Bitcoin Self-Custody Is Necessary For Financial Sovereignty

By Bitcoin Majalah - 1 year ago - Waktos maca: 7 menit

Bitcoin Self-Custody Is Necessary For Financial Sovereignty

Bitcoin was designed to empower the individual through the separation of money and state. Self-custody wallets are integral in preserving that goal.

Ieu mangrupikeun redaksi opini ku Kudzai Kutukwa, saurang advokat inklusi kauangan anu gairah anu diakui ku Company gancang majalah salaku salah sahiji top-20 pangusaha ngora Afrika Kidul handapeun 30.

Pelepasan tina Bitcoin white paper in 2009 after the 2008 financial crisis was one the most significant events of the 21st century. For the first time ever, a trustless, peer-to-peer monetary system for the digital age that was independent of intermediaries and central banks was now a reality.

Dina awalna, Bitcoin was dismissed as a passing fad and a worthless Ponzi scheme, but 13 years later, no one is laughing at Bitcoin anymore. In fact, it’s now being ruthlessly attacked in multiple ways. These attacks have included 2021’s ban of Chinese bitcoin miners by the Chinese government; the continual denial of a spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC); the framing of Bitcoin as an environmental hazard (which later prompted the EU to consider banning proof-of-work mining); and, most recently, the EU’s attack on “unhosted wallets.” The latter is not just an attempt at the regulatory capture of Bitcoin, but it’s also an attack on your financial privacy. You can think of it as the 21st-century version of Eksekutif Orde 6102.

Régulator kauangan di sakumna dunya lalaunan nyéépkeun panas sareng nyéépkeun pamakean dompét anu teu di-host, tapi sateuacan urang neraskeun langkung jauh, urang kedah naroskeun gajah di rohangan, nyaéta istilah "dompét anu teu di-host." Naon di Bumi mangrupa dompét unhosted atoh? Ieu ngan saukur dompét noncustodial (alias dompét hak asuh diri) dimana pangguna gaduh konci pribadi sareng 100% ngadalikeun artosna tibatan nyerahkeun ka pihak katilu pikeun "ngamankeun". Conto saderhana tina dompét anu teu di-host nyaéta dompét fisik atanapi dompet anjeun anu henteu dihijikeun ka lembaga keuangan mana waé, nahan artos seueur anu anjeun badé lebetkeun sareng 100% dina kadali anjeun. Anu ngajantenkeun istilah ieu langkung anéh sareng bahaya nyaéta nunjukkeun yén data kauangan pribadi urang kedah "host" dina server batur. Implikasina nyaéta yén hak asuh diri bahaya, curiga sareng salah.

Introducing the term “unhosted wallet” is a subtle but effective attack meant to maintain the role of “trusted third parties” that Bitcoin was created to replace. It makes absolutely no sense for a permissionless and trustless system to require the green light from gatekeepers before it can be accessed.

Der Gigi dikedalkeun gagasan ieu sampurna nalika cenahna, "Diskusi teu kedah ngeunaan 'hosting' di tempat munggaran. Sakuduna ngeunaan kontrol. Saha anu tiasa ngaksés dana anjeun? Saha anu tiasa nga-freeze akun anjeun? Saha juragan, sareng saha budakna? Sapertos 'awan mangrupikeun komputer batur,' 'dompét anu di-host' mangrupikeun dompét batur.

Henteu aya ogé Bitcoin without self-custody, just IOUs from centralized exchanges. This is why “not your keys, not your coins” is more than just a catchphrase, but a reminder to remain financially sovereign.

ti mimiti Bitcoin is censorship resistant and cannot be effectively banned, the choke points that are now being exploited are the on-ramps and off-ramps into and out of the cash system. Given the fact that the average person is likely to acquire bitcoin from a centralized exchange, know your customer rules are then put into play with the intention of attaching a government ID and physical address to a “Bitcoin address.” The end goal being a state where every transaction is tied to an identity that leaves an audit trail for the authorities, through which they can easily conduct financial surveillance and exert control like they already do in the fiat system. Furthermore, your personal data is at risk from data leaks and hackers should the exchange get compromised, as is biasana kasus kalawan database terpusat. Hiji conto panganyarna ngeunaan ieu bakal jadi ngalanggar of the Shanghai Police Department’s database that resulted in the theft of one billion people’s personal data. Your bitcoin and personal safety are at risk should this happen to a centralized exchange where you have a hosted wallet. This is why the use of misnomers such as “unhosted wallet” should be seen for what it is: regulatory capture.

Serangan ieu dialihkeun kana gear dina Oktober 2021, nalika Pasukan Tugas Aksi Keuangan (FATF), dina "Pitunjuk Diropéa pikeun Pendekatan Berbasis Résiko pikeun Aset Virtual sareng Panyadia Jasa Aset Virtual," negeskeun yén transaksi antara dompet unhosted nimbulkeun pencucian duit husus sarta résiko pembiayaan téroris sarta yén, dina kaayaan nu tangtu, sababaraha transaksi antara dompet unhosted digolongkeun dina aturan perjalanan. Dina Maret 2022, régulator di Kanada, Jepang sareng Singapura diamanatkeun éta centralized exchanges should collect personal data, such as names and physical addresses of owners of unhosted wallets that receive or send bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies to the customers of these exchanges. These requirements were implemented in Canada soon after the government had rekening bank beku komo "dompet host" para treuk anu protés ngalawan amanat COVID-19. Aturan anu sami sareng anu dilaksanakeun ku Kanada, Jepang sareng Singapura asup kana pangaruh di Walanda dina 27 Juni 2022.

Teu outdone di overreach statistik ieu, parlemen Éropa ngahontal a perjangjian samentara on tagihan cryptocurrency maranéhna, dubbed "Pasar di Crypto-Assets (MiCA)," anu boga tujuan pikeun ngatur sarta nempatkeun "dompet unhosted" dina panjagaan finansial. Numutkeun hiji pernyataan dikaluarkeun ku parlemen dina a siaran pérs:

"Transfers of crypto-aset bakal disusud tur dicirikeun pikeun nyegah laundering duit, pembiayaan téroris, sarta kejahatan lianna, nyebutkeun panerapan anyar sapuk Rebo. … Aturan ogé bakal nutupan transaksi tina disebut dompét un-hosted (alamat dompét crypto-aset nu aya dina hak asuh pamaké pribadi) nalika aranjeunna berinteraksi sareng dompét hosted dikelola ku CASPs [Crypto Asset Service Providers].

Ernest Urtasun, anggota Parlemén Éropa, masangkeun celebratory thread dina Twitter outlining sababaraha aspék konci tina tagihanana anu "bakal ngeureunkeun kulon liar crypto unregulated." Numutkeun salah sahiji tweets dina thread ieu, peraturan anyar bakal mandat séntral terpusat mun unmask identitas nu boga hiji dompét unhosted saméméh "badag" jumlah crypto dikirim ka aranjeunna - ku badag, aranjeunna hartosna € 1,000 atawa leuwih. Dijero pernyataan saterusna, anjeunna hailed perda anyar salaku keur ubar katuhu pikeun merangan laundering duit jeung ngurangan panipuan.

Ironisna masalah éta sanajan "niat alus" maranéhanana dina narékahan pikeun ngabendung pencucian artos, diperkirakeun 2-5% tina PDB global ($ 1.7 triliun dugi ka $ 4.2 triliun) dikumbah sacara global, biasana ngalangkungan sistem perbankan tradisional. nurutkeun UNODC. Leuwih duit laundered taunan ngaliwatan sistem perbankan ti sakabéh cap pasar ($1 triliun dina waktu ieu publikasi) sadaya cryptocurrencies digabungkeun. Éta parah: Dampak hukum anti pencucian uang (AML) dina pembiayaan kriminal nyaéta 0.05% - hartina penjahat boga 99.95% Laju suksés di laundering duit - sarta waragad minuhan ngaleuwihan nilai nyita dana terlarang saratus kali leuwih. Penjahat nyata meunang pas gratis bari lembaga keuangan sareng rata-rata warga anu taat hukum dihukum. Nurutkeun kana Journal of Kajahatan Financial, hukum AML sagemblengna teu epektip dina stopping aliran gains gering-gotten. Antara 2010 jeung 2014, a paltry 1.1% tina kauntungan kriminal anu nyita di EU, nurutkeun laporan ku Europol. Teu heran hukum AML gaduh geus dubbed ukuran anti kajahatan paling teu epektip mana! Acan, masalah badag sigana unhosted dompét jeung "liar kulon crypto unregulated." Ngobrol ngeunaan prioritas misplaced.


Despite the obvious failures of AML in the traditional financial system, lawmakers and regulators still insist on targeting unhosted wallets with burdensome and impractical regulations. Not only will MiCA stifle innovation within the EU, it’s also going to result in capital flight to more Bitcoin-friendly jurisdictions like El Salvador. One would be forgiven for speculating that laws like MiCA are a slow creep toward the outright ban of self-custody wallets and are forerunners that will pave the way for the introduction of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs): a more Orwellian form of money. The architecture of hosted wallets and that of CBDCs are similar in that they are both centralized, they are subject to financial surveillance, and they are under the control of a third party.

Di dunya dimana pamayaran digital mangrupikeun aturan sareng sanés pengecualian, penting pisan pikeun ngagaduhan sistem pamayaran sareng alat anu cekap desentralisasi sareng efisien pikeun ngajaga panyalindungan privasi. Pentingna gaduh privasi kauangan diringkeskeun sampurna dina Eric Hughes ' "Manifesto Cypherpunk":

“Privacy is necessary for an open society in the electronic age. Privacy is not secrecy. A private matter is something one doesn't want the whole world to know, but a secret matter is something one doesn't want anybody to know. Privacy is the power to selectively reveal oneself to the world … Therefore, privacy in an open society requires anonymous transaction systems. Until now, cash has been the primary such system. An anonymous transaction system is not a secret transaction system. An anonymous system empowers individuals to reveal their identity when desired and only when desired; this is the essence of privacy.”

These words still ring true today. Once your identity is paired to a wallet, your privacy is compromised and it becomes easier to track all your on-chain transactions forever. If you don’t control how much you can have or where you can store it, you don’t own your money. Whoever controls your money controls you. Centralized financial systems — of which hosted wallets are a part — are every authoritarian’s dream and are designed to grant the power of financial omniscience to the state. Bitcoin was designed to empower the individual through the separation of money and state. Self-custody wallets are integral in preserving that.

Ieu tulisan tamu ku Kudzai Kutukwa. Pamadegan dikedalkeun sagemblengna sorangan sarta teu merta ngagambarkeun pamadegan BTC Nyarita atawa Bitcoin Majalah.

sumber aslina: Bitcoin majalah