Inouya ETH Merge Inoona Institutional Investor Sentiment Turn Positive

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Inouya ETH Merge Inoona Institutional Investor Sentiment Turn Positive

Ethereum (ETH) yanga ichiwana kutariswa kwakawanda munguva pfupi yapfuura kubva kune nyanzvi dzekudyara. Manzwiro akatenderedza chiratidzo anoita kunge ari kuvandudza kunyangwe pakati pemusika webheya we crypto.

Kudzikira kuri kuitika kwakaunza kunyura kwezvinhu zvakawanda zvine mukurumbira zvedhijitari mukati memwedzi mishoma yapfuura. Vamwe vavo vakarasikirwa nehafu yezvinokosha kubva muna 2022. Zvizhinji zve crypto assets zvave zvichiderera zvishoma nezvishoma mukukosha mukati mevhiki, uye ETH haisi iyo. Mutengo wechiratidzo wakadererawo pakutengesa kweChitatu.

Zvisinei, Eteri anoona chiedza chechiedza kubva kumagumo emugero. Shanduko iyi ine chinongedzo kune yakamirirwa kwenguva refu kuvhurwa kwayo kwazvino, Merge, iyo iri kuswedera pedyo. Iyo network yanga ichigadzirira kusimudzira tag iyo Merge. Kutangwa kwayo kwaizoendesa blockchain kubva pakushanda seProof-ye-Basa (PoW) kuenda kuUchapupu-hwe-Stake (PoS).

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Iyo network yanga ichimhanyisa bvunzo yayo yekupedzisira yekusimudzira kuti ive nechokwadi chekushanda kwayo kwakanyanya. Kana zvese zvichiita sekuyerera nemazvo, Ethereum ichatanga kukwidziridza pamberi paGumiguru.

Positivity Yakatenderedza ETH Inowedzera

According to the weekly report from the CoinShares fund manager on asset fund flows, there’s a significant improvement for Ether-based products. The manager noted that for three consecutive weeks, there were positive inflows for Ether-based products. As a result, ether funds amassed about $7.6 million on institutional investments. On the contrary, Bitcoin had many outflows of up to $1.7 million.

Paanenge achiedza kutsanangura chikonzero chingangodaro chakapa mari yeEther mari, CoinShares yakaratidza kutarisira kweKubatanidza. Yakataura kuti pave nemavhiki gumi nerimwe ekubuda kwemari yeasset mukati me 2022. Kubuda kwegore rose kwakakwira kusvika ku $ 460 mamiriyoni. Saka, iyo yakangoerekana yamonyorora mumanzwiro ndiko kufambira mberi kwakanaka kweEthereum crypto.

Investors Lose Interest In BTC As Inflows On Short Bitcoin Funds Increases

Currently, the overall institutional inflows stand at $14.6 million. However, about $6.3 million comes from short Bitcoin funds implying less confidence in the leading global cryptocurrency from many investors. Also, U.S. funds and exchange inflows of approximately $8.2 million, though 76% were in short positions. This shows the same percentage for the week ending July 8.

Ether-based funds got a spike in inflows from institutional investors from late June, the same week, with records of outflows up to $423 million. Notably, Bitcoin-based funds constituted a majority of the amount.

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Kuvandudzwa kwemanzwiro paEther kubva kune vanoisa mari kumasangano kunoratidzika kunge kusingaratidzike mumutengo wayo wenzvimbo. Chati yanhasi inoratidza kuti ETH iri $1,091, yadonha ne1.7% mukati memaawa makumi maviri nemana apfuura. Zvakare, kukosha kunopa kudonha kwe24% mumutengo wayo kubva mwedzi wapfuura.

ETH/USD hovers close to $1k. Source: TradingView

There’s an ongoing debate on Crypto Twitter if Ether should be categorized as a security or not. Some Bitcoin maximalists support Michael Saylor, the CEO of MicroStrategy, who proposes ETH as security. However, Ethereum proponents, including Vitalik Buterin, the protocol’s co-founder, are leaning away from such a suggestion.

Mufananidzo unoratidzwa kubva kuShutterstock, chati kubva

Original source: NhauBTC