Academia Excludes Bitcoiners And Supports Tyranny

By Bitcoin Majalah - 2 sababaraha taun ka pengker - Waktos Bacaan: 5 menit

Academia Excludes Bitcoiners And Supports Tyranny

The academic community must make the choice of honest intellectual consideration of Bitcoin or continued deliberate ignorance.

Bitcoiners are not welcome in academia.

Academics, including economic professors, overwhelmingly do not understand Bitcoin and represent it unfavorably (if they mention it at all). University professors are prone to favor Keynesian fiat economic systems due in part to a revolving door between academia and the IMF, World Bank, World Economic Forum (WEF), the Federal Reserve and more. Universities and professors are also financially incentivized through grants and financial support to promulgate economic theories in favor of more government control. Economics departments enforce group-think by selectively hiring professors who are less likely to dispute their fiat economic theories. I discussed all of this dina artikel abdi saméméhna.

Ieu sanés hartosna yén akademisi individu anu ngadukung ékonomi Keynesian rusak; paling anjog di posisi maranéhanana ngaliwatan karya jujur ​​tur sah. Nanging, akademisi gagal ngaku yén profesor sering pisan janten perencana pusat sahingga nguntungkeun sacara finansial sareng pamor / kakuatan tina perencanaan anu langkung sentral. Ku alatan éta, hiji jalma lumrah bakal nyangka aya bias pervasive dina ni'mat sistem ékonomi Fiat dikawasa sentral diantara profesor. Henteu ngaku bias sistemik ieu is kacida teu jujur.

In fact, there is systemic exclusion of Bitcoiners from academia. It has been done through a combination of university policies, socially enforced viewpoint-conformity and strong bias towards the fiat system and official narrative.

Daptar panjang pintonan - loba dicekel ku mayoritas populasi di luar gelembung ideologi leutik akademisi urang - ayeuna dilarang ku siswa beuki ideologically dipibanda, profesor jeung staf di akademisi. Ayeuna umumna pikeun mahasiswa, profesor sareng staf nutup, ngahina, ngancem, sareng kadang-kadang telenges ka jalma anu nyatakeun pendapat anu dianggap karasa teuing. Sering dina spanduk "nyalametkeun nyawa" atanapi "kaadilan sosial" atanapi (paling ironisna) "ngajagi démokrasi," panyatur sareng opini dilarang ti kampus. It is rare for a university president to stand up to a woke mob. Bitcoiners in particular are prone to run afoul of the ever-changing woke pieties so rigorously enforced.

The viewpoints shown in the table below are frequently held and often quite important to Bitcoiners, including many of the foremost Bitcoin educators/experts. However, they are repressed in academia to varying degrees of severity. This leads to a systemic exclusion from academia of those who understand and value Bitcoin. The result, unsurprisingly, is widespread ignorance on all matters Bitcoin among the professoriate tasked with teaching students about the economy, human rights, geopolitics and the world. No Bitcoiner holds all the views shown in the table below, but most hold several of them. These views are held by Bitcoiners di loba ongkos leuwih luhur batan masarakat umum atawa akademisi.

Henteu ngan ukur ngalakukeun Bitcoiners often hold “cancelable” views that would bar them from university positions, but they tend to be unusually willing to express said disfavored views.

Tumbu pikeun: "Vaksin covid""Kalolobaan kuliah""konspirasi pikeun ngadalikeun unggal aspék kahirupan urang""panto revolving kalawan WEF""toksik Bitcoin Maximalists""perséntase badag""perangna misinformation ngaliwatan sénsor média sosial jeung téori ékonomi behavioral” Links for: “kecap ganti""telenges jeung pikasieuneunundefinedtaktik"."remen dipecat""kasehatan""Studi gajih” Links for: “teu sujud ka teater COVID"."Nilai Christian.” “Bitcoin is halal""sistem kapitalis anu pangalusna""Upami anjeun hoyong naek kana hierarki akademisi anjeun kedah ati-ati ngeunaan ngritik ideu, khususna ideu jalma anu aya di luhur widangna, anu nyandak kaputusan…"

Tiasa Akademisi Pertimbangkeun Pandangan Béda?

Sanaos gambar anu ku kuring dicét di luhur tiasa suram, lembaga akademik ngagaduhan peran anu ageung dina ngalegaan pangaweruh sareng intelek kamanusaan salami sababaraha abad. Kontribusi anu terus-terusan pikeun pangaweruh, kasenian sareng pendidikan henteu tiasa ditolak. Sanajan kitu, akademisi perlu ngaku yén conformity idéologis rampant maranéhanana sarta pangaluaran pintonan lumrah mangrupakeun disservice badag pikeun siswa maranéhanana sarta dina konflik jeung ngungudag jujur ​​pangaweruh.

Teu kaasup Bitcoiners from the academy and dishonestly degrading Bitcoin is a mistake. The result is a failure to fully prepare the student body for the economy and world of tomorrow.

Nanging, aya seueur alesan pikeun ngagaduhan harepan pikeun akademisi. Kuring nembe ngagaduhan kahormatan sareng kanikmatan anu ageung pikeun nampilkeun ka Komunitas HxEconomics, grup difasilitasi ku Akademi Heterodox, organisasi nonpartisan profesor universitas, pangurus, mahasiswa jeung staf "komitmen pikeun enhancing kualitas panalungtikan sarta atikan ku promosi panalungtikan kabuka, diversity sudut pandang jeung kaayaan teu satuju konstruktif di lembaga pendidikan tinggi."

Salaku bukti hirup nilai-nilai maranéhanana, grup sawala ékonomi graciously diondang kuring, non-akademik kanyahoan tanpa kredensial husus, pikeun masihan presentasi judulna, "Overlooked Orthodoxy, Academia’s Bias Against Bitcoin.” In the fruitful informal discussion that followed, the small group of professors and students agreed my thesis was likely true. So now I ask Heterodox Academy and the academics everywhere who give a damn about intellectual integrity: Do you think there is an anti-Bitcoin orthodoxy in academia? Do my dua artikel jeung ngawakilan gaduh ring bebeneran?

Hanjakalna, katingalina kaanggotaan Akademi Heterodox - lumayan ageung upami aya 5,000+ - mangrupikeun minoritas anu diputuskeun dina akademisi dina ngurus diskusi terbuka ayeuna. Aranjeunna gaduh padamelan anu dipotong pikeun aranjeunna dina ngarecahkeun konformitas ideologis anu nyéépkeun akademisi sareng ngarobih rigor pangajaran dina mata pelajaran tina matématika kana kabijakan umum sareng ubar.

So academia, you have a choice: start honestly teaching and studying Bitcoin or become increasingly irrelevant as an obvious intellectual fraud. Many of your students have been learning from Bitcoiners for free online for years. They spot your ignorance or dishonesty immediately when you inflate Bitcoin’s energy use, downplay its utility, omit the inequality and fragility in fiat from your curricula, ignore the violence of the petrodollar and completely demonize Bitcoin as an economic system. Please open your minds to Bitcoin and the currently locked doors of the ivory tower to Bitcoiners.

Ieu pos tamu ku Hannah Wolfman-Jones. Pamadegan dikedalkeun sagemblengna sorangan sarta teu merta ngagambarkeun pamadegan BTC Nyarita atawa Bitcoin majalah.

sumber aslina: Bitcoin majalah