Prepare for Recession: Musk and Goldman Sachs’ Blankfein Weigh In; Galaxy Digital’s CEO Talks on Terra Collapse — Vhiki reNhau muOngororo

By - 1 year ago - Nguva yekuverenga: 2 maminitsi

Prepare for Recession: Musk and Goldman Sachs’ Blankfein Weigh In; Galaxy Digital’s CEO Talks on Terra Collapse — Vhiki reNhau muOngororo

This week, both Goldman Sachs’ Lloyd Blankfein and Tesla boss Elon Musk weighed in on the issue of an impending recession in the U.S., issuing sobering estimations. In the wake of Terra’s epic implosion, the topic is all the more critical, but LUNA-tattooed Galaxy Digital CEO Mike Novogratz still thinks the “crypto revolution is here to stay.” This is the Vhiki reNhau muOngororo.

Goldman Sachs 'Blankfein Anopa Makambani neVatengi Kuti Vagadzirire Kudzikira kweUS - Anoti Iyo 'Yakanyanya, Yakanyanya Kunyanya Ngozi'

Lloyd Blankfein, aimbove CEO weGoldman Sachs anove sachigaro mukuru wekambani iyi, akayambira nezvekudzikira kuri kuuya muUS Blankfein anoti makambani nevatengi vanofanirwa kugadzirira, uye akasimbisa kuti "ingozi yakanyanya."

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Elon Musk: Hupfumi hweUS Hungangove mukuderera Hunogona Kupedza Mwedzi gumi nemasere - Anoyambira kuti 'huchawedzera'

Tesla uye Spacex CEO Elon Musk anoti hupfumi hweUS hunogona kunge hwaderera uye zvinogona "kuoma" kwemwedzi gumi nemaviri kusvika gumi nemasere. Akawedzera kuti: “Chikonzero chechokwadi chekukwira kwemitengo ndechekuti hurumende yakadhinda mari yakawanda kupfuura yayaive nayo.

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Onchain Analysis Report Says Terra’s Bitcoin Reserves Were Sent to Binance uye Gemini

After the collapse of Terra’s once-stable coin terrausd (UST), a number of people wondered where the Luna Foundation Guard’s (LFG) bitcoin went, as the funds were supposed to be used to defend UST’s $1 parity. On Friday last week, the blockchain intelligence and analytics firm, Elliptic, published a blog post that summarizes where the bitcoin was sent, according to the firm’s network surveillance tools.

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Billionaire Investor uye Galaxy Digital CEO Mike Novogratz Anotaura neTerra LUNA uye UST Fallout

Musi waChivabvu 18, mumiriri wemabhirioni uye mutsigiri wecrypto Mike Novogratz akaburitsa chinyorwa nezve ichangoburwa Terra blockchain fallout. Novogratz neGalaxy Digital yake yakasimba vaive vatendi vakuru muchirongwa cheTerra, uye investor akatowana tattoo yeLUNA-centric paruoko rwake. Pasinei nezviitiko zvichangobva kuitika uye kurasikirwa kwehupfumi hwekrispto hwakanzwa svondo rapfuura, Novogratz akasimbisa kuti achiri kutenda zvakasimba "crypto revolution iri pano kuti igare."

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Iwe unofunga kuderera kwehupfumi kuri munzira here? Ko crypto ichaita sei nazvo zvese, kana zvirizvo? Tizivise pfungwa dzako muchikamu chemashoko pazasi.

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