$4,900,000,000 Bitcoin Whale Initiates Massive BTC Transfers As Crypto Market Dips

Од Тхе Даили Ходл - пре 2 године - Време читања: 2 минута

$4,900,000,000 Bitcoin Whale Initiates Massive BTC Transfers As Crypto Market Dips

The world’s richest non-exchange Bitcoin (BTC) whale is accumulating BTC amidst a widespread crypto market pullback.

The wallet, which by itself има the largest trove of Bitcoin next to crypto exchange giants Binance Bitfinex, is buying more BTC as the price of the flagship cryptocurrency continues to trade below the $40,000 mark.

Према подаци from crypto tracking website BitInfoCharts, the deep-pocketed investor snapped up 318 BTC and 412 BTC on March 8th and 9th respectively when the latest crypto market downturn began.

Before that, the crypto holder sold 1,500 BTC during a short-term rally in early March when the top crypto asset by market cap briefly rose to $43,900, a price tag that it hasn’t seen since early February.

The crypto whale currently holds about 126,000 BTC worth a staggering $4.9 billion at time of writing.

In a report published last week, crypto insights firm Santiment notes that BTC investors are moving their holdings out of exchange protocols, which could indicate a future rally for the leading digital asset.

#Bitcoin наставља да види кованице које се повлаче са берзи док су цене близу дна за 6 месеци. Занимљиво је да је 21 од последњих 26 недеља видела $ БТЦ moving more off of exchanges than on to exchanges. Look for major outflow spikes as price rise indicators. https://t.co/Jl0GZqfBlF пиц.твиттер.цом/6Бткп4Ф7Вл

- Сантимент (@сантиментфеед) Март КСНУМКС, КСНУМКС

Фирма каже that crypto exchange platforms are now seeing the lowest ratio of Bitcoin supply they have in three years, which could mean the king crypto will face lower sell pressure in the future.

"Bitcoin’s cumulative supply sitting on exchanges has continued its encouraging slide downwards, reaching all the way to 10.76%.

This is the lowest ratio of BTC supply on exchanges since November 2018. Generally, this continued decline implies a decreased risk of future selloffs.”

Bitcoin is exchanging hands at $38,743 at time of writing, an 8.7% decrease from its seven-day peak of $42,438.

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/BT Sid

Порука $4,900,000,000 Bitcoin Whale Initiates Massive BTC Transfers As Crypto Market Dips појавио прво на Даили Ходл.

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