Bitcoin Falls Beneath $40K, Dragging Crypto Economy Below $2 Trillion

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Bitcoin Falls Beneath $40K, Dragging Crypto Economy Below $2 Trillion

On Thursday evening around 10 p.m. (EST), the price of bitcoin fell beneath the $40K zone for the first time since September 21, 2021. During Friday’s early morning trading sessions, bitcoin plunged to a low of $38,250 per coin. Furthermore, the market capitalization of the entire crypto-economy has slipped under the $2 trillion mark, down 7.5% to $1.94 trillion.

Bitcoin Sheds 8% Over the Last 24 Hours, Down 40% From November’s All-Time High

Hargana bitcoin (BTC) turun sahandapeun zona $40K pikeun kahiji kalina dina 122 poé. BTC lost roughly 8% during the last 24 hours and during the last month, bitcoin parantos héd 21% ngalawan dolar AS.

Bitcoin’s 24-hour price range has been between $43,508 and $38,250 per unit. At the time of writing, BTC has a market valuation of around $735.8 billion. Bitcoin’s market valuation is around 38% of the $1.94 trillion crypto-economy today, while ethereum’s (ETHKapitalisasi pasar nyaéta 17.7%.

Pasangan dagang luhur kalawan BTC dina dinten juma'ah nyaeta tether (USDT) kalawan 51.86% sadaya trades. Tether dituturkeun ku dollar AS kalawan 21.75% jeung stablecoin BUSD kalawan 7.71%. BUSD dituturkeun ku eur (4.86%), JPY (4.25%), KRW (3.05%), jeung USDC (1.69%).

Aset crypto kadua panggedéna, ethereum (ETH), turun 9.1% dina 24 jam terakhir sareng 29.1% salami sasih bulan. ETHrentang harga 24-jam geus antara $3,271 na $2,809 per unit.

waktu ETHDominasi nyaéta 17.7% éta ngagambarkeun $340.9 milyar tina ékonomi crypto $1.94 triliun. Pasangan dagang paling dominan kalawan ETH dina Jumaah kaasup USDT (48.83%), USD (22.75%), BUSD (9.34%), BTC (6.07%), eur (4.38%), jeung KRW (3.32%).

Tina sadaya 12,000+ crypto-aset anu aya, ngan ukur lima koin anu naék tina segi kauntungan mingguan. Theta suluh, ftx token, bittorrent heubeul, osmosis, sarta ecomi masih tahan kanaékan harga tujuh poé single-angka dibandingkeun sesa ékonomi crypto.

Pecundang pangbadagna minggu ieu kaasup ring loop, jaringan saku, kadena, harmoni, jeung deukeut. Lima koin ieu kaleungitan 25% ka 33% tina nilaina salami minggu kamari.

Delta Exchange CEO Says ‘Overall Outlook Remains Bearish,’ Globalblock Analyst Suggests Bitcoin May Be Undervalued

Dina Jumaah isuk, Pankaj Balani, CEO Bursa Bursa, shared his analysis of bitcoin’s current market price with News. Balani says that the current outlook continues to remain in the bear’s favor.

"BTC slipped below the psychological support of 40K amid continued sell-off in risky assets. With this fall Bitcoin has corrected ~40% since hitting ATH in November last year,” Balani said. “We expect BTC pikeun manggihan nawar sabudeureun tanda 35K, ngadeukeutan 50% ti luhur. Dina jangka pondok, urang tiasa mumbul tangtangan zona 45K-50K tapi outlook sakabéh tetep bearish sakumaha liquidity tetep ketat.

Marcus Sotiriou, analis di calo aset digital basis Inggris Globalblock, nunjukkeun yén BTC ayeuna tiasa undervalued.

“It is important to note that the crypto fear and greed index remains in extreme levels of fear – this usually represents a buying opportunity,” Sotiriou explained. “Also, on-chain metrics continue to be bullish, as net Unrealized Profit/Loss (NUPL), which shows the magnitude of Bitcoin holder unrealized profit and loss, as a proportion of the Market Cap, is currently trading at 0.43, the lowest level of network profitability since July 2021.” The Globalblock analyst added:

This emphasizes the fear surrounding the market now, as many are capitulating at a loss. These metrics suggest that Bitcoin is undervalued at current price levels due to what has happened in previous episodes of extreme fear.

What do you think about today’s bitcoin price action and the rest of the crypto market moves? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

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