Dupi Bitcoin Harga Jeung Equities Performance Correlated?

By Bitcoin Majalah - 2 sababaraha taun ka pengker - Waktos Bacaan: 1 menit

Dupi Bitcoin Harga Jeung Equities Performance Correlated?

Potential correlation between bitcoin and equities is in focus as the S&P 500 reached as far as 4.2% below its all-time highs.

Di handap ieu tina édisi panganyarna tina Deep Dive, Bitcoin newsletter pasar premium majalah urang. Janten diantara anu pangheulana nampi wawasan ieu sareng anu sanés dina ranté bitcoin analisis pasar langsung ka koropak anjeun, ngalanggan kiwari.

Sumber: TradingView

The two assets have been trading in a very correlated fashion since the start of the new year. With the stock market open this morning, both assets sold off in tandem, with bitcoin bouncing first with equities following, which serves as a strong sign for bitcoin investor.

Ayeuna korelasi hiji-bulan rolling antara dua aset nyaeta +46.7%.

Sumber: Skew

Sanaos korelasi anu paling positip antara dua aset salami 24 sasih katukang, S&P 500 turun ku 76% dina istilah BTC ti mimiti 2020.

Sumber: TradingView

Investors across the equity and crypto markets are keeping a close eye on the upcoming CPI print this coming Wednesday, with the current prediction number at 7.1% year over year. The consensus is that the market's selloff off in inflation comes in stronger than the predicted figure, with higher relative inflation meaning increased pressure for the Fed to hike rates in 2022.

sumber aslina: Bitcoin majalah