "mari yekuzvitonga." 

Zvakare, Rwiyo rwakaenda kuhuro yemusiki weEthereum achiti "Ndinoziva kuti haudi kunzwa izvi, ndinoziva kuti unoda kupa mari yako kuVitalik." Kune izvozvo, Vitalik akapindura kuti haatombovimbi Vitalik nemari yake, uye akatsanangura kuiswa kwe4/6 yakawanda-sig chikwama. Izvo zvaisekesa, asi zvainzvenga mubvunzo chaiwo. Ari pakati peEthereum kana kwete?

Kuti apedze iyo inonetsa asi inonakidza zvakanyanya, Gutiérrez Zaldívar akavhara nekurova kwake kukuru kwehusiku. Akataura kuti mibvunzo yakavhurika yasara yekuti munhu wese afunge nezvayo, “nekuti hatina chokwadi, tiri kungogovana mafungiro edu.”

Saka, unofungei?

Featured Image: Song, Mow, and Buterin at LABITCONF, by Ed. Prospero | Charts by KutengesaView

Original source: Bitcoinndiko