"Bitcoin Is Inevitable” Proves President Bukele As El Salvador Pays $800M Bond In Full

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"Bitcoin Is Inevitable” Proves President Bukele As El Salvador Pays $800M Bond In Full

Nayib Bukele, the president of El Salvador, has taken a swipe at critics for their smear campaigns particularly aimed at discrediting his country’s ability to meet its debt obligations after its Bitcoin stash value fell in the red.

Dina hiji thread of tweets Salasa, éta bitcoin banteng dikutuk nu disebut média badag, analis finansial sarta agénsi rating resiko pikeun "shamelessly bohong" ka dunya yén El Salvador peupeus sarta bade dituna on hutang na. Ledakan Bukele muncul saatos administrasina réngsé mayar investor anu nyekel Eurobond kalayan kematangan tanggal 24 Januari 2023.

“In the past year, almost every legacy international news outlet said that because of our “Bitcoin bet”, El Salvador was going to default on its debt by January 2023 (since we had an 800-million-dollar bond maturing today). Literally, hundreds of articles,” nyerat Bukele. 

"Nya, urang mayar pinuh, 800 juta dolar ditambah bunga, ” anjeunna ditambahkeun.

Kusabab nganggap jabatan di 2019, tilas walikota San Salvador parantos aya kritik beurat, utamana pikeun kawijakan agrésif na. Sanajan kitu, ti merangan korupsi sanggeus kampanye dina slogan "Aya cukup duit lamun euweuh nu maok" Pikeun mulangkeun hukum sareng katertiban di nagara Amérika Tengah anu kantos kajahatan, taktikna ngajantenkeun anjeunna seueur di nagarana.

Nevertheless, some critics, especially international financial institutions, fell out with the Bukele administration further following the decision to make Bitcoin a legal tender in 2021. On several occasions, the World bank, as well as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), urged El Salvador to scale back its push for Bitcoin as legal tender, noting that the country risked being cut off by international financiers.

Peringatan-peringatan éta langkung diémutan ku média mainstream, anu nyéépkeun waktos sareng rohangan pikeun inisiatif ékonomi El Salvaldor, khususna saatos kacilakaan pasar crypto taun ka tukang.

Last July, Bukele hit out at the New York Times after the newspaper published an article titled “It’s clear they’re afraid, Bitcoin is inevitable”, which seemed to reprove El Salvador’s Bitcoin buku harian.

“It’s clear they’re afraid Bitcoin is inevitable. By the way, they say we’re heading to default. Will they publish an apology once we pay everything on time?” ceuk Bukele harita.

Kitu saurna, administrasi Bukele tetep teu dirobih ku naysayers, janji bakal neraskeun ngadorong agenda sarta hirup ku komitmen sarta tanggung jawab na mayar hutang sarta ngaronjatkeun mata pencaharian wargana.

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