Bitcoin Навршава 15 година: Како је Пионеер Црипто променио глобалну економију

By Bitcoinист - 4 монтхс аго - Време читања: 3 минута

Bitcoin Навршава 15 година: Како је Пионеер Црипто променио глобалну економију

Fifteen years ago, on January 3, 2009, the Bitcoin network came into existence with the mining of the first block, known as the Genesis Block. This monumental event marked the beginning of a new era in digital currency and decentralized finance.

The Genesis Block holds a significant place in cryptocurrency history, not just for initiating the BTC blockchain but also for its embedded message – a headline from The Times: “Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks.” This message was seen as a political statement and a reflection of Bitcoin’s counter-establishment ethos.

Amidst the 2008 Great Financial Crisis, Satoshi Nakamoto introduced Bitcoin, envisioning a currency independent of traditional banking systems. The Genesis Block contained the first 50 BTCs, and the reward from this block was sent to the address 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa.

Забавна чињеница: Ова адреса је постала нека врста дигиталне споменик, accumulating over 72 BTC to date, as enthusiasts continue to send small amounts to pay homage to Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin’s pseudonymous creator​.

Рушење баријера: како Bitcoin Еволвед

Током протеклих 15 година, БТЦ је еволуирао од новог концепта до зреле класе имовине. Његово путовање је обележено превазилажењем скептицизма, стицањем опште прихваћености и еволуцијом у кључног играча у глобалном финансијском систему.

Major corporations like МицроСтратеги Тесла have integrated BTC into their balance sheets, considering it a viable store of value and a hedge against inflation. Countries like Салвадор и Централна Афричка Република (CAR) have even adopted Bitcoin as legal tender, showcasing its potential in national economies.

Bitcoin has also seen significant improvements through Improvement Proposals (BIPs) like Segregated Witness (SegWit) and Тапроот. These updates have enhanced transaction speed, cost efficiency, privacy, and smart contract capabilities, contributing to Bitcoin’s resilience and zero-hack record. Moreover, the introduction of features like Ординалс, allowing for Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) creation, has expanded Bitcoin’s role in the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) economy​.

With over 575,000 daily transactions (according to подаци), BTC’s adoption continues to soar. One of BTC’s remarkable transitions is its shift from being perceived as a “money laundering instrument with no intrinsic value” to an asset that is now on the verge of being offered as an ETF by some of the world’s largest asset managers like Блацкроцк Верност. This change in perception underscores Bitcoin’s growing acceptance and legitimacy in the financial world​.

The criticism of the energy-intensive nature of mining has flattened out as supporters have proven Bitcoin’s potential to be the first carbon-negative asset in the world. BTC is already the greenest industry у свету.

As Bitcoin marks its 15th anniversary, it has also achieved a significant milestone in terms of market capitalization, now ranking as the 9th largest asset globally. This remarkable position places it among leading entities like Gold, Apple, Microsoft, Saudi Aramco, Alphabet (Google), Amazon, Silver, and NVIDIA, which currently have higher market caps.

Злато, које држи прво место, има запањујућу тржишну капитализацију од 13.879 билиона долара. Да би се раст БТЦ-а ставио у перспективу, његова тренутна тржишна капитализација од 890.11 милијарди долара би морала да се повећа око 15 пута како би се ускладила са тржишном капитализацијом злата.

Укратко, Bitcoin’s 15th anniversary is not just a celebration of its longevity but a testament to its impact on redefining money, finance, and trust. It symbolizes a decentralized future, where financial inclusion knows no borders, and power is distributed algorithmically.

Вероватно најважније достигнуће у духу Сатошија Накамота, међутим, истакао је Рос Стивенс, оснивач Стоне Ридге Ассет Манагемент (20 милијарди долара АУМ) и НИДИГ, у свом најновијем инвеститору писмо:

In a world of State money increasingly debased, censored, and surveilled, Bitcoin represents optimism, fairness, justice, truth, and beauty. As the People’s money, Bitcoin is unstoppable by borders, devaluation, censorship, or mass surveillance.

У време штампе, БТЦ се трговао за 45,167 долара.

Изворни извор: Bitcoinје