Pakistani Bank Asks Customers to Avoid Conducting Crypto Transactions

By - 2 years ago - Nguva yekuverenga: 2 maminitsi

Pakistani Bank Asks Customers to Avoid Conducting Crypto Transactions

Bhanga guru muPakistan rakanzi rakakumbira vatengi varo kuti vadzivise kuitisa cryptocurrency transactions. Bank Alfalah chiito chakauya nguva pfupi pashure pokunge State Bank of Pakistan, bhanga guru renyika, akaendesa mushumo kuSindh High Court achirumbidza kurambidzwa zvachose cryptocurrency.

Bank Alfalah Inokumbira Vatengi Kuti Vadzivise Kuita Crypto Transactions

Pakistani Bank Alfalah inonzi yakatanga kutumira zviziviso zveSMS kune vatengi vayo, vachivakumbira kuti vadzivise kuita cryptocurrency transactions vachishandisa nzira dzebhangi.

Yakabatanidzwa muna 1992, Bank Alfalah nderimwe remabhanga makuru akazvimirira muPakistan ane network yeanopfuura mazana masere emaATM nemapazi mumaguta anopfuura mazana maviri munyika yose. Iri muridzi uye anoshandiswa neBud Dhabi Group, bhanga iri rine huvepo hwepasi rose muBangladesh, Afghanistan, Bahrain, uye UAE.

Zvinoenderana nevezvenhau akati wandei, meseji yebhangi kune vatengi inoti:

Wadiwa Mutengi, Virtual currencies/coins/tokens, etc. hazvisi pamutemo matende, akapihwa kana kuvimbiswa nehurumende yePakistan uye State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) haina mvumo kana kupa rezinesi chero munhu kana sangano kuita zvakafanana. Ndokumbira usaite kutengeserana kwakadaro kubva kune chero nzira ine chekuita neBank Alfalah.

Reports of Bank Alfalah sending messages to customers about cryptocurrency transactions came less than a day after the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) submitted a crypto report to the Sindh High Court (SHC). The central bank recommends that cryptocurrencies be declared illegal and banned completely. The SHC subsequently directed the law and finance ministries to review the SBP report and decide on the legal structure of crypto.

The Pakistan Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) recently issued a notice to Binance in connection with a massive scam that allegedly stole over $100 million from Pakistani investors. The federal watchdog also recently seized bank accounts of 1,064 people who had carried out transactions on crypto exchanges, including Binance, Coinbase, uye Coinmama.

In addition, Propakistani reported last week that multiple banks have blocked their customers’ credit card transactions suspected of involving cryptocurrency. Some banks also froze the accounts of customers who had been using the Binance P2P marketplace to buy and sell cryptocurrencies.

Iwe unofungei nezve mabhangi ePakistan ari kutora matanho achipokana necrypto transactions? Tizivise muchikamu chemashoko pazasi.

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