Секретарка финансија Јелен одржала непланирани састанак са највишим финансијским регулаторима усред превирања у банкарском сектору

By Bitcoin.цом - пре 1 годину - Време читања: 2 минута

Секретарка финансија Јелен одржала непланирани састанак са највишим финансијским регулаторима усред превирања у банкарском сектору

Америчка секретарка финансија Џенет Јелен иницирала је у петак непланирани састанак Савета за надзор финансијске стабилности (ФСОЦ) са највишим финансијским регулаторима у земљи, усред проблема који муче амерички банкарски сектор. Банкарске акције и сва четири америчка референтна индекса поново су пали у петак пошто напори владе прошле недеље нису успели да угуши финансијску катастрофу у земљи.

Јанет Иеллен покреће непланирани састанак са највишим финансијским регулаторима у земљи

The U.S. banking sector remains in turmoil following the collapse of three major banks two weeks ago and the federal government’s measures to address the issues. On Friday afternoon, the four primary U.S. benchmark stock indexes are flat, and bank stocks from institutions like Truist, Прва република, Pacwest Bancorp, and Western Alliance Bancorp have dropped lower than the previous day’s close.

A извештај from Bloomberg states that U.S. Treasury secretary Janet Yellen has scheduled an unscheduled meeting with the country’s top financial executives and the FSOC. Yellen’s surprise meeting with the FSOC follows her недавни коментар, where she said that the government’s recent intervention with Банка Силицијумске долине Банка потписа “was necessary to protect the broader U.S. banking system.” In a speech given to the American Bankers Association, Yellen further emphasized that “similar actions could be warranted.”

In the report by Bloomberg’s Christopher Condon, the meeting between Secretary Yellen and the FSOC is closed to the public, and the time of the event has not been disclosed. It is unclear what will come out of the meeting. Yellen also addressed the issue at the Senate Appropriations subcommittee, where she noted that Congress should review the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s (FDIC) insurance methods. However, Yellen emphasized that she has “not considered or discussed anything having to do with blanket insurance or guarantees of deposits.”

Yellen stated that decisions would likely be made on a case-by-case basis if other banks fail and are deemed a “systemic risk exception.” She added that “we are likely to invoke the systemic risk exception, which permits the FDIC to protect all depositors, and that would be a case-by-case determination.” The unscheduled meeting with Yellen and the FSOC on Friday will include members of the Америчка централна резерва and several other financial regulatory agencies.

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