Bitcoin Helps Users Avoid The Downfall Of FTX

By Bitcoin Majalah - 1 year ago - Waktos maca: 3 menit

Bitcoin Helps Users Avoid The Downfall Of FTX

An open letter to friends and family who are worried about the future of bitcoin due to the fiat business practices and subsequent collapse of FTX.

Ieu mangrupa opini redaksi ku Heather Everdeen, hiji indung, Bitcoiner and lifelong learner.

Dear Babaturan jeung kulawarga,

The thing I want you to understand about FTX is that these are fiat problems, not Bitcoin masalah. Bitcoin is unaffected aside from its fiat currency exchange rate. The bitcoin price is impacted because of all the pressure on these exchanges and funds to sell their assets. Bitcoin is one of the most liquid assets there is; it’s easy to sell immediately when you have to. There is still a new block approximately every 10 minutes. Bitcoin keeps running, unaffected.

FTX éta sadayana ngeunaan duit, laundering duit (?), kakuatan, korupsi, nyobian pikeun meunangkeun pangaturan AS nu nguntungkeun ngan maranéhanana pangdeukeutna ka printer duit. Samentawis jalma-jalma sapopoe ngudag kauntungan fiat anu langkung kosong.

Urang moal tiasa nyiptakeun dunya anu langkung saé dugi ka urang lirén ngudag kauntungan dumasar kana dolar sareng mimitian nyimpen sareng ngarencanakeun masa depan urang. Abdi henteu terang ngeunaan anjeun, tapi kuring hoyong ngawangun dunya anu langkung saé pikeun ninggalkeun anak sareng incu kuring ka hareup. Abdi henteu kunanaon ngantepkeun aranjeunna sapertos kieu.

All of these exchanges are houses of cards. Many more will collapse. While there will be more cryptocurrency exchanges, I’m really talking about all things fiat: banks and hedge funds, pensions, 401(k) plans, fiat companies, etc. I have no crystal ball, but I have seen the future. If I trust that vision, bitcoin wins. I believe it. We’ll see.

Kuring ogé parantos nyéépkeun lima taun ka pengker sareng rébuan jam - sigana langkung jam 10,000 now — studying money, the financial system, trading, currencies, the Federal Reserve, central banking, cryptocurrency, Bitcoin and better economics than the ones we’re taught in school — Keynes was horrible.

Sanaos éta ngaganggu, kuring nyarioskeun éta pisan sabab kuring ningali naon anu kajantenan sareng kuring hoyong ngabantosan babaturan sareng kulawarga. Sistem artos sareng kauangan urang didamel janten rumit sareng ngabingungkeun. Aranjeunna teu hoyong jalma ngartos eta, sabab lamun maranehna ngalakukeun, aranjeunna bakal berontak. Éta pisan sababna naha bodo saeutik meunang scammed sadaya waktu. Éta dirancang ku cara ieu.

Sistem moneter ieu henteu sustainable sareng bakal gagal. Urang bakal ningali éta lumangsung dina kahirupan urang. Ieu lumangsung ayeuna.

There is another way: buy, hold and use your own bitcoin. Be your own bank. No middlemen, just you and your own money. Use the system that was designed to free people and not the one designed to enslave people. My “vote” is with my money. I vote to rid myself of these fiat chains and low-vibrational systems and be a free, sovereign being. I use bitcoin.

Anjeun oge kedah.

This is a guest post by Heather Everdeen. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Majalah.

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