Ове предстојеће крипто прекретнице могле би да изазову велики скуп за Солану, Догецоин и три алткоина: Биро за новчиће

Од Тхе Даили Ходл - пре 2 године - Време читања: 3 минута

Ове предстојеће крипто прекретнице могле би да изазову велики скуп за Солану, Догецоин и три алткоина: Биро за новчиће

Coin Bureau crypto channel host Guy is revealing why he remains bullish on five major crypto assets despite recent sell-offs.

Момак каже his 1.87 million YouTube subscribers that he is unconvinced that the bull market is over and thinks there are “upcoming crypto milestones that could be a catalyst for a massive reversal.”

Почевши од солана (SOL), the Coin Bureau host says that the sixth-largest blockchain by market cap is still “technically in beta” and the launch of a mainnet is in the pipeline.

According to Guy, Solana’s mainnet could go live “around March this year”. A mainnet is a real-world ready blockchain as opposed to a testnet which is a blockchain in the testing or experimentation phase.

The Coin Bureau host also says that the second milestone Solana is set to achieve is introducing on-chain governance.

Следеће је Litecoin (LTC). Guy says that Litecoin’s upcoming privacy-enhancing feature known as MimbleWimble will make LTC the world’s “most accessible cryptocurrency with privacy-preserving features”.

“This will likely create a lot of demand for LTC and lots of positive price action by extension.”

Следеће је Догецоин (DOGE). According to Guy, two upcoming Dogecoin milestones could generate hype that could boost the dog-themed crypto asset.

The two milestones are launching GigaWallet, a backend service aiming to facilitate the use of Dogecoin for payments by enterprises.

Another milestone is the launch of a software developer kit that will allow developers to build new Dogecoin-related products.

“Even though it’s unlikely that these upgrades will have any direct effect on the price of DOGE in the short term, the hype alone will probably be enough to make prices pump.”

Next up is the leading Ethereum (ETH) layer-2 scaling solution, Полигон (MATIC). The Coin Bureau host says that Polygon has dedicated resources to building additional scaling solutions for Ethereum and names two projects that could be bullish for MATIC once they come online.

“The two that are likely to create the most demand for the MATIC token are Polygon Miden and Polygon Zero…

Chances are that Polygon’s upcoming scaling solutions will be much more secure. And once they go live, there’s a high probability that MATIC will moon.”

Next up is the play-to-earn game Акие Инфинити (AXS). Guy says that Axie Infinity’s Ethereum-linked sidechain, Ronin Network, could take its utility token RON public in early February, and this could boost related crypto assets.

"…I have a feeling that this listing will have a positive effect on all play-to-earn crypto projects and possibly NFTs [non-fungible tokens] too.”


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  Изјава о одрицању одговорности: Мишљења изражена у Даили Ходлу нису савет за инвестирање. Инвеститори треба да изврше дубинску анализу пре него што уложе ризичне ризике у Bitcoin, крипто валута или дигитална имовина. Имајте на уму да своје трансфере и трговање обављате на сопствени ризик, а губици које бисте могли претрпети су ваша одговорност. Даили Ходл не препоручује куповину или продају било које крипто валуте или дигиталне имовине, нити је Даили Ходл инвестициони саветник. Имајте на уму да Даили Ходл учествује у придруженом маркетингу.

Featured Image: Shutterstock/dodotone/LongQuattro

Порука Ове предстојеће крипто прекретнице могле би да изазову велики скуп за Солану, Догецоин и три алткоина: Биро за новчиће појавио прво на Даили Ходл.

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