Spain Reduces ATM Numbers to 2002 Levels as Country Moves to Digital Payments

By - 2 years ago - Nguva yekuverenga: 2 maminitsi

Spain Reduces ATM Numbers to 2002 Levels as Country Moves to Digital Payments

Huwandu hwemaATM muSpain hwanga huchidzikira kusvika padanho rakaonekwa nenyika mugore ra2002. Mishumo kubva munhau dzemuno inoratidza zviito izvi zvakatorwa kudzikisa mutengo uye kusundidzira kubhadhara uye kushanda kwedhijitari muchikamu. Huwandu hwepamusoro hwemaATM hwakanyoreswa muna 2008 apo paive nemichina 61,714 inoshanda mumambure.

Mabhangi muSpain Deredzai maATM

The number of ATMs in Spain has dropped to its lowest level since 2002, when the network had 1,795 more ATMs than it has today. According to a recent ripoti from the Bank of Spain, the network had 48,081 ATMs at the end of the third quarter of 2021. This reduction has to do with attempts to lower costs in the banking sector amidst a push for digitalization in payments and banking processes.

Huwandu hwepamusoro hwemaATM padandemutande hwakanyoreswa muna 2008 apo paive ne61,714 maATM akanyoreswa munyika. Kubva ipapo, mabhanga akabvisa zvishoma nezvishoma michina kubva kune iyi network. Nekudaro, kushandiswa kwemaATM asara kwakwira, maererano neshumo imwechete. Ingori muQ3-2021, veSpain vakaita 171,300 yekubvisa kutengeserana vachishandisa maATM, kuwedzera kwe1.04% zvichienzaniswa nenguva imwe cheteyo muna 2020.

The Push for Digitalization

The Spanish government has been reducing the amount of money that can be paid in cash per transaction. Last year, Spain’s antifraud law, which also regulated some issues regarding cryptocurrency assets, passed controls for cash payments depending on the type of transaction. The aforementioned law established that payments in cash could only be made up to the limit of €1,000. Sidestepping this law could result in sanctions of 25% of the payments made, which would be paid by each party to the transaction.

Nekudaro, vezvenhau veko vanoti zviri kuitika izvi zvinogona kukanganisa zvisingaite vagari vekuSpain vari kumaruwa, vanova ndivo vanonyanya kutsamira pamari pazvido zvavo zvezuva nezuva.

The recent push has driven more and more residents of the country to digital payments. For example, the national survey for cash payments, carried out July 2021, akawanikwa that only 35% of the surveyed citizens used cash for payments. This constitutes a significant change compared to how payments were made in 2014, where 80% of citizens used cash as a payments tool.

While cash usage has gone down, Spain still uses more cash for payments than countries like Sweden, where zvishoma than 10% of the population uses physical paper and coins to pay.

Iwe unofungei nezve kudzikiswa kwemaATM uye kusunda kwekubhadhara kwedhijitari muSpain? Tiudze muchikamu chemashoko pazasi.

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