XRP Could Explode by Up to 200%, Predicts Analyst Who Nailed Bitcoin’s 2022 Bottom – But There’s a Catch

Написао Тхе Даили Ходл - пре 10 месеца - Време читања: 2 минута

XRP Could Explode by Up to 200%, Predicts Analyst Who Nailed Bitcoin’s 2022 Bottom – But There’s a Catch

A popular crypto analyst believes that XRP is primed for a triple-digit rally as a decision on the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) lawsuit against Ripple разбоји.

The pseudonymous analyst DonAlt каже 50,900 subscribers of the TechnicalRoundup YouTube channel that XRP has a potential upside of over 100% from the current levels.

DonAlt says he has resumed buying XRP after taking profits on positions he entered in November of 2022.

“I’ve been re-buying my XRP in here [above the $0.475 level], basically on the way up because I think the XRP narrative could come in rolling again. The SEC case is getting closer and closer.

I think basically if you have a stop loss on this thing, the upside is like a double to a triple. And the downside is like… 10 – 15%.

And the outcome of the case, or even if it’s like just barely positive news right… it doesn’t even have to be the outcome. If there’s just like a frown on the judge’s face while the SEC is talking, basically you’re gonna see quite a massive pump. And so like that risk-to-reward seems decent.”

Извор: ТецхницалРоундуп/ИоуТубе

The analyst, however, urges caution as the XRP trade is not risk-free.

“Obviously, you have to be careful on this as well. Easy way to lose a bunch of money.”

According to DonAlt, the bullish thesis for XRP will be invalidated if the sixth-largest crypto asset by market falls below $0.46.

“What’s the invalidation for XRP? Fall back below $0.46 on the weekly [chart]. Like if we start losing this horizontal support [at around $0.46], we’re probably going to lose this diagonal [ascending trend line] too.”

КСРП се тргује по цени од 0.506 долара у време писања.


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Порука XRP Could Explode by Up to 200%, Predicts Analyst Who Nailed Bitcoin’s 2022 Bottom – But There’s a Catch појавио прво на Даили Ходл.

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