More Than 80% of the Funds Locked in Decentralized Finance Are Kept on 5 Chains, 21 Different Defi Protocols

By - 2 years ago - Nguva yekuverenga: 3 maminitsi

More Than 80% of the Funds Locked in Decentralized Finance Are Kept on 5 Chains, 21 Different Defi Protocols

Pakati paKurume, shanu dzepamusoro blockchains - maererano nehuwandu hunokosha hwakakiyiwa (TVL) mune decentralized finance (defi) - parizvino inoraira inopfuura 82% ye198 bhiriyoni yeTVL mune defi kune ese blockchains. Imwe neimwe yemaketani aya inopa mhando dzakasiyana dzedefi protocol senge decentralized exchange (dex) mapuratifomu uye maapplication ekukweretesa, achibvumira vanhu kuti vatarise mari yavo nenzira dzakasiyana.

5 Blockchain Networks, 21 Defi Protocols

Today, there’s just under $200 billion in defi and that’s just the total value locked (TVL), as it doesn’t include the large quantity of tokens tied to these specific protocols. Right now, five different blockchain TVLs represent 82% of the $ 198 bhiriyoni locked in defi protocols. The chains include Ethereum, Terra, Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, and Solana.


Ethereum currently holds the largest TVL with $ 108.51 bhiriyoni or 54.59% of the value locked in defi protocols. On March 14, the top decentralized exchange (dex) platform tied to Ethereum is Curve Finance, with its $17.72 billion in TVL. Ethereum’s top collateralized debt position (CDP) application is Makerdao, which is just under Curve as the second-largest TVL in defi today.

Panyaya yekudonhedza kwemvura, Lido ndiyo yepamusoro defi protocol uye Convex Finance ndiyo Ethereum yepamusoro protocol yegoho. Pakupedzisira, Ethereum's hombe yekukweretesa protocol ndeye defi application Aave, ine iyo $11.35 bhiriyoni TVL.


The second-largest chain in terms of TVL in defi is Terra, with $25.79 billion or 12.98% of the aggregate TVL. Terra’s most popular dex is Astroport, and Lido is the largest in terms of liquid staking. In terms of yield, Pylon Protocol is Terra’s most popular product with the highest TVL.

Parizvino, hapana CDP application yeTerra asi iyo blockchain yakakura yekukweretesa application ndeye Anchor ine $13.03 bhiriyoni kukosha kwese kukiyiwa. Iyo defi lending protocol Anchor yakaona kuwedzera kwe63.23% TVL mukati memazuva makumi matatu apfuura.

Binance Nyore Chaiti

The Binance Smart Chain (BSC/BNB) is the third-largest blockchain today in terms of defi TVL with $11.73 billion or 5.9% of the aggregate held in defi. The top dex on BSC is Pancakeswap, and the largest CDP application is the Mars Ecosystem.

Iko hakuna mvura staking kuburikidza neBSC asi maererano negoho, Alpaca Finance ndiyo yakakura panetiweki. Kana zvasvika pakukwereta kwe defi, iyo yakakura protocol maererano nekukosha kwakavharwa paBSC ndeye Venus.


Avalanche holds the fourth-largest position in decentralized finance this week with $10.88 billion or 5.47% of the $198 billion locked in defi protocols. Today’s top Avalanche dex application is Trader Joe and the blockchain’s most popular CDP is Defrost.

Panyaya yegoho, iyo protocol Yield Yak ndiye mutungamiri paAvalanche, uye Benqi inobata chinzvimbo chepamusoro chemvura. SaEthereum, Aave ndiyo hombe yekukweretesa protocol paAvalanche panguva yekunyora.


Pakupedzisira, Solana is the fifth-largest defi blockchain in mid-March 2022 with a $6.69 billion TVL or 3.37% of the aggregate held in defi today. Solana’s top dex is Serum and the blockchain’s CDP leader is Parrot Protocol.

Marinade Finance inotungamira Solana's liquid staking apps uye Quarry ndiyo inotungamira protocol maererano negoho. Chikumbiro chikuru chekukweretesa paSolana svondo rino iSolend ine $575.3 miriyoni yakakiyiwa.

Kunze kweMaketani mashanu epamusoro, Pachine Mazhinji Manetiweki uye 5 Kukweretesa, CDP, Goho, Liquid Staking, uye Dex Zvikumbiro zveKusarudza Kubva.

Nepo iwo mashanu akasiyana blockchains uye akawanda ambotaurwa maprotocol ndiko uko mari zhinji iri mudefi nhasi, kune yakakura assortment yemamwe blockchains uye maapplication aripo. Panguva yekunyora, pane 384 dex application inobvumira vanhu kuchinjanisa mari uye kune zana nemakumi maviri neshanu ekukweretesa defi protocol anobvumira vanhu kukwereta nekukweretesa crypto. 125 defi apps inopa imwe mhando yegoho uye kune gumi nematanhatu akasiyana emvura staking apps. Pamusoro pezvo, pane angangoita makumi matatu akasiyana eCDP maprotocol ayo anopa stablecoin assets kuburikidza ne collateralized backing.

Iwe unofungei nezve mashanu epamusoro blockchains anopa akasiyana maapplication edex mapuratifomu, maCDP, mvura staking, goho, uye kukweretesa? Tizivise pfungwa dzako nezvenyaya iyi muchikamu chemashoko pazasi.

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