NFT Sales Jump 10% Yakakwira Kupfuura Vhiki Rapera, Cryptopunk #4,464 Inotengesa $2.6 Mamirioni

By - 1 year ago - Nguva yekuverenga: 3 maminitsi

NFT Sales Jump 10% Yakakwira Kupfuura Vhiki Rapera, Cryptopunk #4,464 Inotengesa $2.6 Mamirioni

Nepo misika yemari yedhijitari yakadzikira kukosha mukati memwedzi miviri yadarika, vhiki nevhiki non-fungible token (NFT) kutengesa kwadzikira zvakare. Nhamba dzemazuva manomwe dzinoratidza kuti kutengesa kweNFT kwakakwanisa kukwira kupfuura 10% yakakwirira kupfuura vhiki yapfuura. Imwe kutengeswa kweNFT, Cryptopunk #4,464, yakabatsira kusundira vhoriyamu yekutengesa kwevhiki rino sezvo NFT yakatengeswa ne2,500 ether kana $2.6 miriyoni panguva yekugadziriswa.

Cryptopunk Sales Yakawedzera ne545%, Ronin-Yakavakirwa NFT Sales Yakakwira 146% Yakakwira, Mitambo NFTs Inokwira Pamusoro Art uye Digital Collectibles

Vhiki nevhiki NFT kutengesa vhoriyamu yave yakaderera zvakanyanya mukati memwedzi miviri yapfuura, sezvo NFT tsika dzakaratidza kurasikirwa kwemusika wekriptom. Vhiki rino, zvakadaro, kutengesa kweNFT kwakwira 10.82% yakakwirira kupfuura svondo rapfuura, sezvo $147 miriyoni yakanyorwa svondo rino kusiyana nesvondo rapfuura $133 miriyoni.

Iyo yepamusoro NFT muunganidzwa, maererano nekutengesa svondo rapfuura, yaive Cryptopunks muunganidzwa sekutengesa metrics yakanyorwa whopping 545.36% kuwedzera mukati memazuva manomwe apfuura. Kusvetuka kwekutengesa kweCryptopunks kunokonzerwa nekutengesa kumwe kwakaitika munaChikunguru 12, iyo yakaona Cryptopunk # 4,464 tengesa 2,500 ETH kana $2.6 mamiriyoni.

The second-largest collection, in terms of weekly NFT sales, was the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) collection, which recorded an increase of 53.25% higher than last week’s sales. Below BAYC’s weekly sales data was Mutant Ape Yacht Club’s (MAYC) sales, after MAYC sales jumped 73% higher than the week before. Out of 18 different blockchains, Ethereum saw the most NFT sales as $124 million of the $147 million in sales recorded this past week stemmed from the ETH chain. Ethereum’s NFT sales this week increased by 16.99%. The blockchain with the largest weekly NFT sales increase was Ronin as the network saw a spike of around 146%. Fantom’s NFT sales this week followed Ronin’s increase with a 104% rise during the past seven days. BNB, Immutablex, and Waves NFT sales during the past week saw double-digit declines between 43% and 64% lower than the previous week. Besides Cryptopunk #4,464’s sale, two more Cryptopunk NFTs made it into the top five most expensive sales this week. Two BAYC NFTs were also included in the top five during the past seven days. Four days ago, Bored Ape #6,388 sold for 826.29 wrapped ethereum (WETH) or just over $1 million and two days ago, Bored Ape #2,306 sold for 300 WETH or $364K. Cryptopunk #3,614 sold for 275 ether or $336K four days ago, and Cryptopunk #7,901 sold for 260 ether or $271K around 12 hours ago. Data inoratidza kuti kubva Nyamavhuvhu 22, 2021, kusvika zvino, kutengesa kweNFT kwave kudzika nekudzika svondo rega rega nekukwira kupfupi muna Kubvumbi 2022. Nepo kutengeswa kwehunyanzvi nedhijitari kwakadzikira, NFTs dzemitambo dzave. kuwedzera mumavhiki mashoma apfuura. Yese-nguva yekutengesa metrics indicate that the Cryptopunks collection is nearing $3 billion in all-time sales with $2.86 billion today. Axie Infinity NFT sales have captured $4.23 billion in all-time sales, and the NFT marketplace Opensea has recorded $31.27 billion in NFT sales to date. The recent Cryptopunk #4,464 sale increased the collection’s floor value as it is the third highest with the least expensive NFT selling for 76.8 ETH nhasi. BAYC inoraira kukosha kukuru kwepasi nemutengo wakaderera Bored Ape inotengesa makumi mapfumbamwe neshanu ETH uye chechipiri-pakukura kukosha kwepasi ndekweProof Collective seNFT yakachipa kubva muunganidzwa iwoyo iri kutengeswa ne82. ETH.

Unofungei nezvemazuva manomwe ekupedzisira ekutengesa kweNFT? Tizivise zvaunofunga nezvenyaya iyi muchikamu chemashoko pazasi.

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