Russian Bitcoin Migodhi Inoongororwa Pakati peKusawirirana neUkraine, Hombe ETH Dziva Inodzima Basa kuRussia

By - 2 years ago - Nguva yekuverenga: 4 maminitsi

Russian Bitcoin Migodhi Inoongororwa Pakati peKusawirirana neUkraine, Hombe ETH Dziva Inodzima Basa kuRussia

Nekunetsana kuri pakati peRussia neUkraine, vacherechedzi vazhinji vari kuda kuziva nezvehuwandu hukuru hwehashrate iri muRussia, sezvo dunhu rinonzi riri kudzora huwandu hwechitatu-hukuru hweSHA256 hashpower pasi rose. Uyezve, muna Kukadzi 24, iyo ethereum mugodhi weFlexpool yakazivisa kuti yamisa masevhisi kuRussia zvachose. “Tinokumbira ruregerero kuvacheri vedu vomugodhi vokuRussia; vazhinji venyu hamutsigire hondo - Zvisinei, ndimi muri kutsigira nyika yenyu,” Flexpool akaudza vatengi vayo.

Russia Yakatarisana Nefungu rezvirango zvehupfumi, SWIFT Ichiri Kuwanikwa

All eyes are focused on the battle between Russia and Ukraine this week and after Vladimir Putin’s troops invaded Ukraine, a large swathe of countries have started to impose and threaten economic sanctions. The Russian ruble has been feeling the wrath of volatile markets, Russia’s stock market kudedera and UBS cut Russia’s bond market down to zero.

European Union kupihwa pasi economic sanctions against Russia, and U.S. president Joe Biden kwakaratidza America would sanction the country as well. Despite the U.K. kukumbira the SWIFT payment network to ban Russia, the country is still allowed to leverage the financial system. Crypto advocate and Shapeshift founder Erik Voorhees made fun of the fact that Russia was still allowed to transact with SWIFT.

"Sezviri pachena maitiro eRussia akashata zvekuti nyika dzekuMadokero dzakasarudza kubvumidza Russia kuti irambe ichishandisa SWIFT Network," Voorhees. tweeted.

Russia Inoraira Chikamu Chakakosha cheHashrate, Putin Inoti Dunhu rine 'Kukwikwidza Kwakanakira,' Compass Mining Inoti Vashandi veChikwata 'Vakaparadzaniswa NeGeopolitical Kusagadzikana'.

Furthermore, cryptocurrency advocates have been discussing Russia’s hashpower as the country reportedly holds the third largest quantity of hashrate worldwide. That statistic stems from the Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index (CBECI) data that was rakabudiswa in July. A myriad of mining operations mine cryptocurrencies from Russia, as electricity is very cheap. For instance, Bitcluster yakashanda muRussia kubvira 2017 iine zvinopfuura zviuru makumi maviri zvemigodhi zvishandiso uye inopa kubata pamadhora 20,000 pakilowatt-awa (kWh).

A mining operation called Vekus leverages the Russian oil drilling subsidiary Gazpromneft in order to mine bitcoin. At the end of last month, Russian president Vladimir Putin akatsanangura that Russia has “competitive advantages” when it comes to cryptocurrency mining. The mining operation Kompasi Mining also hosts bitcoin miners in the Siberian region. On Thursday, Whit Gibbs from Compass Mining akatsanangura paTwitter kuti zvivakwa zvekambani muSiberia "zvaive zvakasarudzika kubva kune chero kusagadzikana kwezvematongerwo enyika." Gibbs akawedzera kuti:

Compass yakasimbisa nevamwe vedu kuti vashandi vemumigodhi vakachengeteka uye vacharamba vachimhanya semazuva ese.

The media is already talking about Russia leveraging cryptocurrencies and crypto asset mining to avoid sanctions. According to the blockchain intelligence firm Elliptic, Iran utilized bitcoin mining to avoid economic sanctions. Last week, the Biden administration told semiconductor manufacturers that they should “diversify their supply chain” and at the same time, the California-based technology company Intel zvakaziviswa kuvhurwa kwe bitcoin mining chips.

Hombe Ethereum Mining Pool Inorambidza Yese maRussia IPs

Amid the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, Bitcoin’s hashrate has dropped a hair since reaching an nguva-yese yakakwira on February 15, 2022. On that day, six-month charts show the hashrate tapped 249.75 exahash per second (EH/s) and today it is down 26% since that high, at 182 EH / s. apo bitcoin miners seem to be unaffected by the situation in Ukraine, on Thursday the ethereum mining operation Flexpool zvakaziviswa it will be cutting off Russian ethereum miners. Flexpool is currently the fifth-largest ethereum miner pane zve ETH hashrate.

“Kunyange paine zvishoma zvatingaite, hazvina kunaka kuwana pundutso kubva pazviri kana mari tisina kunanga. Tiri kukanzura sevhisi kune ese maRussia IPs uye tichibhadhara mari yasara, ”Flexpool's chirevo chekuzivisa. “Tinokumbira ruregerero kuvacheri vedu vomugodhi vokuRussia; vazhinji venyu hamutsigiri hondo. Zvisinei, ndiwe uri kutsigira rudzi rwako. Pasina vanhu, Russia haigone kushanda. Izvo chete kuburikidza nekuderedza simba rehupfumi hwevanhu varo kuti tine mukana wekukanganisa hondo iyi. Tinokutendai nekuvimbika kwenyu, uye ndinovimba munonzwisisa kuti isu hatiite izvi sezvinei.”

Iwe unofungei nezve gakava riri muUkraine uye mukana weRussia kudzivirira masanctions ne cryptocurrencies? Iwe unofungei nezve nyaya inobata crypto miners inoshanda muRussia? Tizivise zvaunofunga nezvenyaya iyi muchikamu chemashoko pazasi.

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