"Bitcoin Cures Cancer,” Says Elon Musk As BTC Aims For $60K

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"Bitcoin Cures Cancer,” Says Elon Musk As BTC Aims For $60K

Elon Musk humorously tweeted in the early hours of Saturday that Bitcoin is the cure to cancer.Since the tweet, Bitcoin has climbed higher and is within reach of $60K.Elon Musk has been known to skirt between cryptocurrencies that has left sleuths stumped over his next move.

Elon Musk’s tweet that implied that Bitcoin cures cancer has sent a small jolt at Bitcoin’s prices but it raises the question of whether or not Satoshi’s invention can provide a cure. 

Elon kasturi urang Bants

Dinten Jumaah, Elon Musk, CEO Tesla masangkeun meme anu ngagambarkeun naon anu katingalina nyaéta serangan Viking di hiji pakampungan kalayan tag, "Henteu telepon sélulér anu katingali ... Ngan jalma anu hirup dina waktos ayeuna." Sanajan rusuh dina gambar, Musk oxymoronically digambarkeun salaku "waktos basajan, nya éta" dina tampilan has na wittiness.

A tweep disebut Pupuhu ngawaler ka Elon Musk nyebutkeun, "Bitcoin fixes this” bari Musk ngabales humorously yén "Bitcoin cures cancer”. Elon Musk’s tweet has gone on to garner 350K likes and over 32K retweets while Bitcoin’s price lurches forward.

Dina jam-jaman sateuacan tweet, BTC parantos naék ampir 3% pikeun ngahontal luhur poean $59,040. Émut éta Bitcoin suffered a near-fatal slump over the last couple of days that saw it fall by over 10% to reach a low of $55,705, which was a price that was unseen since October 15th. Analysts blamed the derivative markets and Hilary Clinton’s comments that Bitcoin was a potential catalyst for financial chaos.

Elon Musk’s antics in cryptocurrencies have earned him the moniker of being the meme billionaire. In January, Elon Musk’s Twitter profile featured the Bitcoin sign and in February, his company Tesla added $1.5 billion worth of BTC to their balance sheet. He flirted with Doge and even made an appearance on Saturday Night Live dimana anjeunna ngarujuk kana cryptocurrency dua kali.

His most recent meme involving Bitcoin was a prediction of the asset’s price at $69,000 while Ethereum was pegged at $4,200 back in October.

bisa Bitcoin Nyageurkeun Kangker

Klaim éta Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies can cure cancer is often seen as banter while some believe that the statement is a jibe aimed at fiat. The demographic sees fiat as cancer and Bitcoin is the solution as Satoshi intended.

Sanajan kitu, aya sababaraha strides beton dicokot sangkan nyebutkeun hiji kanyataan. Salaku conto, dina Januari, (ACS) ngumumkeun kerjasama sareng The Giving Block, organisasi amal crypto pikeun ngumpulkeun artos pikeun Dana Kanker Crypto.

"Kuring yakin cryptocurrency bakal maénkeun peran pivotal dina curing kanker," ceuk Pat Duffy ti The Méré Blok. Proyék ieu ditujukeun pikeun ngumpulkeun $ 1 juta pikeun ngabiayaan panalungtikan sareng pangobatan kanker. ACS bakal nampi sumbangan dina BTC, BCH, ETH, LTC diantarana.

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