Bitcoin, Personality And Development Part Four — Bitcoin, Religion And Morality

By Bitcoin Majalah - 1 year ago - Waktos maca: 13 menit

Bitcoin, Personality And Development Part Four — Bitcoin, Religion And Morality

Bitcoin’s crowning achievement is the reintroduction of economic consequence. Like Old Testament God, it leaves no room for sin, lies or deceit.

Ieu mangrupikeun redaksi opini ku Aleks Svetski, panulis "The UnCommunist Manifesto," pangadeg nu Bitcoin kali sareng Host tina "Wake Up Podcast sareng Svetski."

Bagian 4, Bab 4 tina séri JBP.

séri terus. Upami anjeun henteu acan maca bab hiji dugi ka tilu, anjeun tiasa mendakan aranjeunna didieu, sarta tangtu pastikeun anjeun geus maca Bagian Hiji, Bagian Dua jeung Bagian Tilu tina bab ieu.

Tanda kutip anu henteu aya sumber di handapna dikaitkeun ka Dr Jordan B. Peterson.

Dina bagian saméméhna urang neuleuman nilai, kaulinan, aksi, tujuan, fokus, perhatian, bebeneran jeung ucapan. Kami mendakan sumber-sumber nihilisme sareng naliti "Trinitas Anu Henteu Suci" tina aparat statik anu katelah "Negara."

We’re going to close this chapter out by reviewing Bitcoin’s relationship to religion, the Bible, and its semblance to Old Testament God through the reintroduction to economic consequence.

nu Bitcoin agama

shinobi, whom I have deep respect for, recently said that he’s not seen a space or industry with more of a disparity between understanding and confidence, than Bitcoin.

Pikeun gelar badag, abdi bakal satuju.

sanajan Bitcoiners differ in that, I believe it’s actually a positive thing. This kind of disparity will naturally unnerve an engineer or a technician, but for the kind of phenomenon Bitcoin is, the existence of religious-zealot-like acolytes adds to its overall strength.

Éta kakuatan naratif sareng mitos dina aksi.

Bitcoin’s core principles representing “the good,” give it an aura of religious fervor that transcends the purely empirical domain of the technician. You have people willing to tie their identities to this thing come hell or high water, and for a phenomenon that must overcome the greatest collective lie of all time, this is the sort of moral, economic and memetic impetus that’s required.

Kuring henteu yakin yén aya anu langkung kuat - sareng kuring nyarios ieu salaku jalma anu henteu religius.

"Agama prihatin kana domain nilai, nilai pamungkas. Éta sanés domain ilmiah. Éta sanés wilayah déskripsi émpiris. ”

Hiji agama Bitcoin acolyte is often similar to a religious theistic acolyte in their belief of the discovery of some form of veil-piercing truth.

Dina awalna aranjeunna ngan ambing beo naon maranéhna geus katempo atawa uninga dina Twitter: "emas digital," "ukur 21 juta," "tahan sénsor," "toko nilai," "saham-to-aliran," jsb.

They become dogmatically obedient to these ideas, often ignorant to their meaning and in some cases to their own detriment, but over time they have the opportunity to discipline themselves. They learn (via podcasts, articles, books, etc.) and transcend the frame of “dogmatic acolyte” to become the “sovereign Bitcoiner” i.e., the kind of person measuring their wealth in bitcoin, running a full node, CoinJoining, who understands the nuances of a BIP tur éféktif bisa ilubiung dina subversion tina paradigma statist korup.

Ieu dina rasa umum mangrupakeun net positif. Urang sadayana kedah ngamimitian dimana waé, sareng urang kedah gaduh jalur anu patut dijalankeun.

Bitcoin is that, and in many ways it’s a religious canvas against which we can paint our individual journeys toward sovereignty and truth.

"Ku kituna perlu jeung desirable pikeun agama boga unsur dogmatis. Naon gunana nyaéta sistem nilai anu henteu nyayogikeun struktur anu stabil.

Bitcoin and the story of Satoshi are poetically religious and mythic.

From the disappearance of the founder, to its stable, inert structure, and the offer of a form of economic salvation against the backdrop of an “evil” enemy, Bitcoin has all the ingredients for a narrative powerful enough for a critical mass of followers to emerge.

Sareng aranjeunna gaduh.

Aranjeunna teu kedah mimitina "nyaho" sagalana. Kanyataanna, aranjeunna henteu tiasa terang sadayana. Tapi kernel bebeneran anu aranjeunna mendakan dina sababaraha artikel atanapi podcast cukup resonates sareng aranjeunna, aranjeunna tetep ngagali.

Aranjeunna parantos ngagaduhan prasyarat anu dipikabutuh pikeun perjalanan ieu, nyaéta, niat pikeun janten jalma anu langkung saé, sareng sababaraha bentuk daya tarik kana bebeneran atanapi integritas, ku kituna naluri aranjeunna nyarioskeun yén ieu tiasa janten jalan.

Ta'at awal maranéhna robah jadi disiplin, sarta dina jangka waktu maranéhna jadi leuwih sering dipake tinimbang waktos low "chad" atawa "pamajikan Citakan: trad" sarimbag nu leuwih "dumasar" urang aspire janten.

"Acolyte agama asli henteu nyobian ngarumuskeun ideu anu akurat ngeunaan alam obyektif dunya (sanaos anjeunna ogé nyobian ngalakukeun éta). Anjeunna narékahan, tibatan, janten 'jalma anu hadé.' Bisa jadi hal nu keur anjeunna 'alus' hartina euweuh tapi 'taat' - malah ambing taat. Lantaran kitu klasik liberal pencerahan Western bantahan kana kapercayaan agama: ta'at teu cukup. Tapi éta sahenteuna mimiti (sareng urang hilap ieu): Anjeun moal tiasa narékahan pikeun naon waé upami anjeun henteu disiplin sareng henteu diajar. Anjeun moal terang naon anu dituju, sareng anjeun moal ngapung lempeng, sanaos anjeun kumaha waé ngahontal tujuan anjeun. Teras anjeun bakal nyimpulkeun, 'Teu aya anu dituju.' Lajeng anjeun bakal leungit. "

Tangtu ieu teu lumangsung ka dulur. Pikeun unggal salah sahiji ieu, aya 1000 Vitalik Buterins jeung Sam Bankman-Frieds anu leuwih museurkeun unicorns, nyitak duit sorangan jeung ngagoreng Beyond Daging sausages.

Anjeun teu bisa nyalametkeun dulur. Anjeun oge kedah nyobian.
Bitcoin is for anyone, but not for everyone.

For those with the necessary makeup, even the not-so-high-IQ of us, Bitcoin represents so much more than just a ticket to get rich quick or a technology. It’s a religion of sorts which if approached in the right way can enhance one’s understanding of self, deepen their relationships to that which matters most and ultimately make them a better person.

Ieu hiji hal anu luar biasa ningali.

Agama Ékonomi Jeung Pamahaman Diri

Gagasan anu kuring kantos dicoo-coo nyaéta naha ékonomi ngan saukur agama tindakan? Beuki leres sareng akurat, langkung saé hasil agrégat para pamaén, mahasiswa, acolytes sahingga masarakat.

Éta leres dina ideu klasik, Tong ngawartosan naon anu anjeun percanten, tunjukkeun rekening bank anjeun sareng kuring bakal nyarioskeun naon anu anjeun percanten.

Sarta salajengna echoed ku Dr Peterson dina Bab 4 bukuna "12 Aturan Pikeun Kahirupan":

"Anjeun ngan ukur tiasa terang naon anu anjeun percanten (tinimbang naon anu anjeun pikirkeun) ku ningali kumaha anjeun kalakuan. Anjeun ngan saukur henteu terang naon anu anjeun percanten, sateuacan éta. Anjeun teuing kompléks pikeun ngarti sorangan. "

Ieu naha kuring yakin ulikan ngeunaan aksi manusa teu ngan penting, tapi foundational. Laku lampah nyarupaan kapercayaan urang truest, duit téh kumaha urang ngukur aranjeunna, sarta ékonomi nyaéta kumaha urang nyobian datang ka hiji pamahaman eta sadayana.

Ku kituna kuring negeskeun yén éta téh sifatna agama.

Ayeuna di dieu mangrupikeun bagian anu pikaresepeun:

Bitcoin is a new form of religion (and thus chapter in human history) because unlike prior attempts to distill and pass values, ideas and ledgers onward via the written or spoken word, we now have a network which resembles the physical direction of time (forward) as an incorruptible, imprintable medium on which these ideas can be recorded. Hasilna mangrupa eupan balik ékonomi nyata nyetir hiji leuwih hadé orient diri di masarakat (moralitas).

Bitcoin shows you. It does not just tell you.

This is why I’ve said that a post-Bitcoin world will look very different to a pre-Bitcoin dunya.

"Kami parantos ningali ka diri urang sorangan, ngeunteung kana nonton éta, sareng nyarioskeun carita anu disaring ngaliwatan pantulan éta, salami puluhan sareng panginten ratusan rébu taun. Éta sadayana bagian tina usaha urang, individu sareng koléktif, pikeun mendakan sareng ngucapkeun naon anu urang percanten. Bagian tina pangaweruh anu dibangkitkeun nyaéta naon anu dibungkus dina ajaran dasar budaya urang, dina tulisan kuno sapertos Tao te Ching, atanapi kitab suci Weda anu disebut tadi, atanapi carita Alkitabiah.

sedengkeun Bitcoin white paper is not explicitly in the same form or category as one of these ancient writings, it has formed the theoretical basis for the practical manifestation of something that orients us implicitly toward heaven.

Éta dilakukeun ku cara ngahijikeun kaulinan métafisik kahirupan kana wates fisik realitas, sakumaha anu ku kuring dijelaskeun dina bab sateuacana. Atanapi dina basa sanés, insentifna sapertos kitu anjeun kedah ngalakukeun sacara moral pikeun ngajantenkeun kamajuan langkung seueur waktos.

Kamungkinan anu matak pikaresepeun sareng henteu terbatas; ramifications, pikiran-boggling.

Bitcoin And The Bible

As I see it, like the Bible, Bitcoin has emerged from the depths of the collective human psyche.

Like the Bible, Bitcoin's origins are somewhat shrouded in unknowable detail and both involved multiple otherwise disconnected participants who each brought a key, or a portion of the whole, over time. Their emergence is irreproducible and much like the Bible, it's my belief that we will look back on Bitcoin’s genesis as something that directed the course of broader human society for millenia to come.

Bedana waktos ieu, sareng naha éta bakal langgeng, sigana salamina, nyaéta basa, moral, ajén-inajén sareng étika ogé diselapkeun ku artos (aksi), sakumaha anu dijelaskeun di luhur.

Bitcoin as money is the language of value, action and attention. This living, breathing network comprises not just digital nodes in the form of miners and computers, but human nodes in the form of users, thinkers, coders, writers, custodians, and entities of every kind.

Éta ide anu jero, sareng sanés pikeun imajinasi anu samar.

"[Alkitab téh] produk tina prosés anu tetep dasarna saluareun pamahaman urang. Alkitab téh perpustakaan nu diwangun ku loba buku, unggal ditulis jeung diédit ku loba jalma. Dokumén anu leres-leres muncul - carita anu dipilih, diurutkeun sareng tungtungna koheren anu ditulis ku saha waé sareng sadayana salami rébuan taun. Kitab Suci geus dialungkeun ka luhur, kaluar tina jero, ku imajinasi manusa koléktif, nu sorangan produk kakuatan unimaginable operasi leuwih bentang unfathomable waktu. Ulikan anu ati-ati sareng hormat tiasa ngungkabkeun hal-hal ka urang ngeunaan naon anu urang percanten sareng kumaha urang laksanakeun sareng kedah ngalakukeun anu tiasa dipendakan dina cara anu sanés.

Naon ieu hartosna?

Of course much that we’ve already explored, so I’ll close out with an analysis on the “consequential” nature of Bitcoin and God.

Bitcoin Is Like The Old Testament God.

While reading Chapter 4 of “12 Rules For Life” the similarity between Bitcoin and Old Testament God, via their relationship to consequence, dawned on me.

Allah Perjanjian Old éta rumit sarta multifaceted. Dina beungeut cai brutal, unforgiving, sarta rawan kalakuan parna tina hukuman jeung murka, bari dina waktos anu sareng, dihakan kalayan perawatan pikeun dunya jeung pangeusina kalawan kapasitas pikeun aksi hébat rahmat jeung kahadean.

Éta mangrupikeun murka sareng sipat dendam ti Gusti Perjanjian Lama anu diakui ku seueur jalma sareng kontras ngalawan Gusti Perjanjian Anyar anu aranjeunna dianggap langkung hampura, bageur sareng asih.

Most people think Bitcoin is like New Testament God; some magical panacea to all of our problems and a pathway to a future “Utopia.”

It’s my contention that Bitcoin is far more like the complex, Old Testament God. When you stray from the path, when you disobey the covenants, injunctions and commandments of the natural way of things, then you, your children and your children’s children will suffer.

Old Testament God would bring his wrath upon you through plagues and famines, while Bitcoin will deliver it upon you through poverty and sharp economic consequences. The difference being that the former was a written or spoken warning for sinful behavior, while the latter is a direct result of the actions you take.

Don’t believe me? Go send your Bitcoin to the incorrect address or try calling “support” once you’ve lost your private keys. Or maybe you can try to contact the Bitcoin Central Bank to print more bitcoin to bail you out when you made a poor decision. Good luck with that.

"Najan kitu, nalika umat-Na nyimpang tina jalan - nalika aranjeunna henteu nurut kana parentah-Na, ngalanggar perjanjian-Na, sareng ngalanggar parentah-Na - masalah pasti bakal nuturkeun. Upami anjeun henteu ngalaksanakeun naon anu ditungtut ku Allah Perjanjian Lama - naon waé anu mungkin sareng kumaha ogé anjeun nyobian nyumput ti éta - anjeun sareng murangkalih sareng murangkalih anjeun aya dina masalah anu parah sareng parah.

The importance of texts like the Bible will continue to increase in a Bitcoin-dominated world because these lessons and stories are true. Not necessarily in the literal sense, but in the meta sense. They are modes of being, which if understood and integrated into your person, you, your children and children’s children have the opportunity to prosper.

Bitcoin is an economic manifestation of the consequential Old Testament God, and in the same way is a “force of nature.” They say that “Bitcoin just is” for a reason. Approaching it with a malevolent or scheming heart will only lead you to ruin. If you orient yourself as per the implied instruction you receive via direct economic feedback, or take note of the explicit instruction of the wise (i.e., the ancient texts), you may just prosper.

“They were wise. He was a Force of Nature. Is a hungry lion reasonable, fair or just? What kind of nonsensical question is that? The Old Testament Israelites and their forebears knew that God was not to be trifled with, and that whatever Hell the angry Deity might allow to be engendered if he was crossed was real.”

Anu mawa kuring ka…


Iman kapanggih dina komitmen kana alus, sanajan bukti goréng.

Sakali deui, Bitcoin is a manifestation of faith. Something so good has emerged from a social soil so toxic.

It’s done so because the roots of goodness run deep. Faith is what helps it flourish, and Bitcoin is a beautiful example of what’s possible when we take that seriously.

"Iman sanes kapercayaan budak leutik dina sihir. Éta jahiliah atawa malah dihaja lolong. Gantina nyadar yén irrationalities tragis hirup kudu counterbalanced ku komitmen sarua irasional kana kahadéan penting Mahluk.

To believe that Bitcoin can win, is to have faith in the capacity for goodness to prevail. I’m not sure it’s something you can rationally calculate. Bitcoin history is littered with the corpses of those who thought they figured it out; whether on the side of Bitcoin or not. See everyone from Paul Krugman and Peter Schiff on the “against” side, or Plan B’s S2F or Willy Woo’s on-chain analysis, on the “for” side.

A belief in Bitcoin requires something more than empiricism. It’s perhaps why otherwise smart people (e.g., Eric Weinstein) who should be enthralled at its emergence, are instead bitterly engaged in its dissemination.

"Anjeun tiasa ngamimitian ku henteu mikir - atanapi, langkung tepatna, tapi kirang trenchantly, ku nolak subjugate iman anjeun kana rasionalitas anjeun ayeuna, sareng pandangan sempit na. Ieu lain hartosna 'nyieun diri bodo.' Hartina sabalikna. Éta hartosna anjeun kedah ngantunkeun maneuver sareng ngitung sareng conniving sareng scheming sareng ngalaksanakeun sareng nungtut sareng ngahindarkeun sareng teu malire sareng ngahukum. Éta hartosna anjeun kedah nempatkeun strategi lami anjeun. Hartina, gantina, anjeun kedah nengetan, sabab anjeun henteu acan kantos nengetan sateuacanna.

These people seem to be too cerebrally oriented to experience the holistic, practical perfection that is Bitcoin.

Aranjeunna teu nengetan leres, sabab sibuk teuing ku "teori gauge" na usaha pikeun kuadrat kana paradigma rasional sorangan. Atanapi aranjeunna tukang pager anu teu aya tulang tonggong sapertos Lex Fridman anu nolak nyandak pendirian moral.

Barina ogé, aranjeunna nampik iman sabab sieun percanten naluri sareng intuisina. Aranjeunna kurang kawani pikeun ngaduruk parahu.

Dina ngalakukeunana, aranjeunna henteu disadari turun dina sajarah salaku salah sahiji bangsa Romawi anu beunghar anu teu aya anu émut, anu katurunan maot nalika munculna Kristen.

dina nutup

As you begin to take Bitcoin or Old Testament God seriously, you begin to orient yourself in such a way that goodness flourishes in your life.

As your faith pays off and rewards you for your honest, moral efforts, you find that not only does Bitcoin begin to feel like New Testament God, but that you have begun to embody the virtues so eloquently described throughout the ages, across all of the great scriptures.

Anjeun ngawitan embody kahadéan.

"Tinimbang maén tiran, ku kituna anjeun nengetan. Anjeun nyarioskeun kaleresan, tibatan ngamanipulasi dunya. Anjeun negotiating, tinimbang maén syahid atawa tiran. Anjeun henteu kedah sirik deui, sabab anjeun henteu deui terang yén batur leres-leres ngagaduhan éta langkung saé. Anjeun henteu kedah frustasi deui, sabab anjeun parantos diajar pikeun tujuan anu handap, sareng sabar. Anjeun manggihan saha anjeun, sarta naon rék, sarta naon anjeun daék ngalakukeun. Anjeun mendakan yén solusi pikeun masalah khusus anjeun kedah disaluyukeun pikeun anjeun, sacara pribadi sareng tepat. Anjeun kirang paduli kana kalakuan jalma sanés, sabab anjeun gaduh seueur padamelan nyalira.

Ieu brings kami bunderan pinuh kana gagasan genesis sakabéh analisis bab ieu.

Bitcoin is self-love.

Lamun anjeun ngasupkeun Bitcoin and let it enter you, your life begins to look and sound more meaningful, hopeful and optimistic.

Anjeun ngamimitian leutik, anjeun tetep konsisten, tujuanana pikeun tumpukan naon anu anjeun tiasa, anjeun fokus kana naon anu anjeun tiasa laksanakeun sareng kana waktos lintasan anjeun nunjuk ka langit.

Ieu harepan. Bitcoin nyaeta harepan.

"Seueur kabagjaan mangrupikeun harepan, henteu paduli sabaraha jero dunya dimana harepan éta dikandung."

Neangan jeung anjeun bakal manggihan.
Sambel jeung bisa ngan muka.

Datangna kalawan kahayang pikeun asup, jeung anjeun ngan bisa manggihan hal ngeunaan jero tur nilai sapertos nu bakal heran kumaha anjeun murag pikeun charade sapertos di tempat munggaran, jeung naha anjeun cicing di dinya pikeun jadi panjang.

nuhun Bitcoin is a cult, as in, bagian tina hiji budaya.

Bitcoin is a new, emergent culture, founded on a bedrock of core principles; Bitcoin principles, such as truth, integrity, transparency, freedom and responsibility.

Kabudayaan anu muncul sapertos kitu parantos lami teu aya.

Bitcoin may just be what tilts the world back toward a culture of greatness, morality, meaning and excellence — and I’m here for it.

Ieu tulisan tamu ku Aleks Svetski, panulis "Manifesto UnCommunist,”, pangadeg nu Bitcoin kali jeung Host of The Wake Up Podcast. Pamadegan dikedalkeun sagemblengna sorangan sarta teu merta ngagambarkeun pamadegan BTC Inc atanapi Bitcoin majalah.

sumber aslina: Bitcoin majalah