Reprieve As Nigeria’s Regulator Issues Progressive Cryptocurrency Rules

By ZyCrypto - 1 gore rapfuura - Nguva yekuverenga: 2 maminetsi

Reprieve As Nigeria’s Regulator Issues Progressive Cryptocurrency Rules

Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) yekuNigeria yakaisa mitemo mitsva inoda kudzora midziyo yedhijitari munyika, zvichiratidza kugamuchirwa kuzere kwemari yecrypto murudzi rweAfrica ine vanhu vakawanda.

Mitemo, iyo iri mugwaro remapeji makumi mashanu nemana inoonekwa sekugadzira chibvumirano pakati pekurambidzwa zvachose kwemidziyo yedhijitari uye kusarongeka kwemidziyo iyoyo munyika.

The document sets out the requirements for the registration of Bitcoin and digital asset providers while specifically stating that digital assets are securities regulated by the SEC. Entities looking to offer digital asset services in Nigeria will have to disclose various documents such as the project’s white paper as well as pay registration fees to secure a virtual asset service provider (VASP) license.

Mitemo inoisawo zvinodikanwa zvakaomarara paDigital Assets Offering Platforms (DAOPs) dzinotsvaga kuchengetedza vanoisa mari. MaDAOP anofanirwa kuve nemaitiro akasimba eKYC, zvirongwa zvekudzoreredza njodzi, manejimendi enjodzi, uye yakasimba kuchengetedza maficha. Pamusoro pezvo, vanonyorera vanofanirwa kushandisa mitemo yakasimba yekurwisa mari zvisiri pamutemo uye kuzvipira kurwisa mari dzehugandanga.

The rules come 20 months after the commission issued another statement that sought to classify and spell out the treatment of digital assets. In the statement, SEC had stated that “virtual crypto assets are securities unless proven otherwise,” promising to come up with a regulatory framework for the sector.

Chinzvimbo cheSEC chakasiyanawo neiyo yeCentral Bank yeNigeria (CBN) iyo yakarambidza mabhanga kupa mabasa ecrypto muna 2020, achibvisa mari kubva kuNigeria uye. kumisa kutorwa uye kukura kwenzvimbo yedhijitari yemidziyo munyika. Kubva zvakarambidza kutengeserana uku, mabhanga nemasangano makuru emari akatora danho kumashure achitya kutyisidzirwa kwefaindi dzakakura uye kubviswa kwemvumo dzebhizinesi. Mwedzi wapfuura, CBN yakaisa chirango chemadhora miriyoni 1.9 pamabhanga matatu epamba kuitira kufambisa crypto transaction.

Zvinodiwa mumitemo yeSEC yakadai semapuratifomu ekuburitsa uye kuchinjana kuchengetedza maakaundi ekuvimba nemabhangi avo anogona kurerutsa CBN's crypto kubereka.

Izvo zvakati, kunyangwe hurumende yakadzikira zvishoma pamidziyo yedhijitari, vadiki vekuNigeria, tech-savvy vanhu vakaenderera mberi nekutora cryptocurrencies, which has especially been fueled by the emergence of peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions. According to an April report by  KuCoin, about 33.4 million Nigerians, which accounts for 35% of the population aged between 18-60 currently use or have owned cryptocurrencies, with 70% of that group saying that they plan on adding more cryptos to their portfolios.

Original source: ZyCrypto