$ 5,100,000,000 CEO Crypto Hedge Fund Nyebutkeun 'Rally Anyar' Incoming, Ethereum sareng Altcoins Disetél Pikeun Outperform

Ku The Daily Hodl - 1 year ago - Waktos Maca: 2 menit

$ 5,100,000,000 CEO Crypto Hedge Fund Nyebutkeun 'Rally Anyar' Incoming, Ethereum sareng Altcoins Disetél Pikeun Outperform

CEO Pantera Capital Dan Morehead nyangka pasar crypto geus kaliwat handap siklus jeung rék ngamimitian rebounding.

In a new interview with Real Vision CEO Raoul Pal, the crypto hedge fund executive says his firm was “heavy” on Bitcoin (BTC) dina Méi, Juni jeung Juli sabab asset crypto luhur turun kirang di kali stress pasar.

Anjeunna ayeuna, kumaha oge, percaya éta waktuna pikeun strategi anu béda.

"Bitcoin’s kind of like the treasury equivalent of our space, and everything is kind of high beta to that. In times of stress, Bitcoin does go down less than the micro-caps or whatever you want to call altcoins…

Sabenerna mah urang geus kaliwat handap. If we’re in, at a minimum, a consolidation level, and potentially the new rally – which I actually think we’re in – then it does pay to be out that risk curve, to be in Ethereum, DeFi (decentralized finance), a bunch of other things. And so we’ve now taken our Bitcoin exposure way down, and we’re back in all the other sectors that can perform well if we’re in a bull market. 

Obviously, if we’re wrong and we have another leg down, we’re going to be wishing we were all in Bitcoin, but the other things have a high beta, basically.”

Aset-béta luhur nyaéta aset anu diperkirakeun janten résiko tapi nyayogikeun poténsi pangbalikan anu langkung luhur.

Tonton wawancara lengkep Morehead Ieuh.

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Gambar dihasilkeun: StableDiffusion

pos teh $ 5,100,000,000 CEO Crypto Hedge Fund Nyebutkeun 'Rally Anyar' Incoming, Ethereum sareng Altcoins Disetél Pikeun Outperform mucunghul munggaran dina Ari Hodl Harian.

sumber aslina: Ari Hodl Harian