Bitcoin Poé Pizza: Ngagungkeun Pesenan Pizza $ 300 Juta - Sareng Fakta Kasenangan Sejenna

By Bitcoinist - 1 year ago - Reading Time: 3 menit

Bitcoin Poé Pizza: Ngagungkeun Pesenan Pizza $ 300 Juta - Sareng Fakta Kasenangan Sejenna

What a peculiar combination: bitcoin and pizza. Nonetheless, an entire day has been designated for each of these occasions. All of this is done in recognition of the innovations that crypto has brought to the world.

Kusabab nyiptakeunana, mata uang kripto parantos ngadominasi bentang mata uang maya global, sareng ayeuna sadayana ditambang koin ieu atanapi milarian investasi dina crypto.

Investor sareng pangusaha milarian kasempetan pikeun dagang mata uang kripto ti saprak perdagangan crypto munggaran janten viral.

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Pizza: First Physical Item Bought Using Bitcoin

Previously, cryptos were not accepted as a form of payment, but after a man from Florida paid for his meal with bitcoins, this topic was all people could talk about.

Bitcoin Pizza Day commemorates the day in 2010 when Laszlo Hanyecz, a programmer and BTC miner from Florida, used the crypto to purchase two pizzas from Papa John’s. It occurs every year on May 22. It is the first physical item purchased with the first decentralized digital currency.

This is how the pizzas looked like at the time they were ordered in 2010 (Bitcoin Magazine).

10,000 BTC Dibayar Pikeun Pizza Nyaéta $300 Juta Dinten

Hanyecz mayar 10,000 BTC pikeun meuli pizza kawentar na. Jumlah ieu patut sakitar $41 dina waktos éta. Nilai crypto parantos ningkat gancang dina waktosna. Ayeuna, 10,000 BTC hargana ampir $300 juta.

Obviously, the value of these same bitcoins increased significantly during the subsequent decade. In fact, if Hanyecz had supposedly sold his whole hoard at bitcoin’s all-time high of $68,990, he would have earned around $690 million — enough to purchase 46 million large Papa John’s pizzas for $15 each.

Hanyecz told Anderson Cooper in a 2019 interview with CBS that the purchase “made [bitcoin] real for certain people. Indeed, it did for me.”

Pizza Order Hogged The Headline

Because of the price of bitcoin, Hanyecz’s story became global in the United States, with The Wall Street Journal, ABC News, Slate, and TechCrunch joining TechCrunch and Slate in popularizing the transaction.

On the same anniversary of the first Bitcoin pizza order, festivities continue for what has become a staple of crypto culture.

BTC total cap pasar dina $557 milyar dina bagan sabtu minggu | Sumber:

Éta Perayaan!

PizzaDAO, the decentralized blockchain project that aims to link pizza lovers around the world with the technological possibilities of Web3, is celebrating Bitcoin Pizza Day on Sunday in traditional fashion.

Grup éta bakal ngayakeun acara peringatan di 100 toko pizza di langkung ti 75 nagara, kalebet Argentina, Australia, Kanada, Inggris, Koréa Kidul sareng Amérika Serikat.

Bitcoin Pizza Day will also be celebrated by Huobi Global, one of the world’s biggest digital asset exchanges, with a special Primebox deal.

Ti 19 Méi nepi ka 29 Méi, pamaké bisa ilubiung dina promosi Primebox kasempetan husus pikeun kasempetan meunang bagian tina 50 BTC hadiah pool jeung panghargaan NFT séjén.

Angka-angka naék

Samentara éta, leuwih ti 15,000 establishments sakuliah dunya geus narima cryptocurrency salaku pamayaran.

Pilem, pakean, tikét baskét, bungkusan maskapai, pesenan hotél, sareng kaulinan vidéo mangrupikeun barang anu tiasa dipésér nganggo cryptocurrency.

Disarankeun Bacaan | UnicornDAO Rally Pikeun Awewe Jeung Artis LGBTQ; Ngaronjatkeun $ 4.5 Juta

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