More Terra-Like Crashes? Ripple CEO Predicts There May Only Be Scores Of Cryptos Left In The Future

By ZyCrypto - 1 gore rapfuura - Nguva yekuverenga: 2 maminetsi

More Terra-Like Crashes? Ripple CEO Predicts There May Only Be Scores Of Cryptos Left In The Future

Sezvo Terra ecosystem tsaona iyo yakazunungusa nzvimbo ye crypto mwedzi wapera, kutariswa kwevatambi veindastiri vakakosha kwakaramba kuri pakubudirira kwemapurojekiti e crypto. Sezvo mamiriro emusika anowedzera kuipa mushure mekuparara, makambani e crypto akatonga hurukuro paWorld Economic Forum gore rino - kekutanga zvachose.

Even more notably, stakeholders are beginning to publicly express their doubts over the integrity of several crypto projects. Echoing this sentiment in Davos at the WEF was Ripple CEO, Brad Garlinghouse, who predicted that only “scores” of cryptocurrencies will remain in the future. Recall that he had made a similar prediction in 2019, explaining his belief by saying that “99% of cryptocurrencies are not focused on real problems.”

Tichipeta pamusoro peiyi rondedzero, gore rino, chiri kukonzeresa kufembera kwaGarlinghouse ndechekuti kwatove nefiat mari yakawandisa. Maererano naye, "kune atova kumativi 180 fiat mari munyika. Handifunge kuti pane kudiwa kwemari yakawanda kudaro. "

Kusava nechokwadi Pakati Pebhodhi: Chiratidzo cheDambudziko? 

Sezvineiwo, Brad Garlinghouse anga asiri ega mukufembera kwake kwakashata kwekrisptocurrencies. Bertrand Perez, CEO weWeb3 Foundation, anotendawo kuti ikozvino crypto space yakafanana ne "nguva yekutanga yeinternet," uye kuti kune hutsotsi hwakawanda nekuti mapurojekiti mazhinji "haasi kuunza kukosha kwepasirese."

Since the mainstream adoption of crypto in the 2010s, the number of cryptocurrencies existing has increased steadily from 1 in 2008 to over 19,800 today. In the wake of the UST crash, regulators have set their sights on tighter regulatory frameworks governing the issuance of stablecoins. On Friday, Japan outlawed the issuance of stablecoins by non-financial institutions with effect from next year. Similarly, other regulations are being rolled out in New York against Bitcoin mugodhi.

Nyanzvi paForamu dzinotenda kuti maonero evakuru veindasitiri ava anogona kunge ari chinongedzo chekuparara kunogona kuitika mune ramangwana.

Stablecoins In The Spotlight 

Vamwe vatungamiri veindasitiri, vachitaura pamusoro pekuparara kweUST uye mamiriro ose e stablecoin, vakaratidza kusava nechokwadi kwavo pamusoro pekuchengetedza kweimwe stablecoins.

Achitaura muDavos, Jeremy Allaire, CEO weCircle, kambani iri shure kwekubudiswa kweUSDC, yakataura kuti Terra USD kuparara "kwakanyatsojekesa kuvanhu kuti havasi vose stablecoins vakasikwa vakaenzana. Uye iri kubatsira vanhu kuti vasiyanise pakati pemari yakanyatsogadziriswa, yakachengetwa, yakatsigirwa nemidziyo yedhijitari, seUSDC, uye chimwe chinhu chakadaro (TerraUSD).

BLOCKv co-muvambi, anotendawo kuti kuparara kweTerra USD kuchaperetera kupera kwe algorithmic stablecoins.  

Original source: ZyCrypto