Bitcoin Paraja arrin përmirësimin e arritjeve historike, duke nxjerrë në pah veçoritë transformuese të Cashtokens 

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Bitcoin Paraja arrin përmirësimin e arritjeve historike, duke nxjerrë në pah veçoritë transformuese të Cashtokens 

Në Maj 15, 2023, Bitcoin Cash network achieved another annual milestone by seamlessly integrating four cutting-edge features into its consensus ruleset. At precisely 1:24 p.m. UTC on Monday, the eagerly anticipated upgrade went live, marking a significant leap forward for the peer-to-peer electronic cash platform. Bitcoin Cash fans believe the transformative changes are set to revolutionize the blockchain’s ecosystem.

Bitcoin Cash Network Takes a Leap Forward With 4 New Ruleset Changes

At Bitcoin Cash block height 792,772, rrjeti përmirësuar me sukses the blockchain. The upgrade is more developer focused and average BCH users do not need to do anything. Only miners and full node operators need to upgrade their BCH software to be compatible with the ruleset changes. Over time, specific bitcoin para në dorë (BCH) compatible wallets can upgrade as well and incorporate some of the new improvements like Cashtokens.

Today’s upgrade features four new elements which include: Cashtokens, Allow Transactions to be smaller in size, P2SH32, and Restrict Transaction Versions. The Allow Transactions ruleset changes “prevents a hash griding attack, where SPV wallets can confuse a 64-byte transaction for a merkle node,” according to a përmbledhje published by Coin Dance.

Sapo përditësova përmbledhjen e portofolit tim për #CashTokens përmirësuar!

Tani mund të filtrosh kuletat sipas faktit nëse ato mbështesin cashtoken ose jo


— Mathieu Geukens (@GeukensMathieu) Mund 15, 2023

The “Pay-to-Script-Hash-32” (P2SH32) alteration serves as a long-term remedy against 80-bit P2SH collision attacks. The modification introduces an advanced address format exclusively designed for smart contracts, boasting enhanced cryptographic security measures.

With the introduction of the “Restrict Transaction Versions” modification, Coin Dance explains that transactions are now strictly limited to version numbers of either 1 or 2. Any blocks containing transactions that defy this rule will be swiftly invalidated.

La Cashtokens upgrade, eagerly awaited by the BCH komuniteti, promises a wealth of transformative features, making it a slightly more intricate enhancement. This highly anticipated upgrade is poised to usher in a multitude of advancements that will significantly elevate the capabilities of the network. Lajme foli with software developer Jason Dreyzehner about Cashtokens on May 2, 2023, and he detailed the potential game-changing impact of Cashtokens CHIP for Bitcoin Cash. According to Dreyzehner, Cashtokens will offer censorship-resistant, low-fee digital assets that can represent physical assets and function as currencies, stablecoins, securities, and more.

Cashtokens ofrojnë një mori përfitimesh joshëse, të tilla si fuqizimi i individëve për të lëshuar argumente që përfaqësojnë një gamë të gjerë artikujsh. Për më tepër, ato sjellin funksionalitetin e kontratës inteligjente që rivalizon Ethereum-in, por me një avantazh efikasiteti mbi 1,000 herë në transaksione dhe vlefshmëri blloku.

The introduction of Cashtokens also paves the way for the development of low-fee, censorship-resistant prediction markets, while contract-issued commitments and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) open up exciting possibilities for decentralized applications (dapps). Amid the upgrade, bitcoin para në dorë (BCH) is up 4% higher against the U.S. dollar on Monday morning.

What are your thoughts on the latest Bitcoin Cash upgrade and the introduction of Cashtokens? Share your insights on how these advancements could shape the future of the blockchain ecosystem in the comments section below.

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