Bitcoin Deui Handap $30,000 Saatos Rékam 8 Minggu Dina Beureum

By Bitcoin Majalah - 1 year ago - Waktos maca: 3 menit

Bitcoin Deui Handap $30,000 Saatos Rékam 8 Minggu Dina Beureum

Bitcoin decoupled from equity markets to the downside on Monday after ending last week as the eighth consecutive weekly loss.

Bitcoin has failed to hold the $30,000 level on Monday after scoring its eighth consecutive week in the red for the first time ever.

During these eight weeks, which began in late March and ended on Sunday, bitcoin has lost over 35% of its U.S. dollar value according to Dagang Témbongkeun data. Sateuacan awal streak kaleungitan, BTC didagangkeun sakitar $46,800.

Bitcoin has scored losses for eight consecutive weeks for the first time in its history and it is starting the ninth with yet another red candle. Image source: TradingView.

Bitcoin is changing hands slightly below $30,000 at the time of writing. The peer-to-peer currency climbed as high as $30,600 earlier on Monday to trade at around $29,400 as the trading in equity markets nears its end in New York.

waktu bitcoin turns south, major U.S. stock indices have been in the green. The Nasdaq, which is said to be highly correlated with bitcoin, decoupled from the digital money along with the S&P 500 to denote modest gains near market close on Monday, per TradingView data.

waktu bitcoin, Nasdaq and S&P 500 were trading in tandem for some time on Monday, the P2P currency saw a sharp sell-off decouple it from the two indices and take it to a more than 3% loss for the day. Image source: TradingView.

A Tough Year For Bitcoin

Despite making two new all-time highs in 2021, bitcoin already erased nearly all of those gains in 2022.

Bitcoin’s choppy trading year so far can be partly attributed to a broader sentiment of economic uncertainty as the Federal Reserve tightens the U.S. economy, withdrawing liquidity from the market after almost two years of quantitative easing.

Bank sentral parantos naékkeun suku bunga dasarna dua kali dina taun ieu, anu terakhir dua kali langkung ageung tina anu saacanna sareng ngagambarkeun naékna panggedéna dina dua dekade: Nalika Fed naékkeun suku bunga. di Maret 0.25 robah jadi +XNUMX%., éta diangkat aranjeunna ku 0.50% baheula bulan ieu.

sumber gambar: Data Ékonomi Federal Reserve (FRED).

Nalika Fed naékkeun atanapi nurunkeun suku bunga ngalangkungan Komite Pasar Terbuka Federal (FOMC), naon anu sabenerna lakukeun nyaéta setting a rentang sasaran. Grafik di luhur ngagambarkeun wates handap sareng luhur tina rentang target dina warna beureum sareng biru, masing-masing.

Bari sistem bank sentral AS susunan targétna, éta teu bisa mandat yén bank komérsial ngagunakeun eta - rada, éta boga fungsi minangka rekomendasi a. Ku alatan éta, naon anu ditungtungan ku bank pikeun nginjeumkeun sareng nginjeum kaleuwihan artos antara aranjeunna sapeuting disebut epektip meunteun. Ieu ditémbongkeun ku garis héjo dina grafik di luhur.

The Fed saacanna naékkeun suku bunga sacara konsistén ti 2016 dugi ka 2019, dugi ka naékna ampir nol saatos wabah pandémik COVID-19, sakumaha anu kacatet dina grafik.

Bitcoin’s higher sensitivity to liquidity and therefore interest rates can be explained by a greater participation of institutional investors in the market, whose allocations are based on the availability of capital and broader economic conditions, Morgan Stanley dilaporkeun cenah.

Janten, bari Bitcoin was able to sustain a bull market in the midst of the Fed increasing interest rates in 2017, raising nearly 2,000% from January to December that year, the odds aren’t on the side of the bulls this year.

For two weeks, bitcoin has now closed below a level of weekly support it formed over a year ago and had respected since, indicating it might be turning into a zone of resistance. Image source: TradingView.

sumber aslina: Bitcoin majalah