XRP On Growth Path As Ripple Considers Purchasing Assets Of Cash-Strapped Firm Celsius

By ZyCrypto - 1 gore rapfuura - Nguva yekuverenga: 2 maminetsi

XRP On Growth Path As Ripple Considers Purchasing Assets Of Cash-Strapped Firm Celsius

Ripple, the blockchain payments company behind the XRP cryptocurrency, is reportedly considering acquiring assets belonging to beleaguered crypto lending firm Celsius.

According to a Reuters report, a spokesperson from Ripple disclosed that the firm was “interested in learning about Celsius and its assets,” in addition to assessing whether any of them could be relevant to their business. The move was informed by Ripple’s continued growth and desire to expand its business despite the hurdles facing the crypto market at large. Ripple "irikushingairira kutsvaga M&A mikana yekuyera kambani," Akadaro mutauriri.

Kufamba kunouya mushure meCelsius yakapihwa kubhuroka muna Chikumi, ichitaura nezve "mamiriro emusika wakanyanya" uye kubvuma gomba remadhora bhiriyoni 1.2 mumari yayo. Celsius zvakadaro yakavhurika kutenga-inopihwa kunyangwe ichitsvaga nzira dzekubhadharira vakwereti vanga vachiwedzera kumanikidza kupokana nazvo.

The June chapter 11 bankruptcy filings disclosed that Celcius holds a variety of possessions including digital assets held in custody accounts, loans, the company’s own CEL token, Bank cash and a bitcoin mining business. Last week, Ripple lawyers made an application seeking to be enjoined in the bankruptcy proceedings despite not being a major creditor for Celcius.

kunyange zvazvo Ripple has not done any major acquisition deals previously, some pundits believe Celsius’s attractive legal background could be the key reason for Ripple’s increased interest in the firm, especially given its scuffle pamwe neSecurities Exchange Commission.

"Tinoziva Ripple is trying to buy Celsius. Why? Celsius marketed itself as a type of crypto bank,” Akadaro Lisa Daly Digital Product Manager kuBlackRock, "Celsius network inzvimbo yakadzorwa, "SEC-inoenderana" yekukweretesa inoita kuti vashandisi vagamuchire mubereko pane yakaiswa crypto kana kutora crypto collateralized zvikwereti.

Yakavambwa muna 2017 nemukuru mukuru Alex Mashinsky, Celsius yakange yakura nekukurumidza nekuda kwekukwezva kwayo mubereko kune vashandisi vanotora mabhiriyoni mazana matatu nemazana mashanu emadhora gore rapfuura. Iyo kambani, zvisinei, yakazviwana yakavharirwa mudambudziko rekushaikwa kwemari neayo akawanda emari ye crypto achiderera padivi pemusika wakafara we crypto, zvisinei nechikwereti chayo chinoramba chakakwira. Kusafambiswa zvakanaka kwemari uye The Terra-induced stablecoin implosion dutu, iro rakakonzera kurasikirwa kwakapararira kune vakati wandei vane mukurumbira mumaindasitiri, yaizounza Celsius kumabvi ayo. 

That said, while a favourable outcome could come out of Ripple’s quest, it is unclear if the firm seeks to acquire Celsius altogether. In June, a source revealed that FTX “was interested in making a deal with Celsius but walked away” because of the irredeemable state of its finances, instead settling on BlockFi.

Original source: ZyCrypto