Analis Anu Akurat Diprediksi 2022 Bitcoin sareng Kacilakaan Crypto Ngabejaan Padagang Pikeun 'Siap,' Prediksi Potongan Rambut Altcoin ageung

Ku The Daily Hodl - 1 year ago - Waktos Maca: 2 menit

Analis Anu Akurat Diprediksi 2022 Bitcoin sareng Kacilakaan Crypto Ngabejaan Padagang Pikeun 'Siap,' Prediksi Potongan Rambut Altcoin ageung

The popular crypto analyst who accurately called the current market collapse says that the altcoin market still has much further to drop than traders realize.

The pseudonymous padagang katelah Capo ngabejaan his 417,000 followers that even though most altcoins are way below their all-time highs, a sizeable haircut is around the corner.

“Expecting 45-50% drop on altcoins from current prices.” 

Backing up his thesis, Capo looks to Bitcoin dominance, which compares the market cap of BTC to the rest of the crypto market.

Traditionally, a rising Bitcoin dominance suggests that traders are fleeing altcoins to a less risky allocation of BTC.

According to Capo, Bitcoin dominance is setting up for a surge that will see altcoins get slaughtered.

“BTC.D update

Same idea, expanding diagonal for wave C. Altcoins should drop more than BTC.”

Sumber: Capo / Twitter

nempo Ethereum (ETH), the market’s biggest altcoin, Capo has a downward target in mind. According to the analyst, ETH is on its way down to levels not seen since late 2020.


Decreasing volume into resistance, and looking like a corrective move.

Next support: $700-800″

sumber: Capo / Twitter

Sedengkeun pikeun Bitcoin, analis nyebutkeun that the buyers who should’ve brought support to Bitcoin are now nowhere to be seen.

“The bids that were holding the price have been pulled. Bulls are scared or they weren’t really there, just whales pushing the price up to sell higher. Get ready.”

Capo says BTC is on the edge of collapsing to new local lows one last time before reversing. The crypto analyst has a downside target somewhere near $16,000, based on his chart, or about a 20% drop in BTC.


Break of the lower dark zone = bearish confirmation = new lows.”

sumber: Capo / Twitter

Dina waktos nyerat, Bitcoin is trading at $20,037, down 2% on the day.

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Gambar anu ditampilkeun: Shutterstock / GrandeDuc

pos teh Analis Anu Akurat Diprediksi 2022 Bitcoin sareng Kacilakaan Crypto Ngabejaan Padagang Pikeun 'Siap,' Prediksi Potongan Rambut Altcoin ageung mucunghul munggaran dina Ari Hodl Harian.

sumber aslina: Ari Hodl Harian