Analyst Says Solana (SOL), Polygon (MATIC) and One Additional Altcoin To Come Out Alive From Crypto Bear Market

Ku The Daily Hodl - 1 year ago - Waktos Maca: 2 menit

Analyst Says Solana (SOL), Polygon (MATIC) and One Additional Altcoin To Come Out Alive From Crypto Bear Market

A closely followed crypto analyst says that only a select group of altcoins will survive the bear market and recover in the coming years.

The pseudonymous analyst known as Altcoin Sherpa tells his 178,000 Twitter followers that he expects about 5% of altcoin projects to survive the current crypto winter.

The analyst names smart contract platform Solana (SOL), blockchain scaling solution Polygon (MATIC) and blockchain-based video game Axie Infinity (AXS) as projects that can stand the test of time.

“Altcoins as a portfolio diversification is nearly always a bad idea in the bear market. Everything is going to dump the same –good projects, bad projects, etc. I’m guessing 5% of projects make it out alive and recover well for years to come after BTC bottoms. SOL, MATIC, AXS.”

sumber: Altcoin Sherpa / Twitter

Dina waktos nyerat, Sol ngarobah leungeun pikeun $32.18, nepi leuwih 9% dina panungtungan 24 jam.

sumber: Altcoin Sherpa / Twitter

MATIC is currently valued at $0.36, an over 10% surge in the past day.

sumber: Altcoin Sherpa / Twitter

AXS is trading at $13.16, an increase of over 4% in the past 24 hours.

Altcoin Sherpa nyebutkeun that many projects will disappear forever, and for now, he’s only confident in trading Bitcoin (BTC) jeung Ethereum (ETH).

“Bad projects will continue to dump and die/stay dead forever. Good ones will stick around overall. I don’t really see many that I like and would rather just play BTC and ETH for now. If you want to buy stuff for long-term holds, I would focus on projects that’ll stay around…”

nempo Bitcoin, the analyst warns that a breach of the $18,000 support could ignite a fresh round of sell-offs for BTC.

“BTC: if this area fails then we’re seeing $12,000. Still a bit from there.”

sumber: Altcoin Sherpa / Twitter

Dina waktos nyerat, Bitcoin is valued at $19,961, up over 10% in the last day.

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Gambar anu diulas: Shutterstock / local_doctor

pos teh Analyst Says Solana (SOL), Polygon (MATIC) and One Additional Altcoin To Come Out Alive From Crypto Bear Market mucunghul munggaran dina Ari Hodl Harian.

sumber aslina: Ari Hodl Harian