Kevin O'Leary Anoburitsa Crypto Strategy, Nei Achifarira Ethereum, Anoti NFTs Ichave Yakakura Kupfuura Bitcoin

By - 2 years ago - Nguva yekuverenga: 4 maminitsi

Kevin O'Leary Anoburitsa Crypto Strategy, Nei Achifarira Ethereum, Anoti NFTs Ichave Yakakura Kupfuura Bitcoin

Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary, aka Mr. Wonderful, has shared his cryptocurrency investment strategy and which coins he owns. He also discussed crypto market bubbles, diversification, regulation, and why he thinks non-fungible tokens (NFTs) will be bigger than bitcoin.

Kevin O'Leary Anokurukura Yake Crypto Investments, Market Bubbles, uye NFTs

Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary discussed cryptocurrency, his investment portfolio, diversification, market bubbles, meme coins, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in a recent indavhiyu with Forbes, published Friday.

Akatsanangura kuti anoona "indastiri yese yecrypto sezvikwata zvekuvandudza software," achiwedzera kuti ari kubheja pa "mainjiniya akasimba ekugadzira software." Paaitaura nezve ake cryptocurrency kubata, akaburitsa:

Ether is my largest position, bigger than bitcoin.

"Imhaka yekuti akawanda masevhisi emari uye kutengeserana kuri kuitika pairi," nyanzvi yeShark Tank yakatsanangura. "Kunyange software itsva iri kugadzirwa sePolygon iyo inobatanidza kutengeserana uye inoderedza mari yose maererano nemari yegesi paEthereum."

O'Leary akabva ataura mamwe emari yaanayo, achiti:

I own hedera, polygon, bitcoin, ethereum, solana, serum — these are bets on software development teams and there are many, many use cases for them.

Uyezve, Mr. Wonderful akawedzera kuti ane "chinzvimbo chakakosha uye chenyama mu USDC," achicherechedza kuti "ari kutanga kubhadhara zvinhu uye kubhadharwa mu stablecoin."

“Pakupera kwezuva, chinotaridza budiriro uye kukosha kwepuratifomu kumhanya uye nhanho yekutorwa. Izvi zvinoitika kana boka rakagadzira chikuva chinogadzirisa dambudziko rehupfumi, "akadaro.

O'Leary akaenderera mberi nekupa maonero ake nezve meme cryptocurrencies. Achiona kuti "mari yenguva refu isina kukosha kwehupfumi ndeyekuti haigadzirise chero chinhu kana kugadzira chero kukosha," akayambira:

Ini handina chokwadi nezve meme coins kwenguva refu.

The Shark Tank star was also asked whether he thinks bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies are in a bubble. He replied: “The thing to realize is, the market is the market. No one person can manipulate it, even though people claim they can … It’s millions of decisions being made every second in terms of what something is worth. And it applies to every market, whether it’s tulips, watches, bitcoin, real estate or gold.”

Achiona kuti "Nekufamba kwenguva, mutambo webenzi uye haugone kuhwina," akasimbisa:

Iwe haugone kuziva kana iri bubble, iwe haugone. Uye kana uchifunga kuti unodaro, wakarasika zvachose.

O’Leary believes in portfolio diversification. The cryptocurrency portion of his portfolio has been kukura. He detailed that at some point cryptocurrency “might get to 20% of my operating company — but right now, it’s about 10.5%.” He clarified:

Mukati meiyo portfolio, hapana imwe tokeni coin kana cheni inodarika 5% yeiyo portfolio. Saka hongu, ndiri kushingaira kuwedzera uye kucheka zvichienderana nekusagadzikana.

In addition, he said that he is doing a lot of staking. “Most of my positions are now being staked,” he confirmed, noting that he’s using the crypto exchange FTX for staking. Mr. Wonderful zvakaziviswa in October that he is taking an equity stake in the crypto exchange and will be “paid in crypto to serve as an ambassador and spokesperson for FTX.”

Paakabvunzwa kana paine mukana wekuti US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) inogona kuona mamwe emari yaanayo kuti ave securities uye zvaachaita kana izvozvo zvikaitika, O'Leary akapindura nekukurumidza:

Iyo miniti iyo ruzivo rwabuda, ini handichada chekuita navo. Dai ndaive nechinzvimbo ndaichitengesa. Ini handifarire kuenda mukupokana nevatongi pamusoro pe crypto portfolio yangu. Ndinoda kuenderana ne100%.

He akadaro zvimwe chete pamusoro XRP munaNovember. XRP is the subject of an SEC lawsuit against Ripple Labs and its executives, Brad Garlinghouse and Chris Larsen. “I have zero interest in investing in litigation against the SEC. That is a very bad idea,” he stressed.

O'Leary akakurukurawo zvisiri-fungible tokens (NFTs). "Ivo vanopa kukosha kwakawanda kwakatenderedza huchokwadi, manejimendi ezvekushandisa, uye marudzi ese emakesi ekushandisa mumakirasi akasiyana easset," akatsanangura, achiwedzera:

I think non-fungible tokens are going to be bigger than bitcoin.

Akaenderera mberi nekukwevera ngwariro kuchirongwa chake cheNFT. “Ndinoda maNFT akasungirirwa kumidziyo yakaoma, zvinhu zvenyama; iyo yandiri kushanda pakugadzira bepa jena iindasitiri yewachi,” akadaro. "Ndakaisa mari mukambani yeJordan Fried, Immutable Holdings, muridzi, iyo yaari kuparura muna Ndira, pamwe neWonderfi."

Unofungei nezvezvakataurwa naKevin O'Leary? Tizivise muchikamu chemashoko pazasi.

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