Analis Nyebutkeun Altcoin Éta Rallied Leuwih 270% dina Tilu Bulan Masih Sigana Bullish, Apdet Outlook on Chainlink

Ku The Daily Hodl - 3 sababaraha bulan kapengker - Waktos Bacaan: 2 menit

Analis Nyebutkeun Altcoin Éta Rallied Leuwih 270% dina Tilu Bulan Masih Sigana Bullish, Apdet Outlook on Chainlink

A widely followed crypto analyst and trader is staying bullish on one altcoin that’s been red hot for months.

Analis pseudonymously katelah Altcoin Sherpa ngabejaan his 205,800 followers on the social media platform X that Web3 project Internet Computer (ICP) still has more upside potential.

“ICP: another coin that looks interesting to me setup-wise, bullish demand zone plus 200-day EMA (exponential moving average) on the four-hour that hasn’t been tested in a while. I am considering longing this one.”

Sumber: Altcoin Sherpa / X

Looking at his chart, the trader suggests ICP could bounce if it holds the 200-day EMA as support around the key level of $11.25.

ICP is trading for $11.14 at time of writing up more than 270% since its $2.99 close on October 19th.

Salajengna, padagang prédiksi that decentralized oracle provider Chainlink (numbu) will trade around its current price level in a consolidation phase before moving another leg up.

“LINK is consolidating for the next move up, but I expect this to still just chill out for a while and continue to consolidate. Not expecting any big moves – yet.”

Sumber: Altcoin Sherpa / X

Chainlink is trading for $15.43 at time of writing, up more than 7% in the last 24 hours.

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Gambar dihasilkeun: DALLE3

pos teh Analis Nyebutkeun Altcoin Éta Rallied Leuwih 270% dina Tilu Bulan Masih Sigana Bullish, Apdet Outlook on Chainlink mucunghul munggaran dina Ari Hodl Harian.

sumber aslina: Ari Hodl Harian