Rhode Island Dangles Crypto Rewards For Home Builders With Low Carbon Emission

By Bitcoinist - 1 gore rapfuura - Nguva yekuverenga: 2 maminitsi

Rhode Island Dangles Crypto Rewards For Home Builders With Low Carbon Emission

According to a February 2021 CNBC report, the carbon footprint of Bitcoin, the world’s largest crypto, is similar to that of New Zealand, with both generating approximately 37 megatons of carbon dioxide into the environment each year.

In Rhode Island’s House of Representatives, a bill has been introduced that would reward a home builder with bitcoin for lowering the project’s carbon footprint.

Mumiriri Carlos E. Tobon weRhode Island akapa mushonga wekugadzirisa dambudziko redzimba rehurumende iro, maererano nemishumo, raizobatsirawo kugadzirisa kushanduka kwemamiriro ekunze: kugadzira mari itsva yedhijitari.

Suggested Reading | EPA vs. Bitcoin: Dorsey, Saylor, Vamwe Vanopokana Nevamiriri vemitemo Kudana Kwekuita Vs. Crypto Mining

Crypto Incentive Yekucheka CO2 Footprint

The Green Housing Public-Private Partnership Act of Rhode Island was enacted to encourage the development of more LEED-certified buildings and homes by crediting developers for any carbon reductions they achieve.

Zvinoenderana nechikamu chegwaro rebhiri:

"Chero kudzikiswa kwemari yekushandisa nekuda kweprojekiti yekuvaka dzimba inoitwa zvinoenderana nechitsauko chino ichapihwa semari yegirini ichapihwa nebazi kumuridzi wenzvimbo."

Vane ruzivo vakaburitsa pachena kuti kuyedza uku kuchapihwa mari kuburikidza nedziva remari dzakapihwa dzinosvika madhora mazana matanhatu nemakumi maviri neshanu.

Kunyange hazvo mamiriyoni mazana mashanu emadhora ekutanga achitarisirwa kubva mumipiro yemabhanga, imwe mamiriyoni zana nemakumi maviri nemashanu emadhora inonzi ichabva kuhurumende.

Kana ikasimbiswa, dziva rehomwe iyi richanzi "Green Housing Fund."

BTC yakazara musika chivharo pamadhora 722.86 bhiriyoni pane zuva nezuva chati | Kwakabva: TradingView.com

Bitcoin’s Massive Energy Requirement

Bitcoin accounts for around 0.52 percent of total global electricity use, according to December 2021 estimates from the Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index.

That may not sound like much, but Digiconomist estimates Bitcoin’s annual total energy consumption to be around 204.50 terawatt-hours, roughly similar to Thailand’s.

Kunyangwe iyo yeGreen Coin's blockchain network isingazivikanwe, ingangove iyo isingadhure humbowo-ye-stake (PoS) network inodiwa nevezvemamiriro ekunze mazuvano.

Redfin, yedzimba data tracker, inosimbisa kuti kuwanikwa kwedzimba dzeRhode Island kwave kuderera zvishoma pamakore mashanu apfuura, kusvika pakaderera kwemakore mashanu muna Kukadzi 2022.

Yakamboshandiswa Kare

Zvichakadaro, iyi haisi yekutanga muenzaniso wecryptocurrency kushandiswa mumapurojekiti ezvivakwa.

New homeowners in Austin City, Texas, are offered loans in USDC and MATIC altcoins as part of a scheme called USDC.homes.

This allows prospective homeowners to deposit their down payment in cryptocurrency, which is staked and earns the borrower interest that may be used to help pay down the loan.

Suggested Reading | Vangani Vanoshandisa Crypto Vachave Mumakore gumi? Bhiriyoni rimwe, Coinbase CEO Predicts

Mufananidzo unoratidzwa kubva kuThe Coin Republic, chati kubva TradingView.com

Original source: Bitcoinndiko