Apple's Steve Wozniak Nyaho Naon Anu Kajadian: "Moal Aya Anu Lain Bitcoin"

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Apple's Steve Wozniak Nyaho Naon Anu Kajadian: "Moal Aya Anu Lain Bitcoin"

The genius teknis balik Apple, Steve Wozniak alias The Woz, ngadatangan Yahoo! Keuangan ngobrol ngeunaan sagalana handapeun panonpoé. Aranjeunna judulna tulisan "Steve Wozniak dina nampi pitches crypto dina 'Unicorn Hunters',” sanajan ngan sababaraha menit panungtungan ngeunaan éta. Sapertos kakawasaan cryptocurrencies. Pamburu Unicorn nyaéta pintonan Shark-Tank-kawas ngeunaan manggihan ventures anyar pikeun investasi di. Host Brian Sozzi nanya Wozniak, "Naha anjeun percanten kana crypto? Éta pitch anjeun bakal ngahibur?"

Bacaan Patalina | Présidén Bukele Ngabersihkeun Kasalahan Ngeunaan Dompét Chivo Pamaréntah

The Woz proved his knowledge about the crypto space, about inflation, and about Bitcoin. However, he also spread some misconceptions. Let’s explore what the mind behind Apple thinks about the world Bitcoinist covers day after day. 

Truths About Bitcoin, With Steve Wozniak

Even though they asked him about crypto, The Woz quickly changed the subject to the king of the castle, Bitcoin. He started with “Crypto ngagaduhan seueur janji,"Sareng nyarios yén blockchain gaduh poténsi pikeun ngaganggu"pemilu, malah."Éta sabab"Éta ngagaduhan format anu tiasa dipercaya anu teu tiasa dirobih."Oke, dugi ka saé.

Lajeng, Wozniak balik ka konsép dina pikiran dulur urang: inflasi. “Look at the U.S. dollar, the government can just create new dollars and borrow, and borrow. It’s like you never have it fixed, like Bitcoin.” Éta bebeneran jeung euweuh tapi bebeneran. Sareng ieu, "Bitcoin is mathematics, mathematical purity. There can never be another Bitcoin didamel."Kakurangan digital anu leres ngan ukur tiasa dipendakan sakali. Ieu mangrupikeun konsép anu sesah pikeun nangkep, tapi The Woz nampi éta.

Not only that, he gets why Bitcoin is a commodity. “Bitcoin doesn’t even have a creator that we know of. Bitcoin isn’t run by some company. It´s just mathematically pure. And I believe nature over humans, always." Bitcoin is better compared to a natural force. Something that was discovered instead of created. 

Misconceptions About Bitcoin, With The Woz

Nalika Brian Sozzi naroskeun anjeunna ngeunaan kamungkinan cryptocurrencies ngaganggu cara jalma mayar barang, Wozniak nyarios "aya métode séjénna” sareng ngabandingkeunana sareng Apple Pay, PayPal, sareng sadaya jasa anu sanés. Anjeunna nyangka yén ngan ukur bédana nyaéta "crypto gaduh sakedik anonimitas."Salajengna, anjeunna nunjukkeun hak istimewana,"Sareng kuring henteu terang upami éta leres. Jigana nu sagalana anjeun ngalakukeun dina kahirupan, anjeun kudu daék nangtung sarta ngomong: Ieu kuring ngalakukeun transaksi ieu. Sareng crypto sesah dilacak deui, ka saha anu ngalakukeun naon. Ieu mungkin, sanajan."

At least he says he doesn’t know. Well Woz, the difference between all those services and Bitcoin is that the latter is permissionless. Everybody can use Bitcoin. You need to be connected to the banking system in order to use all of those payment methods. The bankless are usually the most vulnerable members of our society, and that’s the people Bitcoin is helping. Some of those individuals live under oppressive regimes. In those situations, you can’t just say “ieu abdi, ngalakonan transaksi ieu.” Anonymity mantuan. Sareng tetep, sadaya transaksi kadaptar dina blockchain salamina.

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Pamaréntah Moal Ngidinan… Atawa Naha Éta?

Lajeng, Wozniak mana kana kontrol pamaréntah. “Abdi resep pisan nalika jalma sapertos Jack Dorsey nyarios, sapertos, "crypto kedah janten jantung urusan bisnis urang.” Let’s stop you right there, Woz. Dorsey talks about Bitcoin in particular, not crypto. But carry on. “Masalahna, pamaréntah moal pernah ngantep éta di luar kontrolna. Upami éta dugi ka titik dimana sadayana dilakukeun dina crypto, sareng éta henteu ngalangkungan pamaréntahan pikeun observasi sareng perpajakan sareng sadayana, henteu, pamaréntahan ngan ukur ngalarang éta. Aranjeunna moal nyerah kakawasaanana. Éta mana haté jeung loba kakuatan asalna tina, Dollar AS."

It IS out of their control, though. That’s exactly what a decentralized system is. You can’t stop Bitcoin, you can’t ban Bitcoin. You can, nevertheless, ban yourself from Bitcoin. That’s what the Chinese did. Let’s see how the future judges that decision. You can also stop and ban any other cryptocurrency. They all have superstar creators, PR departments, and a lot to lose.

Sareng The Woz terang éta, dina taun 2018 ngawawancara sareng CNBC, saur anjeunna:

“Ngan bitcoin is pure digital gold… and I totally buy into that. All the others tend to give up some of the aspects of bitcoin. For example, being totally decentralized and having no central control. That’s the first one they have to give up to try to have a business model.”

Langkung Ngeunaan Inflasi, Sareng Steve Wozniak

Sadaya jalan ngakibatkeun inflasi, jadi Wozniak balik deui ka topik. “Upami aya inflasi, bumi anjeun naék 10 kali dina 40 taun sareng anjeun pikir anjeun investor anu pinter. Henteu, anjeun gaduh bumi kuno. Anjeun kungsi boga imah anyar, tapi pamaréntah nyebutkeun 90% tina nilai na earnings na urang bade pajeg. Pamaréntah ngajadikeun sakabéh pajeg na kaluar inflasi.” No argument there, Woz. We would only add that Bitcoin ngalereskeun éta. 

Bacaan Patalina | Apple Co-Founder Says Bitcoin Is A “Miracle,” It’s Better Than Gold

"Pikeun kuring, éta mangrupikeun sistem artifisial. Henteu sapertos sains sareng matematika, logika, sareng program komputer."Surak éta, Steve Wozniak.

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