Binance's Bitcoin Rasio Kolateralisasi Cadangan Linggih dina 101% Numutkeun Inok Mazars - Ieu Anu Anjeun Peryogikeun Apal

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Binance's Bitcoin Rasio Kolateralisasi Cadangan Linggih dina 101% Numutkeun Inok Mazars - Ieu Anu Anjeun Peryogikeun Apal

A report by auditing firm Mazars has revealed that Binance's bitcoin reserves have a 101% collateralization ratio, suggesting that the exchange has more than all of the BTC it needs to cover customer deposits. 
In a recent report, Mazars claimed the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange has a 101% collateralization ratio on 575,742 BTC in net customer deposits as of midnight UTC on November 22....
Maca deui: Binance's Bitcoin Rasio Kolateralisasi Cadangan Linggih dina 101% Numutkeun Inok Mazars - Ieu Anu Anjeun Peryogikeun Apal

sumber aslina: CryptoNews