Bitcoin Treasuries Records Témbongkeun $2.1 Milyar di BTC Dipupus Tina Neraca

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Bitcoin Treasuries Records Témbongkeun $2.1 Milyar di BTC Dipupus Tina Neraca

During the 12 months, public companies, private companies, exchange-traded funds, and even countries have added bitcoin to their balance sheets. As of July 17, 2022, the aforementioned types of entities hold approximately 1,325,396 bitcoins worth $27.84 billion today. However, the number of coins stored in bitcoin treasuries has dropped since June 5, 2021, by approximately 102,045 bitcoins worth $2.1 billion.

Bitcoin Balance Sheet Data Slides From 1.42 million to 1.32 Million

Taun kamari, bitcoin (BTC) saw a significant rise in U.S. dollar value reaching $64K in April and $69K in November. Since the $69K price high, bitcoin has shed close to 70% in value against the U.S. dollar during the past eight months. Year-to-date bitcoin (BTC) turun 33.8% ngalawan dollar AS.

In 2021, numerous headlines discussed the growing list of bitcoin treasuries stemming from the likes of publicly listed and private firms. Companies like Mikrostrategi (NASDAQ: MSTR) ngamimitian tren sareng daptar kalebet perusahaan sapertos Tesla (Nasdaq: TSLA), Block Inc. (NYSE: SQ), sareng Galaxy Digital (TSE: GLXY).

As the months continued last year, bitcoin and a number of other crypto assets tapped all-time price highs, and countries like El Salvador added BTC to their balance sheets. Over a year ago today or 13 months ago, on June 5, approximately 1,427,441 bitcoins were stored by public companies, private companies, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and countries.

Dina waktos éta taun ka tukang, éta 1.42 juta BTC was worth $78,387,515,121 using bitcoin exchange rates on June 5 ($36.3K per unit). Today, there’s a lot less BTC dilaksanakeun dina bitcoin treasuries as the list currently shows 1,325,396 bitcoins are currently owned by firms and countries. Year-to-date metrics on June 5, 2021, indicate that bitcoin (BTCrobah jadi +284.2% ngalawan dollar AS.

Nilai tina stash ayeuna ngan ukur $ 27.84 milyar sareng 102,045 BTC that were sold are currently worth $2.1 billion. Recorded data from the Bitcoin Treasuries list via shows there were 33 publicly-listed companies that held BTC dina neraca tanggal 5 Juni 2021.

Today, there’s 38 public firms that hold bitcoin in their treasuries and they collectively hold 262,695 BTC hargana $ 5.5 milyar. Taun ka tukang aya opat pausahaan swasta anu ngayakeun BTC tur ayeuna aya tujuh.

Taun ka tukang nalika aya opat perusahaan, aranjeunna sacara koléktif ngayakeun 317,383 BTC tapi kiwari, tujuh pausahaan swasta koléktif nyekel 174,381 BTC. Yayasan Tezos ngagaduhan 24,808 BTC dina cadangan tapi kiwari, entitas swasta nahan 17,500 BTC.

Stone Ridge Holdings Grup ngayakeun 10,889 BTC and now holds approximately 10,000 bitcoins. Last year, Ukraine was listed on Bitcoin Treasuries list with 46,351 BTC and that number is still consistent with today’s records. It should be noted that the Bitcoin Treasuries list bisa jadi teu sagemblengna akurat and any ‘who owns the bitcoins’ lists should be taken with a grain of salt.

Anu anyar dina daptar nyaéta 2,380 El Salvador BTC, Finlandia urang 1,981 BTC, sareng pamaréntahan Georgia 66 BTC. Cypherpunk Holdings sakali ngayakeun 360 BTC dumasar kana Bitcoin Treasuries list in June 2021, but today the publicly listed firm nahan nol sanggeus ngajual sakabéh na BTC jeung ETH.

It’s likely that any of the bitcoin sold from the stash recorded on were exchanged for higher prices than today. In fact, from the $36.3K per unit price in June 2021, the BTC could have been sold near the top at $69K. Bitcoins sold after the November price high would still be above today’s USD value.

What do you think about the number of public and private companies, ETFs, and countries that hold bitcoin on their balance sheets in comparison to a year ago? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

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