Тесла држи стабилно Bitcoin: Зарада у четвртом кварталу открива непромењену крипто позицију

By Bitcoinист - 3 монтхс аго - Време читања: 2 минута

Тесла држи стабилно Bitcoin: Зарада у четвртом кварталу открива непромењену крипто позицију

In the latest financial disclosures from Tesla Inc., the Elon Musk-helmed electric vehicle giant, there’s a notable absence of any Bitcoin transaction activities. This silence in their Извештај за четврти квартал 2023 suggests that Tesla has maintained its position in the crypto space, holding onto its Bitcoin.

Notably, Tesla’s decision not to buy or sell Bitcoin during the fourth quarter of last year coincides with the uptrend experienced by the crypto market.

Musk’s Tesla Holds Steady On Bitcoin

Tesla, recognized for its “forward-thinking” approach to technology and investment, holds КСНУМКС БТЦ. By not reporting BTC-related transactions, the company signals its continued confidence in Bitcoin као инвестиција.

Ова стабилност је вредна пажње, с обзиром на волатилност тржишта током протеклих месеци. Теслина одлука да задржи своје БТЦ резерве сугерише стратешку „дугорочну визију“ за своје улагање у криптовалуте, у складу са његовом репутацијом лидера у технолошком простору.

It is worth noting that the absence of Bitcoin transactions in Tesla’s 2023 Q4 report comes amid a broader financial picture for the company. In the same quarter, Tesla reported a revenue of $25.2 billion, marking a 3% increase year-on-year.

Although its earnings per share of 71 cents fell slightly short of очекивања аналитичара, the company’s net income showed substantial growth, достигавши 7.9 милијарди долара compared to $2.3 billion in the same quarter in 2022.

Теслина Догецоин авантура

Поред ње Bitcoin holdings, Tesla has made headlines with its dedicated “DOGE-Only Payment System.” This move, likely influenced by Elon Musk’s vocal support for Dogecoin, goes beyond mere “merchandise payments.”

A member of the Dogecoin community recently спекулисано Који Tesla’s venture into Dogecoin payments serves multiple purposes. These include developing a native Dogecoin payment processor, training its customer service team in blockchain technology, and identifying common issues with crypto payments.

Ако бих морао да нагађам зашто је микс робних производа сада сведен скоро на ништа, онда би цела сврха представљања „Доге за Теслу“ била да:

1) Build a native Doge payment processor 2) Train a Customer Service team up specifically in blockchain tech 3) Learn…

— Доге ће победити (@Догецоин_Винс) Januar 3, 2024

Meanwhile, During a recent discussion on X Space, Elon Musk confirmed that he still possesses a “bunch of Dogecoin.” However, regardless of Musk’s continued support for DOGE, the crypto has not been immune to the prevailing market conditions. In the past week, Dogecoin has experienced a 3.6% decrease, currently trading at around $0.07.

“I still own bunch of Dogecoin and SpaceX owns bunch of Bitcoin"

– Илон Маск у Кс простору пиц.твиттер.цом/ФеРкззгдН1

— ДогеДесигнер (@цб_доге) Januar 10, 2024

This downturn in Dogecoin’s value reflects the broader negative trend in the crypto market, primarily led by Bitcoin. Over the same period, BTC has seen a significant drop of nearly 10%, with its current trading price below $40,000.

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Изворни извор: Bitcoinје