Apple CEO Tim Cook Holds Bitcoin And Ethereum As Part Of Diversified Portfolio

By Bitcoinист - пре 2 године - Време читања: 3 минута

Apple CEO Tim Cook Holds Bitcoin And Ethereum As Part Of Diversified Portfolio

In a new interview, Apple CEO Tim Cook has revealed that he personally holds Bitcoin and Ethereum. He also believes that it is reasonable to own cryptocurrencies as part of a diversified portfolio. Here is everything else the influential tech executive had to say about the asset class and why this could be enormous for crypto.

Tim Cook Owns Crypto: Bitcoin И Етхереум

Bitcoin is on the brink of becoming мејнстрим имовина, and the head of the long time most valuable company in the world (only recently unseated by Microsoft) just told the world he owns some. Ethereum was also included in the list of assets he agreed to when asked if he held some, to which Apple CEO Tim Cook responded with “I do. I think it’s reasonable to own it as part of a diversified portfolio.”

He made sure to point out he wasn’t giving out any “investment advice” but had been interested in the technology for “a while.” After researching it a bit, simply put, Cook thinks “its interesting.”

Релатед Реадинг | deVere CEO: Bitcoin Cemented As “Mainstream,” “Investors Should Consider” Crypto

Cook’s comments say nothing about any plans Apple has related to cryptocurrencies but given the interest, anything is possible long term as the asset class continues to gain mainstream acceptance.

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak is also a fan of cryptocurrencies, having in the past revealed he owned BTC and ETH.

Bitcoin continues to grow | Source: БТЦУСД на ТрадингВиев.цом

Comparing Apples To Orange Pills

Apple as a company hasn’t been overly friendly with cryptocurrencies, at several points in the past removing crypto related apps from the Apple App Store. Past experiences the company has had haven’t always been positive. For example, the first tweet the official Apple account ever made, was to promote a Bitcoin scam as part of a wider Twitter hack.

Still, Apple could be a massive catalyst for rapid crypto adoption, if only it somehow integrated support for the technology into its native OS, similar to what Samsung has done with its blockchain keystore app.

Релатед Реадинг | Цоинбасе ће покретати нови Фацебооков нови крипто новчаник друштвеног гиганта

Apple has sold billions of their flagship iPhone, which could – with the push of an iOS update – put a crypto wallet in the hands of just as many users. The company also could potentially integrate cryptocurrencies into its Apple Pay functionality, making it easier to spend and use coins as currencies.

Apple could also some day launch a decentralized app store offering direct native connection from the iPhone’s crypto wallet to platforms like Унисвап и више.

Of course, we’re getting ahead of ourselves and this is only a revelation that Apple CEO Tim Cook owns some BTC and ETH – but that fact alone and the fact he thinks it is “interesting” could lead to more.

Watch the interview excerpt below.

Apple CEO Tim Cook just said he owns Bitcoin и Етхереум.

This shouldn’t surprise anyone that a technologist is interested in new technologies.

- Помп 🌪 (@АПомплиано) Новембар 9, 2021

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