Bitcoin Is the ‘Cleanest Industrial Use of Electricity,’ Says BTC Firebrand Michael Saylor

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Bitcoin Is the ‘Cleanest Industrial Use of Electricity,’ Says BTC Firebrand Michael Saylor

i diskutueshëm Bitcoin firebrand Michael Saylor claims Bitcoin (BTC) është "përdorimi industrial më efikas, më i pastër i energjisë elektrike".

Kryetari ekzekutiv i MicroStrategy thotë në një të re blog that his firm’s metrics indicate about 59.5% of energy for Bitcoin mining comes from sustainable sources.

Saylor also notes that Bitcoin mining’s energy efficiency improved by 46% year-on-year.

“No other industry comes close (consider planes, trains, automobiles, healthcare, banking, construction, precious metals, etc.). The Bitcoin network keeps getting more energy efficient because of the relentless improvement in the semiconductors (SHA-256 ASICs) that power the bitcoin mining centers, combined with the halving of Bitcoin mining rewards every four years that is built into the protocol. This results in a consistent 18-36% improvement year after year in energy efficiency.”

Saylor says $4-5 billion in electricity powers a Bitcoin network worth $420 billion.

“The value of the output is 100x the cost of the energy input. This makes Bitcoin far less energy intensive than Google, Netflix, or Facebook, and 1-2 orders of magnitude less energy intensive than traditional 20th-century industries like airlines, logistics, retail, hospitality, & agriculture.”

Ekzekutivi i MicroStrategy synon gjithashtu rrjetet e provës së aksioneve.

“Regulators & legal experts have noted on many occasions that proof of stake (PoS) networks are likely securities, not commodities, and we can expect them to be treated as such over time. PoS Crypto Securities may be appropriate for certain applications, but they are not suitable to serve as global, open, fair money or a global open settlement network. Therefore, it makes no sense to compare proof of stake networks to Bitcoin".

Muajin e kaluar, Saylor dha dorëheqjen si CEO i MicroStrategy, një lëvizje që ekzekutivi thotë se nuk kishte të bënte me kompaninë e softuerit që postoi gati 1 miliard dollarë humbje BTC gjatë tremujorit të dytë të vitit.

Në fund të gushtit, Prokurori i Përgjithshëm i Uashington DC Karl A. Racine njoftoi that he’s suing the Bitcoin maximalist because he’s lived in Washington, D.C. for over 10 years but has never paid any taxes.

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Imazhi i veçuar: Shutterstock/marymyyr/Chuenmanuse

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