Сем Алтман се враћа назад на ОпенАИ: Шта се дешава?

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Сем Алтман се враћа назад на ОпенАИ: Шта се дешава?

Извор: Пикабаи

Sam Altman, the ousted OpenAI founder, will return back to run the company as the CEO under a new board.

In a bizarre reversal drama, the co-founder of the leading generative artificial intelligence startup will rejoin the company, days after he was pushed out of it.

Per a post on X (Twitter) on Wednesday, the company confirmed that it had “reached an agreement in principle for Sam to return to OpenAI as CEO with a new initial board.”

The initial board will be led by Bret Taylor, a former co-CEO of Salesforce. Other directors include Larry Summers, the former US Treasury Secretary, and existing member Adam D’Angelo.

“We are collaborating to figure out the details,” the post read.

We have reached an agreement in principle for Sam to return to OpenAI as CEO with a new initial board of Bret Taylor (Chair), Larry Summers, and Adam D'Angelo.

Сарађујемо на откривању детаља. Хвала вам пуно на вашем стрпљењу кроз ово.

- ОпенАИ (@ОпенАИ) Новембар 22, 2023

Altman left OpenAI on November 17, following an unusual company structure that weakened his position as the CEO. However, the AI entrepreneur joined software behemoth Microsoft soon after.

In a separate post by Altman, he noted that he is looking forward to rejoining OpenAI and building a strong partnership with Microsoft.

“I love OpenAI, and everything I’ve done over the past few days has been in service of keeping this team and its mission together,” he wrote.

Волим опенаи, и све што сам урадио протеклих дана било је у служби одржавања овог тима и његове мисије на окупу. када сам одлучио да се придружим мсфт-у на сунчано вече, било је јасно да је то најбољи пут за мене и тим. са новим одбором и сатијином подршком, ја сам…

- Сам Алтман (@сама) Новембар 22, 2023

The company stressed that the reworked OpenAI board is not a final one.

Microsoft head Sathya Nadella said that he is “encouraged by the changes to the OpenAI board.”

“We believe this is a first essential step on a path to more stable, well-informed, and effective governance,” he wrote.

Охрабрени смо променама на ОпенАИ табли. Верујемо да је ово први суштински корак на путу ка стабилнијој, добро информисаној и ефикаснијој управи. Сем, Грег и ја смо разговарали и сложили се да они имају кључну улогу заједно са лидерским тимом ОАИ у обезбеђивању… https://t.co/djO6Fuz6t9

- Сатиа Наделла (@сатианаделла) Новембар 22, 2023

Порука Сем Алтман се враћа назад на ОпенАИ: Шта се дешава? појавио прво на Цриптоневс.

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